Mística y Poesía

Mística y Poesía

Author: Alfonso Gálvez


Published: 2017-12-18

Total Pages: 150

ISBN-13: 9780997219470


Esta Ultima obra de A. GAlvez, dedicada a la relaciOn entre la MIstica y la PoesIa, forma un binomio perfecto con su obra anterior "El Misterio de la OraciOn." Constituyen ambas un intento de exposiciOn de las realidades mAs importantes y sublimes a las que puede aspirar el ser humano: el amor de enamorados entre Dios y el hombre, y el "locus" ideal para hacerlo posible, que es el de la oraciOn mIstica o como clAsicamente se denomina "contemplativa," la mAs elevada que se le ha concedido al hombre tener por parte de Dios. El desafIo que se propone A. GAlvez no es menor: pues trata de exponer un autEntico universo de misterios, que siendo realidades para los que les han sido concedido vivirlas, sin embargo son inexpresables con el simple lenguaje humano para terceras personas. Queda un Ultimo recurso: la PoesIa. Es lenguaje humano, pero tiene un "duende" que le permite llegar a donde no llega la prosa, mostrando al lector un mundo de sugerencias, de emociones, de Belleza..., que de alguna manera suple la insuficiencia indicada. La PoesIa verdadera nos lleva al umbral de un universo inefable, a la MIstica, y nos invita de un modo exuberante a introducirnos en El. El texto es una invitaciOn al cristiano a vivir unas realidades, que siendo en sI inefables, se han hecho todavIa mAs lejanas a muchos debido a la "dureza de las exigencias" y a lo "exotErico de las explicaciones" con las que se han tratado clAsicamente estos temas. Por otro lado, el autor denuncia las falsas mIsticas que pululan hoy en dIa, y que causan confusiOn en muchos espIritus, seNalando los rasgos de la autEntica. Es asI, como van transcurriendo a lo largo del tratado, temas tan sugerentes como la soledad de los amantes, las descripciones metafOricas usadas en la relaciOn de amor, el diAlogo, el susurro de amor, la reciprocidad en el amor, la mirada amorosa, la paz y la tranquilidad en el itinerario de la vida contemplativa, la participaciOn en la Muerte de Cristo, la visiOn contemplativa, el sonido y la mUsica en la PoesIa MIstica, etc. La apelaciOn a la Belleza como medio ideal para adentrarse en el campo de la MIstica, se hace patente por el uso ajustado, medido y abundante de la poesIa, tanto de la revelada en El Cantar de los Cantares, como en las sublimes liras de San Juan de la Cruz, y en las estrofas originales del autor. Sin embargo, el libro tiene el mErito adicional de hablar de esas realidades tan sublimes y bellas, con un lenguaje de extraordinaria belleza, hasta el punto que nos encontramos que todo El estA inundado de verdadera prosa poEtica. Resalta tambiEn la exposiciOn, por su fundamento teolOgico (trinitario, cristolOgico, antropolOgico, etc. junto con toda la teologIa del Amor del propio autor), ortodoxo y a la vez feraz en posibilidades de nuevas profundizaciones. Conviene finalmente seNalar la audacia de dedicar un libro a temas tan alejados del estado de Animo de tantos en esta Epoca paganizada, secularizada e incluso anticristiana, y que por ello mismo servirA como bAlsamo espiritual y fuente de fortaleza para tantos cristianos que aNoran y suspiran por vivir el mundo maravilloso y extraordinario de las verdaderas relaciones de amor de enamorados que Dios ofreciO a sus hijos.

Women Poets of Spain, 1860-1990

Women Poets of Spain, 1860-1990

Author: John Chapman Wilcox

Publisher: University of Illinois Press

Published: 1997

Total Pages: 396

ISBN-13: 9780252065590


This is the first volume-in English or Spanish-to analyze the work of the principal women poets of Modern Spain. In it, John Wilcox draws on recent feminist critical theory and shows how Spanish poetry by women is not just a modern phenomenon but an ignored tradition whose roots reach back to the very beginnings of poetry of the Iberian Peninsula.

Modern and Contemporary Spanish Women Poets

Modern and Contemporary Spanish Women Poets

Author: Janet Pérez

Publisher: Macmillan Reference USA

Published: 1996

Total Pages: 240



This study gives a comprehensive overview of women poets of Spain from the Romantic era to the present. It aims to give a developmental perspective, the sense of a whole poetry that spans more than a century. The breadth of the analysis is not only temporal: Catalans, Galicans, exiles, expatriates, and women poets who lived and wrote in Spain all fall within the critical sweep.

Dictionary of the Literature of the Iberian Peninsula [2 Volumes]

Dictionary of the Literature of the Iberian Peninsula [2 Volumes]

Author: German Bleiberg

Publisher: Greenwood

Published: 1993-06-21

Total Pages: 936



Contributions of Iberian-born writers have gone largely unrecognized by most European and American readers. The rich history of literary achievements in the Iberian Penninsula is now available in this unprecedented dictionary. Defining literature in the broad sense, the Dictionary includes historical, religious, cultural and philosophical writings as well as prose, poetry, and drama from the Iberian Peninsula. Virtually all entries have been composed by noted scholars and are complemented wherever possible by bibliographies of primary texts and selected critical studies as well as existing English translations of primary texts. This two-volume work generally includes literature from the tenth century to the mid-1980s and--with a few exceptions--is limited to writers born in the Iberian Peninsula. A guide to determining the format of the Dictionary was the classic Diccionario de Literatura Espanola by German Bleiberg and Julian Marias. But this updated and reworked version devotes more attention to writings by formerly neglected or forgotten works by female authors and to writers in major languages other than Spanish in the peninsula, including Portuguese, Catalan and Galician. There are also entries on major time periods, movements, and other topics. Titles of works discussed are translated to English. Wherever possible, the text of each entry is followed by a three part bibliography; and some cross-referencing. The Dictionary will appeal to English-speaking non-specialists as well as scholars of Iberian literature.

New Women Poets

New Women Poets

Author: Carol Rumens


Published: 1990

Total Pages: 178



None of the new women poets in this anthology has yet published a book, yet they include some of the most original new voices of the Nineties. Most have already been widely published in magazines, and some have won major literary prizes. All are now at the point of producing first collections which will help set the tone of poetry in the new decade, with poems that are passionate and precise, subtle and skilful, sardonic and streetwise, acure, aware or quietly moving.'The whole notion that women poets can be legitimately grouped in this way, and that gender is almost a symbolic form of nationality, owes everything to the Women's Movement, and the literary revolution it created. The very fact that such a book as this can be published at all proves the success of that revolution. Any amassing of women's voices will amount to a fairly radical critique of current society. It is up to the reader to decide that that critique is.' - Carol RumensThe poets included are: Rachel Blake, Vuywelwa Carlin, Liz Cashdan, Janet Fisher, Linda France, Cynthia Fuller, Elizabeth Garrett, Adèle Geras, Angela Greene, Lavinia Greenlaw, Fiona Hall, Tracey Herd, Jackie Kay, Mimi Khalvati, Gwyneth Lewis, S.J. Litherland, Christine McNeill, Jill Maughan, Mary O'Donnell, Katrina Porteous, Anne Rouse, Eva Salzman, Linda Saunders, Christiania Whitehead, Briar Wood.

The Signs Reader

The Signs Reader

Author: Elizabeth Abel


Published: 1983-01

Total Pages: 297

ISBN-13: 9780226000756


Essays discuss the social relationship of the sexes, women's friendships, early Christianity, women in science, lesbianism, the treatment of Black women, sexual job segregation, and incest