Offers profiles on many of firms in film, radio, television, cable, media, and publishing of various types including books, magazines and newspapers. This book contains many contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. It provides profiles of nearly 400 of top entertainment and media firms.
Covers things from major oil companies to electric and gas utilities, plus pipelines, refiners, retailers, oil field services and engineering. This title includes topics such as coal, natural gas and LNG. It includes statistical tables that cover topics ranging from energy consumption, production and reserves to imports, exports and prices.
Offers a market research guide to the American health care industry - a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. This book covers national health expenditures, technologies, patient populations, research, Medicare, Medicaid, and managed care.
A market research guide to the banking, mortgages & credit industry. It is a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. It contains trends, statistical tables, and an industry glossary. It also includes profiles of banking, mortgages & credit industry firms, companies and organizations.
A market research guide to the telecommunications industry. It offers a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. It includes a chapter of trends, statistical tables, and an industry-specific glossary. It provides profiles of the 500 biggest, companies in the telecommunications industry.
Plunkett's InfoTech Industry Almanac presents a complete analysis of the technology business, including the convergence of hardware, software, entertainment and telecommunications. This market research tool includes our analysis of the major trends affecting the industry, from the rebound of the global PC and server market, to consumer and enterprise software, to super computers, open systems such as Linux, web services and network equipment. In addition, we provide major statistical tables covering the industry, from computer sector revenues to broadband subscribers to semiconductor industry production. No other source provides this book's easy-to-understand comparisons of growth, expenditures, technologies, imports/exports, corporations, research and other vital subjects. The corporate profile section provides in-depth, one-page profiles on each of the top 500 InfoTech companies. We have used our massive databases to provide you with unique, objective analysis of the largest and most exciting companies in: Computer Hardware, Computer Software, Internet Services, E-Commerce, Networking, Semiconductors, Memory, Storage, Information Management and Data Processing. We've been working harder than ever to gather data on all the latest trends in information technology. Our research effort includes an exhaustive study of new technologies and discussions with experts at dozens of innovative tech companies. Purchasers of the printed book or PDF version may receive a free CD-ROM database of the corporate profiles, enabling export of vital corporate data for mail merge and other uses.
There are few industry sectors in the world today with more potential than renewable and hydrogen energy. Clean, green and renewable energy technologies are receiving immense emphasis from investors, environmentalists, governments and major corporations. Today's high prices for crude oil, coal and natural gas will increase the demand for renewables of all types. A wide variety of technologies are being researched, developed and implemented on a global basis, from Stirling engines to wind power, from advanced nuclear plants to geothermal and fuel cells. Our analysis also includes tar sands (oil sands), oil shale, fuel cells, clean coal, distributed power, energy storage, biofuels and much more. You'll find a complete overview, industry analysis and market research report in one superb, value-priced package. It contains thousands of contacts for business and industry leaders, industry associations, Internet sites and other resources. This book also includes statistical tables, an industry glossary and thorough indexes. The corporate profiles section of the book includes our proprietary, in-depth profiles of the 250 leading companies in all facets of the alternative, renewable and hydrogen energy business. Here you'll find complete profiles of the hot companies that are making news today, the largest, most successful corporations in the business. Purchasers of either the book or PDF version can receive a free copy of the company profiles database on CD-ROM, enabling key word search and export of key information, addresses, phone numbers and executive names with titles for every company profiled.
A guide to the business side of sports, teams, marketing and equipment - a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. It contains trends, statistical tables, and an industry glossary. It includes over 350 one page profiles of sports industry firms, companies and organizations.
A complete market research guide to the business of biotech, genetics, proteomics and related services--a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches, or financial research. Complete profiles of nearly 400 leading biotech companies, in-depth chapters on trends. Includes glossary thorough indexes, statistics, research and development, emerging technology--as well a addresses, phone numbers, and executive names.
Featuring the travel industry, this book offers an analysis of major trends; market research; statistics and historical tables; airlines; hotel operators; entertainment destinations such as resorts and theme parks; tour operators; the largest travel agencies; E-commerce firms; cruise lines; casino hotels; and car rental.