grammakademyalogy paradoxalogy gyalogy grammakademy vuotalogy metalogy katalogy ontalogy storyalogy 1 - BANDO D.D. 1532/2016 SETTORE CONCORSUALE 11/C1 FILOSOFIA TEORETICA CANDIDATO: PLESCIA Giacinto - FASCIA: I GIUDIZIO COLLEGIALE: GIUDIZIO: Il candidato Giacinto Plescia ha raggiunto gli indicatori 11/C1 (Filosofia Teoretica)". GIUDIZI INDIVIDUALI:: Il candidato Giacinto Plescia raggiunge, dichiarato senz'altro idoneo e quindi abilitabile. ROBERTA LANFREDINI: Il candidato Giacinto Plescia ha raggiunto gli indicatori previsti per il settore concorsuale 11/C1 (Filosofia Teoretica) pertanto viene dichiarato abilitato in virtù
This reference is an ABC on food irradiation on the one hand and an encyclopedia of food irradiation on the other. The authors have painstakingly compiled all terminologies related to this technology and have listed items ranging from Aeromanos to Yersinia for microbiological aspects; from Apple to Poultry to Wheat which can benefit from irradiation; vitamins in food which may be affected by irradiation; regulatory aspects including various methods of detection of irradiated food; consumer acceptance and commercial applications to date, etc. -Paisan Loaharanu, Head, Food Preservation Section, Joint FAO/IAEA Division of Nuclear Techniques in Food and Agriculture, Vienna
Green Obsession traces the long path that architect Stefano Boeri and his studio - Stefano Boeri Architetti - have followed in the last fifteen years of practice, aiming at the redefinition of the relationship between city and nature. The book follows a discursive thread, alternating dialogues and scientific essays by some of the main protagonists who have contributed to widening the perspective on this subject, helping to raise awareness while protecting the world and its biodiversity. Cities have contributed for centuries to the promotion of some of humanity’s greatest ideas, we must now urgently include them as among the principal players in the environmental debate and at the forefront of any policy tackling and countering – possibly reversing - climate change. Nevertheless, even today one of the most significant technologies capable of absorbing CO2 and restoring our environment is photosynthesis. Planting trees, in addition to protecting existing natural areas and biodiversity, together with de-carbonization, renewable energies, digitalization, smart mobility and the circular economy could be the set of strategies necessary to tackle climate change. Today the effects of the Anthropocene age are ever more visible, changing our environment and affecting every species that lives within it. Green Obsession offers a path to be taken, a hard but still necessary paradigm shift – even for architecture and urbanism – that aims to give a voice to this much needed ecological transition. This book aims to unveil the processes and the complexity involved in the search for a new kind of urbanism, while raising questions and opening old wounds related to the relationship between the human species and Nature and finally putting these fragments together to create a portrait of our era. We need to conceive cities as new green catalysts. Now more than ever, it is essential to act together as separate individuals and professionals, joining the cause as members of the global community with a shared environmental strategy. We all have to open the era of a new alliance between Nature and City. With Contributions from Emanuele Coccia, Jane Goodall, Paul Hawken, Cecil Konijnendijk, David Miller, Harini Nagendra, Giuseppe Sala and Giorgio Vacchiano."
"Written by four experts actively researching alternatives to conventional thermal methods in food preservation. Presents information on traditional and emerging nonthermal food processing technologies in a convenient, single-source volume--offering an incisive view of the latest experimental results, state-of-the-art applications, and new developments in food preservation technology. Furnishes a thorough review of nonthermal techniques such as high hydrostatic pressure, pulsed electric fields, oscillating magnetic fields, light pulses, ionizing irradiation, the use of chemicals and bacteriocins as preservation aids, and combined methods/hurdle technology."
Food safety is a constant challenge for the food industry, and food irradiation technology has developed significantly since its introduction, moving from isotope irradiation to the use of electron beam technology. Electron Beam Pasteurization and Complementary Food Processing Technologies explores the application of electron beam pasteurization in conjunction with other food processing technologies to improve the safety and quality of food. Part one provides an overview of the issues surrounding electron beam pasteurization in food processing. Part two looks at different thermal and non-thermal food processing technologies that complement irradiation. Finally, a case study section on the commercial applications of e-beam processing provides examples from industry.
Food and nutrients are the original medicine and the shoulders on which modern medicine stands. But in recent decades, food and medicine have taken divergent paths and the natural healing properties of food have been diminished in the wake of modern technical progress. With contributions from highly regarded experts who work on the frontlines of disease management, the bestselling first edition of Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients, Food and Nutrients in Disease Management effectively brought food back into the clinical arena, helping physicians put food and nutrients back on the prescription pad. Board-certified in General Preventive Medicine, Ingrid Kohlstadt, MD, MPH has been elected a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition and a Fellow of the American College of Preventive Medicine. Guided by Dr. Kohlstadt, this authoritative reference equips clinicians with the information they need to fully utilize nutritional medicine in their practice. New in the Second Edition Toxic exposures such as molds, microbial infections, xenoestrogens, heavy metals, and inert nanoparticles Food safety issues: precautions for patients with preexisting medical conditions, adequate labeling of food allergens such as gluten, potential adverse effects of artificial sweeteners, consequences of applying ionizing radiation to food, food-borne mycotoxins, critical food restrictions following bariatric surgery, precautions for preparing food in the home Consumer advocacy issues on navigating claims of medical foods and dietary supplements Physical forces on nutritional needs, such as ultraviolet light initiating vitamin D synthesis, non-ionizing radiation’s effects on brain glucose metabolism and excess body fat’s effects on inflammation and hydration Preventive medicine and how to preserve resiliency at the individual and public health levels Written by doctors for doctors, Advancing Medicine with Food and Nutrients, Second Edition reunites food and medicine. Buttressed with new evidence, leading physicians on the frontlines of disease management apply the latest scientific advances to the clinical practice of medicine. Each chapter offers adjuncts to standard care, fewer side effects, improved risk reduction, or added quality of life. An article by Ingrid Kohlstadt on education and nutrition appeared in TIME Magazine online on November 12, 2014.
With the advent of the age of industrialization came a move away from proper dieting and food preparation, to an explosion of processes to make food easier and quicker to prepare and eat. Although the food that comes from the earth is natural, it is poisoned in other ways and through various processes. Additives, chemicals, irradiation, pesticides, pollution, and residue from solvents and various parasites are all poisonous. This book addresses the need to keep up with and versed in the new means and methods "food" is being dumped into the human food chain. Healthy alternatives for obsolete products, updated information for altered products and comprehensive information regarding modern poisons have been furnished in this book for the reader's safety.