China: Far East Cotton Mission Report; British Economic and Cotton Missions to China and Japan; Trade with China and Commercial Propaganda in the Far East; Political and Military Situation in China; Yunnan Government's Anti-Kuanghsi Expedition; Civil War in Szechuan and Other Areas; Movement of Troops and Military Aviation in China; Suggested Use of Poison Gas Against Canton; Supply of Arms from Germany to Nanking Government

China: Far East Cotton Mission Report; British Economic and Cotton Missions to China and Japan; Trade with China and Commercial Propaganda in the Far East; Political and Military Situation in China; Yunnan Government's Anti-Kuanghsi Expedition; Civil War in Szechuan and Other Areas; Movement of Troops and Military Aviation in China; Suggested Use of Poison Gas Against Canton; Supply of Arms from Germany to Nanking Government



Published: 2013

Total Pages:
