The Foundation of the Juridico-Political

The Foundation of the Juridico-Political

Author: Ian Bryan

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2015-10-23

Total Pages: 400

ISBN-13: 1135047421


Hans Kelsen and Max Weber are conventionally understood as initiators not only of two distinct and opposing processes of concept formation, but also of two discrete and contrasting theoretical frameworks for the study of law. The Foundation of the Juridical-Political: Concept Formation in Hans Kelsen and Max Weber places the conventional understanding of the theoretical relationship between the work of Kelsen and Weber into question. Focusing on the theoretical foundations of Kelsen’s legal positivism and Weber’s sociology of law, and guided by the conceptual frame of the juridico-political, the contributors to this interdisciplinary volume explore convergences and divergences in the approach and stance of Kelsen and Weber to law, the State, political science, modernity, legal rationality, legal theory, sociology of law, authority, legitimacy and legality. The chapters comprising The Foundation of the Juridical-Political uncover complexities within as well as between the theoretical and methodological principles of Kelsen and Weber and, thereby, challenge the enduring division between legal positivism and the sociology of law in contemporary discourse.

Luther's Legacy

Luther's Legacy

Author: Robert von Friedeburg

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2016-02-04

Total Pages:

ISBN-13: 1316467856


In this new account of the emergence of a distinctive territorial state in early modern Germany, Robert von Friedeburg examines how the modern notion of state does not rest on the experience of a bureaucratic state-apparatus. It emerged to stabilize monarchy from dynastic insecurity and constrain it to protect the rule of law, subjects, and their lives and property. Against this background, Lutheran and neo-Aristotelian notions on the spiritual and material welfare of subjects dominating German debate interacted with Western European arguments against 'despotism' to protect the lives and property of subjects. The combined result of this interaction under the impact of the Thirty Years War was Seckendorff's Der Deutsche Fürstenstaat (1656), constraining the evil machinations of princes and organizing the detailed administration of life in the tradition of German Policey, and which founded a specifically German notion of the modern state as comprehensive provision of services to its subjects.

Wer gehört zu uns?

Wer gehört zu uns?

Author: David Abraham

Publisher: Wallstein Verlag

Published: 2019-09-02

Total Pages: 198

ISBN-13: 3835343297


Über den Verfall jahrzehntealter Paradigmen im Zeichen von Migration und Populismus. In vielen Ländern der Welt wird die Idee des Wohlfahrtsstaates derzeit infrage gestellt, während das Thema Flucht und Migration dem Rechtspopulismus rasanten Auftrieb verschafft. Jahrzehntelang wirkmächtige Paradigmen wie das der gesellschaftlichen Solidarität und der globalen Gerechtigkeit verlieren an Akzeptanz, während die Furcht vor "unkontrollierter Einwanderung" das Vertrauen in das Funktionieren des Wohlfahrtsstaates untergräbt. Antworten auf die Frage, wer unter welchen Bedingungen zu "uns" gehört und an wohlfahrtsstaatlichen Leistungen teilhaben darf, erleben eine dramatische Verschiebung. David Abraham untersucht das Wechselverhältnis von Einwanderung, Integration und Solidarität im kapitalistisch geprägten Westen des 20. und 21. Jahrhunderts. Am Beispiel von Deutschland, den USA und Israel zeigt der Jurist und Historiker, warum "soft on the inside, hard on the outside", die einst für die Etablierung stabiler Wohlfahrtsstaaten grundlegende Formel, in Zukunft nicht mehr tragfähig sein wird. Ergänzung und Vertiefung finden diese Einsichten in einem lebensgeschichtlichen Interview über Geschichte und Herkunft, über Recht und Populismus, aber auch über Abrahams wechselhafte wissenschaftliche Laufbahn.

