Reactivity Initiated Accident Test Series Test RIA 1-2 Experiment Operating Specification

Reactivity Initiated Accident Test Series Test RIA 1-2 Experiment Operating Specification



Published: 1978

Total Pages:



This document describes the experiment operating specifications for the Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) Test RIA 1-2 to be conducted in the Power Burst Facility (PBF) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. The RIA Series I research objectives are to determine fuel failure thresholds, modes and consequences as functions of enthalpy insertion, irradiation history, and fuel design. Coolant conditions of pressure, temperature, and flow rate that are typical of hot-startup conditions in commercial boiling water reactors {BWRs) will be used. The second test in Series I, Test RIA 1-2, will be comprised of four individual rods, each surrounded by a separate flow shroud. The four rods will be preirradiated. The specific objectives of the test are to: (1) characterize the response of preirradiated fuel rods during a RIA event conducted at BWR hot-startup conditions and (2) evaluate the effect of internal rod pressure on preirradiated fuel rod transient response. The test sequence will begin with steady state power operation to condition the fuel (pellet cracking and relocation) and determine the fuel rod power calibration. The loop will then be cooled down, the test train removed from the in-pile tube, and the cobalt flux wires that are mounted on each flow shroud will be replaced. The transient fuel rod energy deposition for the Test RIA 1-2 rods will be chosen from the fuel rod response vs. energy deposition observed in the first three phases of the RIA Scoping Test and the first test of Series J, Test RIA 1-1. The design of the test fuel rods, test assembly, and instrumentation associated with Test RIA 1-2 are described. The planned experiment conduct for the test is described. The data recording and reduction requirements are provided. The posttest operations support and the postirradiation examination requirements associated with Test RIA 1-2 are described.

Reactivity Initiated Accident Test Series Test RIA 1-1 Experiment Operating Specification

Reactivity Initiated Accident Test Series Test RIA 1-1 Experiment Operating Specification



Published: 1978

Total Pages:



This document describes the experiment operating specifications for the Reactivity Initiated Accident (RIA) Test RIA 1-1 to be conducted in the Power Burst Facility (PBF) at the Idaho National Engineering Laboratory. The RIA Series I research objectives are to determine fuel failure thresholds, modes and consequences as functions of enthalpy insertion, irradiation history, and fuel design. Coolant conditions of pressure, temperature, and flow rate that are typical of hot-startup conditions in commercial boiling water reactors (BWRs) will be used. The first test in Series I, Test RIA 1-1, will be comprised of four individual rods, each surrounded by a separate flow shroud. Two rods will be preirradiated and two rods will be unirradiated. The specific objectives of the test are to: (1) characterize the response of unirradiated and preirradiated fuel rods during a RIA event conducted at BWR hot-startup conditions and (2) evaluate test instrumentation response during an RIA. The test sequence will begin with steady state power operation to condition the fuel (pellet cracking and relocation) and determine the fuel rod power calibration. The loop will then be cooled down, the test train removed from the in-pile tube, and one of the unirradiated rods will be removed for fission product analysis and replaced with an identical unirradiated rod. The transient fuel rod energy deposition for Test RIA 1-1 will be chosen from the fuel rod response vs. energy deposition data observed in the first three phases of the RIA Scoping Test. It is anticipated that a fuel pellet surface energy deposition of about 1100 J/g will be required to ensure cladding failure of all four rods. The design of the test fuel rods, test assembly, and instrumentation associated with Test RIA 1-1 are described. The experiment conduct for the test is described. The data recording and reduction requirements are provided. The posttest support and the postirradiation examination requirements associated with Test RIA 1-1 are described.