To provide clarity about Pope Leo's vision, Kevin J. Symonds began a historical investigation to arrive at the facts, and to distinguish between rumor or hearsay and the authentic history of the event, as well as to explain its meaning for our time in the light of the teaching of the Church, and in particular of the contemporary Popes.
God’s Diplomat We, as a people of God, are so blessed. Our dear God knows what we need, when we need it, and who can do the job. He knows when we are in crisis, or about to be attacked fiercely, and then He gives us the right person to handle the situation. Pope Pius IX was beloved by all Christendom, and he was truly a Saint. That has been proven true by his being raised to the level of Blessed in the Process for Canonization by another Saintly Pope, John Paul II.
Pope Leo XIII, who reigned for over a quarter of a century, following the second longest reigning pope in history, Pope Pius IX, has come to be know as the Pope of the Rosary. During his pontificate he wrote twelve wonderful Encyclicals on the Rosary, encouraging Catholics to recite the Rosary with devotion and profit for their souls. Leo saw the Rosary as a cure for the ills of today. If we follow his advice and recite the Rosary with true devotion, we will see a cure of our own spiritual ills. From curing our own spiritual ills and working to become saints, we can influence those around us to do the same and bring about restoring the world to where it ought to be.
Vincenzo Gioacchino Raffaele Luigi Pecci was born March 2, 1810, and became Pope Leo XIII on February 20, 1878. His reign was one of the longest in history, during which he produced a total of eighty-six encyclicals-a record approached by no other pope before or since. Out of this immense canon, fifteen have been collected for this volume based on their social impact and doctrinal profundity. They cover subjects such as the proper relationship between church and state, the foundations of political authority, the study of Sacred Scripture, Christian philosophy, and Catholic Social Teaching, including Pope Leo's most famous social encyclical, Rerum Novarum. While all papal letters are timely in their own manner, these were chosen because they are, in the opinion of the publisher, most indispensable: -- Inscrutabili Dei Consilio, Aeterni Patris, Arcanum Divinae Sapientia, Diuturnum, Humanum Genus, Immortale Dei, Libertas, Exeunte Iam Anno, Sapientiae Christianae, Rerum Novarum, Providentissimus Deus, Satis Cognitum, Divinum Illud Munus, Testem Benevolentiae Nostrae, Graves de Communi Re, Mirae Caritatis.
This classic compendium of church teaching offers the most complete access to more than 100 years of official statements of the Catholic Church on social issues.