Supporting the participation of the private sector in family planning is beneficial because it can (1) expand the total family planning market to help satisfy existing and future unmet needs for contraception and (2) shift current users from subsidized to more nearly self-supporting outlets - without compromising coverage, equity, or quality of care.
A compendium of successful case studies of FAMILY PLANNING implementation in India This is the first book on innovations in family planning service delivery in the country which is of particular contemporary relevance, both nationally and globally.It features innovative case studies of family planning from India which have demonstrated impact and are sustainable and scalable. These cases contribute to the approaches of problem solving, enhancing quality family planning care at the grass-roots level and influence future directions of the programme. The book facilitates advocacy, strengthening programme design and enhancing competency as well as orienting the healthcare system to support these efforts. This is an important book for programme planners, policy makers and researchers.
The "contraceptive revolution" of the 1960s and 1970s introduced totally new contraceptive options and launched an era of research and product development. Yet by the late 1980s, conditions had changed and improvements in contraceptive products, while very important in relation to improved oral contraceptives, IUDs, implants, and injectables, had become primarily incremental. Is it time for a second contraceptive revolution and how might it happen? Contraceptive Research and Development explores the frontiers of science where the contraceptives of the future are likely to be found and lays out criteria for deciding where to make the next R&D investments. The book comprehensively examines today's contraceptive needs, identifies "niches" in those needs that seem most readily translatable into market terms, and scrutinizes issues that shape the market: method side effects and contraceptive failure, the challenge of HIV/AIDS and other sexually transmitted diseases, and the implications of the "women's agenda." Contraceptive Research and Development analyzes the response of the pharmaceutical industry to current dynamics in regulation, liability, public opinion, and the economics of the health sector and offers an integrated set of recommendations for public- and private-sector action to meet a whole new generation of demand.
Given Turkey's already extensive trade liberalization, a move to uniform external incentives would bring most of the benefits of full trade liberalization. Moreover, it is not enough to have piecemeal reform of tariffs or export susidies alone. Harmonizing Turkey's already low tariffs to the European Community's tariff structure will improve Turkey's welfare only if Turkey at the same time removes or reduces its export subsidies.
Logistics management (to improve asset productivity and respond more quickly to volatile changes in customer preferences) enables many organizations to conduct their business with minimal inventories - by outsourcing intermediate production to enterprises in countries where factor costs are lower. Developing countries can capitalize on the trends only if they substantially improve their infrastructure, liberalize their regulations, and master modern logistics management techniques.
Job retraining programs should be independent of the formal educational system, should be linked to employers (so trainees get marketable skills), should be short-term and job-oriented, and should be institutionalized, not temporary.