With this fourth edition, accountants will acquire a practical set of tools and the confidence they need to use them effectively in making business decisions. It better reflects a more conceptual and decision-making approach to the material. The authors follow a "macro- to micro-" strategy by starting with a discussion of real financial statements first, rather than starting with the Accounting Cycle. The objective is to establish how a financial statement communicates the financing, investing, and operating activities of a business to users of accounting information. This motivates accountants by grounding the discussion in the real world, showing them the relevance of the topics covered to their careers.
This is a core text for courses in social problems. Using a strong Canadian perspective, it examines the social dynamics and consequences of social problems (such as unemployment, poverty, global inequality) through the lens of the main sociological paradigms. It takes a broad approach and examines the social construction of social problems and the impact of social problems on individual and societal health. Possible solutions for individuals and society at large are examined.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. A strong business focus through a solid technical presentation of security tools. Boyle/Panko provides a strong business focus along with a solid technical understanding of security tools. This text gives readers the IT security skills they need for the workplace. This edition is more business focused and contains additional hands-on projects, coverage of wireless and data security, and case studies.
Owners and managers rely on today's accounting professional to identify and monitor enterprise risks and to provide quality assurance for a company's information systems. ACCOUNTING INFORMATION SYSTEMS, 10E focuses on three critical accounting information systems in use today: enterprise systems, e-Business systems, and controls for maintaining those systems. The text fully explores the integrated nature of AIS with its foundations in information technology, business processes, strategic management, security, and internal controls. Students will easily grasp even the most challenging subjects as they explore today's most intriguing AIS topics discussed in a conversational and relaxed tone rather than complex technical language. The tenth edition provides students with the necessary tools for organizing and managing information to help them succeed and protect the integrity of their employer's information system. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
Corporate Finance: Core Principles and Applications, 3rd edition, by Ross, Westerfield, Jaffe and Jordan was written to convey the most important corporate finance concepts and applications at a level that is approachable to the widest possible audience. The concise format, managerial context and design, and student-friendly writing style are key attributes to this text. RWJJ Core Principles strikes a balance by introducing and covering the essentials, while leaving more specialized topics to follow-up courses. This text distills the subject of corporate finance down to its core, while also maintaining a decidedly modern approach. The well-respected author team is known for the clear, accessible presentation of material that makes this text an excellent teaching tool.
The third edition of Engineering Mechanics: Statics written by nationally regarded authors Andrew Pytel and Jaan Kiusalaas, provides students with solid coverage of material without the overload of extraneous detail. The extensive teaching experience of the authorship team provides first-hand knowledge of the learning skill levels of today's student which is reflected in the text through the pedagogy and the tying together of real world problems and examples with the fundamentals of Engineering Mechanics. Designed to teach students how to effectively analyze problems before plugging numbers into formulas, students benefit tremendously as they encounter real life problems that may not always fit into standard formulas. This book was designed with a rich, concise, two-color presentation and has a stand alone Study Guide which includes further problems, examples, and case studies. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.