Polymer translocation occurs in many biological and biotechnological phenomena where electrically charged polymer molecules move through narrow spaces in crowded environments. Unraveling the rich phenomenology of polymer translocation requires a grasp of modern concepts of polymer physics and polyelectrolyte behavior. Polymer Translocation discusse
Polymers are essential to biology because they can have enough stable degrees of freedom to store the molecular code of heredity and to express the sequences needed to manufacture new molecules. Through these they perform or control virtually every function in life. Although some biopolymers are created and spend their entire career in the relatively large free space inside cells or organelles, many biopolymers must migrate through a narrow passageway to get to their targeted destination. This suggests the questions: How does confining a polymer affect its behavior and function? What does that tell us about the interactions between the monomers that comprise the polymer and the molecules that confine it? Can we design and build devices that mimic the functions of these nanoscale systems? The NATO Advanced Research Workshop brought together for four days in Bikal, Hungary over forty experts in experimental and theoretical biophysics, molecular biology, biophysical chemistry, and biochemistry interested in these questions. Their papers collected in this book provide insight on biological processes involving confinement and form a basis for new biotechnological applications using polymers. In his paper Edmund DiMarzio asks: What is so special about polymers? Why are polymers so prevalent in living things? The chemist says the reason is that a protein made of N amino acids can have any of 20 different kinds at each position along the chain, resulting in 20 N different polymers, and that the complexity of life lies in this variety.
This comprehensive handbook presents fundamental aspects, fabrication techniques, introductory materials on microbiology and chemistry, measurement techniques, and applications of microfluidics and nanofluidics. The first volume of the handbook focuses on physics and transport phenomena along with life sciences and related applications. It provides newcomers with the fundamental science background required for the study of microfluidics and nanofluidics. In addition, the advanced techniques and concepts described in the text will benefit experienced researchers and professionals.
Mechanical Properties of Single Molecules and Polymer Aggregates Rüdiger Berger, Kurt Binder, Gregor Diezemann, Jürgen Gauß, Mark Helm, Katharina Landfester, Wolfgang Paul (Halle), Peter Virnau. Optical Properties of Individual Molecular Aggregates and Nano Particles Thomas Basché, Hans-Jürgen Butt, Gregor Diezemann, Jürgen Gauß, Klaus Müllen, Harald Paulsen, Carsten Sönnichsen, Rudolf Zentel. Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks I: Self-assembly of Copolymers Kurt Binder, Holger Frey, Andreas Kilbinger (Univ. Fribourg), Ute Kolb, Michael Maskos (IMM Mainz), Wolfgang Paul (Univ. Halle), Hans Wolfgang Spiess. Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks II: Complex Polymer Architectures Kurt Binder, Hans Jürgen Butt, Angelika Kühnle, Klaus Müllen, Wolfgang Paul (Univ. Halle), Erwin Schmidt, Manfred Schmidt, Hans Wolfgang Spiess, Thomas Vilgis. Structure Formation of Polymeric Building Blocks III: Polymer Complexes in Biological Applications Kurt Kremer, Heiko Luhmann, Christine Peter, Friederike Schmid, Erwin Schmidt, Manfred Schmidt, Eva Sinner (Univ. of Natural Resources, Vienna), Tanja Weil (Univ. Ulm).
Annotation The four-volume set LNCS 4487-4490 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2007, held in Beijing, China in May 2007. More than 2400 submissions were made to the main conference and its 35 topical workshops. The 80 revised full papers and 11 revised short papers of the main track were carefully reviewed and selected from 360 submissions and are presented together with 624 accepted workshop papers in four volumes. According to the ICCS 2007 theme "Advancing Science and Society through Computation" the papers cover a large volume of topics in computational science and related areas, from multiscale physics, to wireless networks, and from graph theory to tools for program development. The papers are arranged in topical sections on efficient data management, parallel monte carlo algorithms, simulation of multiphysics multiscale systems, dynamic data driven application systems, computer graphics and geometric modeling, computer algebra systems, computational chemistry, computational approaches and techniques in bioinformatics, computational finance and business intelligence, geocomputation, high-level parallel programming, networks theory and applications, collective intelligence for semantic and knowledge grid, collaborative and cooperative environments, tools for program development and analysis in CS, intelligent agents in computing systems, CS in software engineering, computational linguistics in HCI, internet computing in science and engineering, workflow systems in e-science, graph theoretic algorithms and applications in cs, teaching CS, high performance data mining, mining text, semi-structured, Web, or multimedia data, computational methods in energy economics, risk analysis, advances in computational geomechanics and geophysics, meta-synthesis and complex systems, scientific computing in electronics engineering, wireless and mobile systems, high performance networked media and services, evolution toward next generation internet, real time systems and adaptive applications, evolutionary algorithms and evolvable systems.
