Production and Preservation of Organic and Fire-derived Carbon Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

Production and Preservation of Organic and Fire-derived Carbon Across the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum

Author: Elizabeth Denis


Published: 2016

Total Pages:



The storage and release of organic carbon from the biosphere are influenced by temperature and precipitation through changes in plant productivity and in oxidative loss, such as fire and microbial respiration. The long-term fate of soil organic carbon during global warming is important because soil carbon is the largest terrestrial organic carbon reservoir and soil can serve as a sink or a source for atmospheric CO2. Soil carbon degradation is multifaceted as different pools of organic carbon in soils (e.g., fresh biomass, refractory soil organic matter, and thermally mature fossil organic matter) have different reactivity. Fire, an important component of ecosystems at a range of spatial and temporal scales, affects vegetation distribution, the carbon cycle, and climate. Because there are several variables and mechanisms are complex, it is difficult to predict future and infer past changes in both soil degradation and fire activity based on climate and environmental conditions. Examining changes in soil organic carbon, climate, and fire during past warming events, such as the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM), should help elucidate climate-carbon cycle relationships, especially effects that are expressed over long durations (e.g., 100 10,000 years).Abrupt global warming during the PETM dramatically altered vegetation and hydrologic patterns, and, likely, terrestrial organic carbon production and preservation. The PETM coincided with a negative carbon isotope excursion (CIE), signifying a large release of 13C-depleted carbon to the biosphere and a major perturbation to the carbon cycle. Bulk organic carbon isotopes (13Corg) are often used to identify the CIE, but in terrestrial sections the 13Corg CIE can be highly variable and distorted. It has been suggested that 13Corg values were highly variable because of soil carbon degradation by microbes and allochthonous (pre-PETM) fossil carbon inputs. Constraining the degree and extent of degradation is critical in identifying the 13C-depleted carbon source and understanding carbon cycling processes and possible underlying organic carbon destabilization mechanisms during the PETM. At three Paleocene-Eocene fluvial sites in the western USA, my co-authors and I test the hypothesis that there were increased degradation (soil carbon loss) and refractory (allochthonous) carbon inputs during the PETM. Clay minerals stabilize organic carbon, but we hypothesize decreased clay content and changes in mineralogy destabilized organic carbon during the PETM. If soil moisture was a control on soil organic carbon degradation, then sites with similar soil moistirue conditions would have a similar loss of organic carbon. Using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), combustion byproducts that are relatively resistant to degradation, as a proxy for intermediate refractory carbon helped to discern the relative preservation of different carbon pools in the soils. I developed a novel molecular metric of degradation by calculating the percent loss of PAHs relative to total organic carbon (TOC) to estimate the extent of organic carbon loss and proportion of refractory allochthonous carbon during the PETM. All forms of soil carbon decreased during the PETM, and PAH concentrations decreased even more than TOC, which suggests a more refractory phase was present, such as allochthonous fossil carbon. Positive correlations between elemental oxide weight percents (e.g., Al2O3 and TiO2) and TOC suggests organic carbon preservation was associated with clay minerals. Wetter sites had a greater percent loss of organic carbon during the PETM than drier sites. Reduced soil organic matter preservation during the PETM was due to a combination of increased temperatures (which increased microbial decomposition rates), decreased clay content and changes in mineralogy (which inhibited stability of fresh carbon), and fluctuations in soil moisture (which destabilized older, refractory carbon). Soil carbon degradation, even of intermediately refractory carbon, was not just a local phenomenon and was regional, and potentially global, in scope.In the marine sediments of the Arctic, where organic carbon was well-preserved during the PETM, we used PAHs as an indicator for fire and plant biomarkers, as well as published pollen data, to decipher the dynamics between fire, precipitation, and vegetation changes in the paleoecosystem. In modern ecosystems, climate influences fuel availability (e.g., vegetation), fuel flammability (e.g., precipitation and temperature), and ignitions (i.e., lightning). In the paleorecord, authors often invoke drier conditions as a cause of increased fire occurrence. During the PETM, Arctic sediments exhibit higher PAH concentrations, and they both increased relative to plant input and tracked the increase in angiosperms (inferred from plant biomarker ratios and pollen). Our results suggest wetter conditions, followed by increased temperature, favored angiosperms and enhanced fire occurrence. Like modern fire dynamics, shifts in past fire patterns reflect a balance of variability in precipitation and sufficiently flammable vegetation. Increased fire in a wetter Arctic suggests PETM precipitation was seasonal, or variable on a longer timescale, and that hotter temperatures and angiosperm-dominated forests further facilitated burning.Overall, we used PAHs as a primary signal of production (i.e., fire occurrence) in marine sediments and as a secondary signal of preservation (e.g., organic carbon degradation) in ancient soils. Our results highlight that terrestrial organic carbon was better preserved in the marine section than the fluvial sections. Increased temperatures, decreased clay content, changes in mineralogy, and variations in soil moisture destabilized carbon on millennial timescales and, with sustained higher temperatures across the PETM (~150 thousand years), increased soil carbon degradation persisted for tens of thousands of years. As temperatures warmed and remained warmer than the Paleocene, soils served as a sustained source of CO2 to the atmosphere rather than a sink. Although CO2 released from microbial respiration enhanced the greenhouse warming, increased organic carbon preservation in the marine realm may have counteracted the increased carbon output from soils.

The Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Hanna Basin, WY

The Paleocene Eocene Thermal Maximum in the Hanna Basin, WY

Author: Caroline Pew


Published: 2013

Total Pages: 95



The P-E boundary, approximately 56 Ma, coincides with a global climatic event, the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). The PETM is believed to have resulted from a 2-8 fold increase in atmospheric pCO2 in less than 10,000 years, which resulted in increased temperatures of 5-8°C globally. The PETM is an event of great interest as it is believed to be the best ancient analogue for modern climate change. This study aims to more precisely pinpoint the stratigraphic location of the PETM in the Hanna Formation in the Hanna Basin, WY. Previous studies have identified the late Paleocene at 2350 meters above the base of the section and the early Eocene as 2800 meters above the base of the section. In order to accomplish this, organic carbon isotopes from carbonaceous shales and coal deposits were measured in order to establish the presence of the characteristic CIE associated with the PETM and the P-E. Palynological samples were also extracted from carbonaceous shales and coals in order to determine the presence of the index pollen, which were used as biostratigraphic markers to determine the exact placement of the P-E boundary within the section. Additionally, pollen abundance and occurrence were determined throughout the section in order to see if the palynological record suggests paleoecological changes associated with warming at the PETM. Results show an approximately -2 / shift in organic carbon isotopic signature between approximately 2600-2650 meters above the base of the Hanna Formation. Platycarya platycaryoides pollen first occurs just down section of the observed CIE in organic carbon, first appearing at 2540 meters above the base of the section. The first occurrence of Platycarya platycaryoides near the observed carbon isotope excursion suggests that the onset of the PETM and the P-E boundary in the Hanna Basin are located between 2540 and 2650 meters. Thus, this study succeeded in more precisely locating the PETM with in the Hanna Formation. Moreover, this study shows that the Hanna Basin records the PETM event over a greater thickness of section with higher stratigraphic resolution than adjacent basins with a disjunct first occurrence of P-E indicator palynomorphs and the characteristic negative carbon isotope excursion of the PETM. Thus the Hanna Basin reveals greater biogeochemical complexity than other adjacent basins and suggests that either local factors such as old heavy carbon erosion, early floral immigration or changing environmental circumstances complicated the local record, or that greater stratigraphic resolution indicates that biotic change and carbon cycle shifts were not coincident. If the latter, then rapid climatic warming may have post-dated major biological perturbations, which has implications for modern global warming.

The Vegetation of Antarctica through Geological Time

The Vegetation of Antarctica through Geological Time

Author: David J. Cantrill

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2012-11-22

Total Pages: 489

ISBN-13: 113956028X


The fossil history of plant life in Antarctica is central to our understanding of the evolution of vegetation through geological time and also plays a key role in reconstructing past configurations of the continents and associated climatic conditions. This book provides the only detailed overview of the development of Antarctic vegetation from the Devonian period to the present day, presenting Earth scientists with valuable insights into the break up of the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana. Details of specific floras and ecosystems are provided within the context of changing geological, geographical and environmental conditions, alongside comparisons with contemporaneous and modern ecosystems. The authors demonstrate how palaeobotany contributes to our understanding of the paleoenvironmental changes in the southern hemisphere during this period of Earth history. The book is a complete and up-to-date reference for researchers and students in Antarctic paleobotany and terrestrial paleoecology.

The Role of Petrogenic Carbon in Cenozoic Climate Events

The Role of Petrogenic Carbon in Cenozoic Climate Events

Author: Shelby Lyons


Published: 2020

Total Pages:



