About the Book: This book has therefore subdivided the realm of medical instruments into the same sections like a text on physiology and introduces the basic early day methods well, before dealing with the details of present day instruments currently in
Food Safety is an increasingly important issue. Numerous foodcrises have occurred internationally in recent years (the use ofthe dye Sudan Red I; the presence of acrylamide in various friedand baked foods; mislabelled or unlabelled genetically modifiedfoods; and the outbreak of variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease)originating in both primary agricultural production and in the foodmanufacturing industries. Public concern at these and other eventshas led government agencies to implement a variety of legislativeactions covering many aspects of the food chain. This book presents and compares the HACCP and ISO 22000:2005food safety management systems. These systems were introduced toimprove and build upon existing systems in an attempt to addressthe kinds of failures which can lead to food crises. Numerouspractical examples illustrating the application of ISO 22000 to themanufacture of food products of animal origin are presented in thisextensively-referenced volume. After an opening chapter whichintroduces ISO 22000 and compares it with the well-establishedHACCP food safety management system, a summary of internationallegislation relating to safety in foods of animal origin ispresented. The main part of the book is divided into chapters whichare devoted to the principle groups of animal-derived foodproducts: dairy, meat, poultry, eggs and seafood. Chapters are alsoincluded on catering and likely future directions. The book is aimed at food industry managers and consultants;government officials responsible for food safety monitoring;researchers and advanced students interested in food safety.
The volume of studies on prosimian primates has, until recently, tended to lag well behind that of studies on the higher primates. This is so despite the fact that the considerable intrinsic interest of the living prosimians and the signifi cance of their stuQ,y for our understanding of the earlier stages of primate evolution have long been acknowledged by zoologists, paleontologists, and anthropologists alike. Among the prosimians, the Malagasy lemurs are of profound interest not only because they include the only extant diurnal forms, but also because it is only on Madagascar that the absence of competition with higher primates has allowed a surviving prosimian fauna to radiate, es sentially unrestricted, into a broad spectrum of ecological zones. In contrast, the few extant prosimians of Africa and Asia occupy a relatively narrow range of "refuge" niches; although of considerable interest in themselves, they do not show the richness and variety of adaptation which make the Malagasy prosimian fauna such a fascinating object of study. Over the past few years, however, there has been a considerable resur gence of interest in the prosimians in general, and in the lemurs in particular. The range of studies resulting from this rekindling of interest is wide, compre hending the systematics, evolution, anatomy, behavior, and ecology of these forms. This volume constitutes a progress report on our knowledge of the le murs.
Marijuana is the prototypical cannabinoid, and is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Interestingly, cannabinoids are molecules found naturally in the human body and brain as well as in cannabis. This book provides an extensive reference on the biology of marijuana and the role of molecular techniques in elucidating neuropharmacological aspects of cannabinoid receptors and the endogenous compounds that act upon them. Contributions from experts from around the world describe the interaction of cannabinoids and endocannabinoids on a wide range of biological functions including movement, memory and learning, pain, emotions, endocrine functions and many more. The Biology of Marijuana: From Gene to Behavior will be of interest to all scientists and clinicians interested in the biological effects and pharmacology of this drug.
As the complexity of the food supply system increases, the focus on processes used to convert raw food materials and ingredients into consumer food products becomes more important. The Handbook of Food Engineering, Third Edition, continues to provide students and food engineering professionals with the latest information needed to improve the efficiency of the food supply system. As with the previous editions, this book contains the latest information on the thermophysical properties of foods and kinetic constants needed to estimate changes in key components of foods during manufacturing and distribution. Illustrations are used to demonstrate the applications of the information to process design. Researchers should be able to use the information to pursue new directions in process development and design, and to identify future directions for research on the physical properties of foods and kinetics of changes in the food throughout the supply system. Features Covers basic concepts of transport and storage of liquids and solids, heating and cooling of foods, and food ingredients New chapter covers nanoscale science in food systems Includes chapters on mass transfer in foods and membrane processes for liquid concentration and other applications Discusses specific unit operations on freezing, concentration, dehydration, thermal processing, and extrusion The first four chapters of the Third Edition focus primarily on the properties of foods and food ingredients with a new chapter on nanoscale applications in foods. Each of the eleven chapters that follow has a focus on one of the more traditional unit operations used throughout the food supply system. Major revisions and/or updates have been incorporated into chapters on heating and cooling processes, membrane processes, extrusion processes, and cleaning operations.
This 3rd Edition has been thoroughly revised and updated taking into account technological innovations and introduction of new and improved methods of medical diagnosis and treatment. Capturing recent developments and discussing new topics, the 3rd Edition includes a separate chapter on 'Telemedicine Technology', which shows how information and communication technologies have made significant contribution in better diagnosis and treatment of patients and management of health facilities. Alongside, there is coverage of new implantable devices as increasingly such devices are being preferred for treatment, particularly in neurological stimulation for pain management, epilepsy, bladder control, etc. The 3rd Edition also appropriately addresses 'Point of Care' equipment: as some technologies become easier to use and less expensive and equipment becomes more transportable, even complex technologies can diffuse out of hospitals and institutional settings into outpatient facilities and patient's homes. With expanded coverage, this exhaustive and comprehensive handbook would be useful forbiomedical physicists and engineers, students, doctors, physiotherapists, and manufacturers ofmedical instruments. Salient features: All chapters updated to address the current state of technology Separate chapter on 'Telemedicine Technology' Coverage of new implantable devices Discussion on 'Point of Care' equipment Distinctive visual impact of graphs and photographs of latest commercial equipment Updated list of references includes latest research material in the area Discussion on applications of developments in the following fields in biomedical equipment: micro-electronics micro-electromechanical systems advanced signal processing wireless communication new energy sources for portable and implantable devices Coverage of new topics, including: gamma knife cyber knife multislice CT scanner new sensors digital radiography PET scanner laser lithotripter peritoneal dialysis machine Describing the physiological basis and engineering principles of electro-medical equipment, Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation also includes information on the principles of operation and the performance parameters of a wide range of instruments. Broadly, this comprehensive handbook covers: recording and monitoring instruments measurement and analysis techniques modern imaging systems therapeutic equipment
This book describes conceptually new techniques in quantitative telethermometry based on monitoring the rapid changes in skin temperature in time with a fast, computerized infrared camera. Quantitative Dynamic Telethermometry in Medical Diagnosis and Management cites many hundreds of clinical research papers that demonstrate the wide range of potential applications for this technique. It also provides a critical review of the conceptual differences between the classical static qualitative and this novel dynamic quantitative methodology. Dynamic area telethermometry is being recognized now as a major medical tool for the twenty-first century.
Authored by two leading researchers in the athletic training field, the Second Edition of Therapeutic Modalities: The Art and Science provides the knowledge needed to evaluate and select the most appropriate modalities to treat injuries. The authors use an informal, student-friendly writing style to hold students' interest and help them grasp difficult concepts. The unique approach of the text teaches aspiring clinicians both the how and the why of therapeutic modality use, training them to be decision-making professionals rather than simply technicians. The Second Edition is revised and expanded to include the latest research in therapeutic modalities. New material has been added on evidence-based practice, and other areas, such as pain treatment, are significantly expanded. It retains the successful format of providing the necessary background information on the modalities, followed by the authors' "5-Step Application Procedure." New photos, illustrations, and case studies have also been added.