Decolonizing Enlightenment

Decolonizing Enlightenment

Author: Nikita Dhawan

Publisher: Verlag Barbara Budrich

Published: 2014-04-24

Total Pages: 335

ISBN-13: 3847403141


Do norms of justice, human rights and democracy enable disenfranchised communities? Or do they simply reinforce relations of domination between those who are constituted as dispensers of justice, rights and aid, and those who are coded as receivers? Critical race theorists, feminists and queer and postcolonial theorists confront these questions and offer critical perspectives.

Another Country

Another Country

Author: Jan-Werner Müller

Publisher: Yale University Press

Published: 2000-01-01

Total Pages: 332

ISBN-13: 9780300083880


This important book not only examines changing notions of nationhood and their complicated relationship to the Nazi past but also charts the wider history of the development of German political thought since World War II, while critically reflecting on some of the continuing blind spots among German writers and thinkers.

The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 4, The Eighteenth Century

The Cambridge History of Literary Criticism: Volume 4, The Eighteenth Century

Author: H. B. Nisbet

Publisher: Cambridge University Press

Published: 2005-12-08

Total Pages: 978

ISBN-13: 9780521317207


This is a comprehensive 1997 account of the history of literary criticism in Britain and Europe between 1660 and 1800. Unlike previous histories, it is not just a chronological survey of critical writing, but a multidisciplinary investigation of how the understanding of literature and its various genres was transformed, at the start of the modern era, by developments in philosophy, psychology, the natural sciences, linguistics, and other disciplines, as well as in society at large. In the process, modern literary theory - at first often implicit in literary texts themselves - emancipated itself from classical poetics and rhetoric, and literary criticism emerged as a full-time professional activity catering for an expanding literate public. The volume is international both in coverage and in authorship. Extensive bibliographies provide guidance for further specialised study.

Criticising the Ruler in Pre-Modern Societies – Possibilities, Chances, and Methods

Criticising the Ruler in Pre-Modern Societies – Possibilities, Chances, and Methods

Author: Karina Kellermann

Publisher: V&R Unipress

Published: 2019-12-09

Total Pages: 459

ISBN-13: 3847010883


In vormodernen Monarchien beobachten wir Widerspruch und Widerstand gegen einzelne Herrscher, ihre politischen Entscheidungen und ihre Verwaltung, aber in der Regel keine direkten Angriffe auf die Ordnungsprinzipien und das politische System. Wenn Unzufriedenheit zu Aufständen und Revolten führten, blieb es normalerweise bei einem bloßen Austausch des Regenten. Subtilere Methoden der Herrscherkritik konnten sich mittels fester Usancen oder spezifischer Codes und Spielregeln innerhalb des legalen Rahmens Gehör verschaffen und zielten darauf ab, die Qualitäten des Regenten zu verbessern oder spezifische Modi der Amtsführung zu reformieren. Diese verschiedenen Formen und Praktiken von Herrscherkritik in vormodernen monarchischen Gesellschaften sind Gegenstand dieses Bandes. When looking at pre-modern monarchical societies, one does not expect to observe fundamental dissent directed at the social order as such or at the political system. As a rule, criticism was limited to individual monarchs, their performance and decisions. While discontent could lead to insurrection and rebellion, which normally only culminated in the ruler being replaced by another monarchical figurehead, the subtler methods of voicing criticism were applied within a framework of legality, of a set of customs or of a code of rules of the game and intended to improve the performance of the incumbent or reform his conduct at court. The various forms of verbal or staged censure of rulers in pre-modern monarchical societies are the subject of this volume.

German Ideologies Since 1945

German Ideologies Since 1945

Author: J. Muller

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2003-02-21

Total Pages: 263

ISBN-13: 1403982546


The contributors of this volume seek to answer such questions as: 'How did the Germans overcome 'Germanic Ideology', or did they?' 'Why is there no libertarianism in Germany?' 'What do German conservatives wish to conserve?'. Emphasizing shared patterns of thought, the contributors trace the contours of political thought in a divided nation with a difficult past, and ion the shadow of the culture and political values of the United States.