Ancient, sedimentary carbon, known as petrogenic carbon, has the potential to dramatically influence Earth's global carbon cycle. While petrogenic carbon is preserved on geologic timescales, weathering and transport processes can remobilize and oxidize it within the Earth's ocean-atmosphere system, ultimately leaking carbon from Earth's crust to its actively cycled surface pools. The release of petrogenic carbon to Earth's exogenic system serves as both a driver for and a response to climate change. As a climate driver, CO2 released from petrogenic carbon oxidation can cause warming, while petrogenic carbon burning can drive soot into Earth's upper atmosphere and cause anti-greenhouse effects and cooling. As a climate response, the rates of erosion and oxidation of petrogenic carbon are enhanced by climate warming and associated intensification of the water cycle. Predictions for Earth's future are informed by our understanding of the drivers, responses, and feedbacks to climate change in Earth's past. Unfortunately, little is known about geosphere-to-biosphere reduced carbon fluxes in Earth's history. Although petrogenic carbon may have responded to or driven climatic change in Earth's past, it is difficult to distinguish and quantitatively assess petrogenic carbon release from ancient sedimentary records. Thus, studies of climatic events in Earth's history document many carbon cycle responses to climatic and environmental perturbations, but typically do not include the role of petrogenic carbon. Here, I present methods to identify and determine the effects of petrogenic carbon release on Earth's past climate system and carbon cycle. The Paleocene, an epoch lasting from 66 to 56 million years ago, was bracketed by two climatic perturbations: the Cretaceous-Paleogene (K-Pg) boundary impact and the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM). Here, I determine whether petrogenic carbon release was a contributing driver for the K-Pg mass extinction and whether it was a response to the PETM hyperthermal. The PETM hyperthermal (~56 Ma) serves as the best-known ancient analogue for anthropogenic climate change due to the amount and rate of CO2 released. Using hopanoid thermal maturity assessments of sediments from the Mid-Atlantic and Tanzania, I determined petrogenic carbon delivery to coastal sediments increased 15 to 50 times during the PETM and lagged the initiation of PETM warming on the order of 104 years. The associated oxidation of petrogenic carbon released between 102 to 104 PgC of CO2 to Earth's oceans and atmospheres over 104 to 105 years. I suggest the oxidation of petrogenic carbon extended the PETM duration for many thousands of years. While intensified erosion can remobilize petrogenic carbon and drive CO2 release to the atmosphere, it can also drive biosphere carbon burial, which draws down atmospheric CO2. I further assess the coevolution of biosphere and petrogenic carbon burial in response to the PETM hyperthermal using coastal n-alkane records from the US Atlantic coastal plain. I demonstrate enhanced burial of terrigenous biosphere carbon commenced ~4--15 kyr into the event and maintained the region's effectiveness as a CO2 sink. Petrogenic carbon remobilization and oxidation to CO2 lagged the PETM onset by ~21--83 kyr. Organic matter transport in the Mid-Atlantic transformed from a CO2 drawdown to a CO2 release mechanism. The petrogenic carbon was likely released from the Appalachian region and oxidized during transport in response to warmer, higher-CO2 climates. If this also took place globally, then CO2 released from petrogenic carbon oxidation had the ability to transform fluvial organic matter transport processes in coastal regions from CO2 sinks into CO2 sources, and ultimately could have extended the duration of hyperthermal events for 10's to 100's of thousands of years. Additionally, I assessed if petrogenic carbon release was a contributing driver to the K-Pg mass extinction. The asteroid impact at the Yucatán carbonate platform ~66 million years ago vaporized a ~3 km-thick section of carbonates and evaporites and released 325 ± 130 Pg of sulfur, 425 ± 160 Pg CO2, and dust that drove the cooling and darkness. Global K-Pg boundary records contain burn markers, which were derived from wildfires and/or the ejection of petrogenic carbon from the target rock. Soot sourced from the target rock would have resided high enough in the atmosphere to block sunlight, and likely contributed to global cooling and darkness that drove the extinction. I assessed the character and potential sources for K-Pg associated petrogenic carbon using polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) isomer and alkylation patterns preserved in sediments from the Chicxulub crater and distal, deep ocean sites. PAH isomer patterns suggest K-Pg boundary burn markers were formed via rapid heating, while their alkylation patterns suggest a petrogenic source. I determined that K-Pg boundary PAHs were partially derived from vaporized petrogenic carbon, and we suggest petrogenic carbon was injected into the stratosphere and contributed to global darkness and cooling. In this dissertation, I present evidence that petrogenic carbon release has both initiated and served as a feedback to climatic and environmental perturbations in Earth's history. I demonstrate fluxes of reduced carbon from Earth's geosphere to its biosphere changed Earth's climate in the past, and I suggest it has significant potential impacts on Earth's future climate.

The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit

The Anthropocene as a Geological Time Unit

Author: Jan Zalasiewicz

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2019-03-07

Total Pages: 385

ISBN-13: 110847523X


Reviews the evidence underpinning the Anthropocene as a geological epoch written by the Anthropocene Working Group investigating it. The book discusses ongoing changes to the Earth system within the context of deep geological time, allowing a comparison between the global transition taking place today with major transitions in Earth history.

Deep Carbon

Deep Carbon

Author: Beth N. Orcutt

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2019-10-17

Total Pages: 687

ISBN-13: 1108477496


A comprehensive guide to carbon inside Earth - its quantities, movements, forms, origins, changes over time and impact on planetary processes. This title is also available as Open Access on Cambridge Core.