The Academy is a prestigious international institution for the study and teaching of Public and Private International Law and related subjects. This work of the Hague Academy aims to encourage an impartial examination of the problems arising from international relations in the field of law.
Cet ouvrage s'attache à revisiter la question de l'émancipation dans ses différentes déclinaisons sociale, économique, juridique, politique voire géopolitique. Toutes les tentatives libératoires sont ici évoquées, car elles soulèvent une série d'interrogations particulièrement pertinentes du coté de la Caraïbe. Dans quel contexte historique et politico-économique les premières expériences d'émancipation(s) ont-elles été amorcées ? Quels ont été les pesanteurs et les handicaps ayant pu entraver leur concrétisation ?
This work analyzes the management of shared fish stocks; protection of the underwater cultural heritage; the possibilities of establishing marine protected areas and other means for safeguarding vulnerable marine ecosystems; the use of the high seas for intelligence as well as recent developments on interdiction of vessels on the high seas. Special emphasis is paid to the role of international courts and tribunals in the progressive development of the law of the sea as well as the ability of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea to accommodate new uses and challenges, such as new concerns, new technological possibilities, in particular, new contexts and functions of established rules. The 1982 Convention seems capable of coping with most of them, although it remains useful to explore its possibilities and limits. This work, covering many aspects, will be useful to anyone interested in the law of the sea.
This book, in its effort to formulate compatibility between Islamic law and the principles of international diplomatic law, argues that the need to harmonize the two legal systems and have a thorough cross-cultural understanding amongst nations generally with a view to enhancing unfettered diplomatic cooperation should be of paramount priority.
This text provides background information for practitioners wishing to find out about the workings of the Court of Justice of the European Communities. This edition has been updated to reflect recent changes, including the impact on the Court of the Maastricht Treaty and the EEA agreement. The Court of First Instance is now fully operational, with its own rules on procedure, and there is a growing body of case law. The book also deals with amendments to the rules of procedure of the Court of Justice, and developments in case law, including Zwartfeld, Francovich and a number of others.