This is intended to be a simple and accessible book on machine learning methods and their application in computational genomics and nanopore transduction detection. This book has arisen from eight years of teaching one-semester courses on various machine-learning, cheminformatics, and bioinformatics topics. The book begins with a description of ad hoc signal acquisition methods and how to orient on signal processing problems with the standard tools from information theory and signal analysis. A general stochastic sequential analysis (SSA) signal processing architecture is then described that implements Hidden Markov Model (HMM) methods. Methods are then shown for classification and clustering using generalized Support Vector Machines, for use with the SSA Protocol, or independent of that approach. Optimization metaheuristics are used for tuning over algorithmic parameters throughout. Hardware implementations and short code examples of the various methods are also described.
The Advances in Chemical Physics series the cutting edge of research in chemical physics The Advances in Chemical Physics series provides the chemical physics field with a forum for critical, authoritative evaluations of advances in every area of the discipline. Filled with cutting-edge research reported in a cohesive manner not found elsewhere in the literature, each volume of the Advances in Chemical Physics series serves as the perfect supplement to any advanced graduate class devoted to the study of chemical physics. This volume explores: Quantum Dynamical Resonances in Chemical Reactions: From A + BC to Polyatomic Systems (Kopin Liu) The Multiscale Coarse-Graining Method (Lanyuan Lu and Gregory A. Voth) Molecular Solvation Dynamics from Inelastic X-ray Scattering Measurements (R.H. Coridan and G.C.L. Wong) Polymers Under Confinement (M. Muthukumar) Computational Studies of the Properties of DNA-linked Nanomaterials (One-Sun Lee and George C. Schatz) Nanopores: Single-Molecule Sensors of Nucleic Acid Based Complexes (Amit Meller)
Issues in General Physics Research / 2011 Edition is a ScholarlyEditions™ eBook that delivers timely, authoritative, and comprehensive information about General Physics Research. The editors have built Issues in General Physics Research: 2011 Edition on the vast information databases of ScholarlyNews.™ You can expect the information about General Physics Research in this eBook to be deeper than what you can access anywhere else, as well as consistently reliable, authoritative, informed, and relevant. The content of Issues in General Physics Research: 2011 Edition has been produced by the world’s leading scientists, engineers, analysts, research institutions, and companies. All of the content is from peer-reviewed sources, and all of it is written, assembled, and edited by the editors at ScholarlyEditions™ and available exclusively from us. You now have a source you can cite with authority, confidence, and credibility. More information is available at http://www.ScholarlyEditions.com/.
This book covers a wide scope of biological approaches to such biological phenomena as cell division, motility, collective cell behavior, multicellular structures, morphogenesis, and tumor development. Over the past two decades, biologists have generated large sets of experimental data and discovered a lot of facts that need explanation. This biological boom attracts physicists who believe they can help to develop a theoretical framework in biology and explain complete biological phenomena using basic principles. This is the first book to present recent advances in biophysical studies of the different aspects of cell life. This book presents recent advances in biophysical studies of living cells and gives the impression that a combination of quantitative live cell observations, detailed biochemical and biophysical data, and mathematical modeling are capable to answer many important biological questions and to achieve a more complete understanding of such complex phenomena.
The tools of nanodiagnostics, nanotherapy, and nanorobotics are expected to revolutionize the future of medicine, leading to presymptomatic diagnosis of disease, highly effective targeted treatment therapy, and minimum side effects. Handbook of Nanophysics: Nanomedicine and Nanorobotics presents an up-to-date overview of the application of nan