Lists citations with abstracts for aerospace related reports obtained from world wide sources and announces documents that have recently been entered into the NASA Scientific and Technical Information Database.
Solar Energy Index is an index of resources dealing with solar energy, including archival materials from the International Solar Energy Society collection; references to articles in major solar journals; patents and pamphlets; National Technical Information Service reports; unbound conference proceedings; and other assorted reports. Both theoretical and ""how-to-do-it"" publications are well represented. This book places particular emphasis on terrestrial solar thermal and photovoltaic applications of solar energy. Subjects are classified according to physics, terrestrial wind, collectors, space heating and cooling, economics, materials, distillation, thermal-electric power systems, photoelectricity, solar furnaces, cooking, biological applications, water heaters, photochemistry, energy storage, mechanical devices, evaporation, sea power, space flight applications, and industrial applications. Topics covered range from wind energy and bioconversion to ocean thermal energy conversion, heliohydroelectric power plants, solar cells, turbine generation systems, thermionic converters, batteries and fuel cells, and pumps and engines. This monograph will be of interest to government officials and policymakers concerned with solar energy.
Energy experts predict that wholesale electricity prices could easily rise 35 to 65 percent by 2015. Add to this the growing need for energy independence and the need to reduce carbon emissions and it is very clear that the development of low-cost renewable energy, such as solar energy, is essential for our economy and our national security. With t