A process writing text with a two-part organization. Part I explains the writing process in English, with two integrated composition topics that allow students to apply immediately what they are learning. Part II offers 15 composition topics, in Spanish, that can be covered in any order. The composition chapters include pre-writing activities.
Este libro tiene los siguientes contenidos: Un examen preliminar del GED con preguntas y respuestas y dos exámenes completos de practica el GED. Para lecciones completas en las cinco asignaturas incluidas en el examen del GED, vaya a www.spanishGED.org.
Este libro de práctica para el examen de matemáticas de GED tiene un examen preliminar del GED con preguntas y respuestas y dos exámenes completos de práctica del GED.
This book, written in Spanish, is a text on composition or creative writing using a word processor. The book aids students to develop writing abilities through grammar study and in-class peer critique sessions. Included are strategies on how to get started; how to handle introductory paragraphs; how to make good transitions; how to employ a rich lexicon; how to practice thinking in patterns of association, comparison and contrast, process, classification, argument and persuasion; and how to practice extensively.
"GED Practice Exams / Examene de Practica" is a bilingual (English / Spanish) test prep book, containing sample GED exams, produced in hardcopy format for those who expect to take the exam in Spanish or who prefer to study in Spanish and take the exam in English. It is a good tool for both determining which subjects the student needs to study, and for general preparation before taking the test.
The central issue of this volume is how to meet the linguistic and academic needs of the increasing numbers of English learners (ELs). At the center of educational turns is the role of school professionals in this Common Core Standards era. Teacher education programs and professional development, or pre-service and in-service programs for teachers of ELs, are currently being reframed to reflect the new demands placed on all teachers in light of the new standards. The expectation is that ELs can learn, and their teachers possess the expertise to teach, both discipline content and academic English at the same time. The large numbers of ELs across the country have created a wide gap between what teachers have been trained to do and the skills they need to teach and reach them effectively. This practical handbook brings together research, policy and practice on teacher effectiveness, pre-service and in-service programs in the context of student linguistic and cultural diversity. Key features include: • Clearly articulated teacher training and professional development programs; • Coverage of Common Core curriculum and a variety of instructional programs and practices with research-based tools to implement them; and, • Policies to equitably and effectively prepare ELs academically and linguistically.
¿Tienes claros los conceptos de patrimonio y de familia? ¿Estás preparado para diseñar un plan estratégico que preserve e, incluso, aumente el patrimonio al mismo tiempo que cimientas las bases de una estructura y que mantenga unida a tu familia durante las próximas generaciones? Si tus respuestas son no, entonces este es el libro que te sacará de dudas. La decisión de una estirpe de poner en común recursos y alinear objetivos vitales supone un reto que va más allá de la aplicación del recetario clásico de la gestión de inversiones. Se debe reflexionar sobre estos objetivos tanto a nivel individual como familiar, puesto que así se conseguirá alinear los recursos y la energía de la familia en una dirección acorde con las metas comunes. Además, la reflexión definirá de manera explícita un sistema de valores imprescindibles para la gestión del patrimonio familiar. Para ello, habrá que recurrir a la intrahistoria de cada grupo familiar: sus antecedentes, el origen de su patrimonio, el destino o misión del mismo, los intangibles reputacionales que hay que defender, la visión particular sobre la ética, etc. Esta dimensión subjetiva y particular es, precisamente, una de las características que distinguen la gestión de patrimonios familiares frente a otras actividades de gestión fiduciaria y hace que sea un proceso dinámico que tiene que evolucionar con cada generación para evitar la tendencia natural de la separación.