This book documents and disseminates experiences from a wide range of universities, across the five continents, which showcase how the principles of sustainable development may be incorporated as part of university programmes, and present transformatory projects and programmes, showing how sustainability can be implemented across disciplines. Sustainability in a higher education context is a fast growing field. Thousands of universities across the world have signed declarations or have committed themselves to integrate the principles of sustainable development in their activities: teaching, research and extension, and many more will follow.
Campus leaders describe how community colleges, publicly funded universities, and private liberal arts colleges across America are integrating sustainability into curriculum, policies, and programs. In colleges and universities across the United States, students, faculty, and staff are forging new paths to sustainability. From private liberal arts colleges to major research institutions to community colleges, sustainability concerns are being integrated into curricula, policies, and programs. New divisions, degree programs, and courses of study cross traditional disciplinary boundaries; Sustainability Councils become part of campus governance; and new sustainability issues link to historic social and educational missions. In this book, leaders from twenty-four colleges and universities offer their stories of institutional and personal transformation. These stories document both the power of leadership—whether by college presidents, faculty, staff, or student activists—and the potential for institutions to redefine themselves. Chapters recount, among other things, how inclusive campus governance helped mobilize students at the University of South Carolina; how a course at the Menominee Nation's tribal college linked sustainability and traditional knowledge; how the president of Furman University convinced a conservative campus community to make sustainability a strategic priority; how students at San Diego State University built sustainability into future governance while financing a LEED platinum-certified student center; and how sustainability transformed pedagogy in a lecture class at Penn State. As this book makes clear, there are many paths to sustainability in higher education. These stories offer a snapshot of what has been accomplished and a roadmap to what is possible. Colleges and Universities Covered Arizona State University • Central College, Iowa • College of the Menominee Nation, Wisconsin • Curriculum for the Bio-region Project, Pacific Northwest • Drury University, Missouri • Emory University, Georgia • Florida A&M University • Furman University, South Carolina • Green Mountain College, Vermont • Kap'olani Community College, Honolulu, Hawaii • Pennsylvania State University • San Diego State University • Santa Clara University, California • Slippery Rock State University, Pennsylvania • Spelman College, Georgia • Unity College, Maine • University of Hawaii–Manoa • University of Michigan • University of South Carolina • University of South Florida • University of Wisconsin–Oshkosh • Warren Wilson College, North Carolina • Yale University
Durante las tres últimas décadas el profesional docente ha estado expuesto a una presión social ante la demanda de soluciones a cuestiones muy diversas y complejas, tales como la convivencia en sociedades marcadas por la diversidad, la mejora de la calidad educativa que contribuya al desarrollo de la competitividad y de las capacidades de anticipación ante los nuevos retos y desafíos en las nuevas generaciones para adaptarse a los cambios que esta sociedad globalizada está imponiendo en cada momento. Por ello, nos podemos encontrar ante una disonancia entre lo que se espera del profesor y lo que este puede ofrecer, ya que las demandas pueden superar los recursos de los docentes y ocasionar imposibilidad de dar respuesta. Por ello, la docencia se ha convertido en una profesión estresante por su naturaleza: el estrés es una preocupante amenaza para todo docente y constituye un riesgo serio, no solo para el bienestar del profesorado, sino también por sus efectos en la educación de los niños y jóvenes que van al colegio o instituto. En esta obra la comunidad científica invita a seguir desarrollando nuevos trabajos de investigación que ayuden a identificar las variables implicadas en la génesis y en el desarrollo del síndrome de burnout en los docentes. Así, en el libro se aborda el marco conceptual de los diversos constructos que intervienen en este síndrome, y la evaluación y medidas del burnout y sus fases progresivas. También se desarrolla la prevalencia y la sintomatología asociada, así como los factores implicados en las causas y mantenimiento del síndrome de burnout y los diversos modelos explicativos, y se hace hincapié en la relación de este síndrome con variables de salud.