Covers the fields of advertising, marketing and branding, from advertising on radio and television to direct mail, from online advertising to branding and public relations to paid search inclusion. This book also covers trends in such areas as advertising agencies, marketing consultants, online advertising, branding strategies, and more.
Everything you need to know about the business of insurance and risk management--a powerful tool for market research, strategic planning, competetive intelligence or employment searches. Contains trends, statistical tables and an industry glossary. Also provides profiles of more than 300 of the world's leading insurance companies--includes addresses, phone numbers, and executive names.
Market research guide to the infotech industry a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. Contains trends, statistical tables, and an industry glossary. Includes one page profiles of infotech industry firms, which provides data such as addresses, phone numbers, executive names.
Covers almost everything you need to know about the food, beverage and tobacco industry, including: analysis of major trends and markets; historical statistics and tables; major food producers such as Kraft and Frito Lay; and more. It also includes statistical tables, a food industry glossary, industry contacts and thorough indexes.
No other guide covers the complete retail picture like this exciting new volume. America's retail industry is in the midst of vast changes - superstores and giant discounters are popping up on major corners. Malls are lagging while "power centers" are surging ahead. Savvy firms are combining bricks, clicks and catalogs into multi-channel retail powerhouses. Which are the hottest retailers? What lies ahead? Our market research section shows you the trends and a thorough analysis of retail technologies, chain stores, shopping centers, mergers, finances and future growth within the industry. Included are major statistical tables showing everything from monthly U.S. retail sales, by sector, to mall sales per square foot, to the 10 largest malls in the US. Meanwhile, the corporate profiles section covering nearly 500 firms gives you complete profiles of the leading, fastest growing retail chains across the nation. From Wal-Mart and Costco to Barnes & Noble and Amazon, we profile the major companies that marketing executives, investors and job seekers most want to know about. These profiles include corporate name, address, phone, fax, web site, growth plans, competitive advantage, financial histories and up to 27 executive contacts by title. Purchasers of the printed book or PDF version may receive a free CD-ROM database of the corporate profiles, enabling export of vital corporate data for mail merge and other uses.
A market research guide to the business side of sports, teams, marketing and equipment - a tool for strategic planning, competitive intelligence, employment searches or financial research. It contains trends, statistical tables, and an industry glossary. It includes over 350 one page profiles of sports industry firms, companies and organizations.
Nanotechology has applications within biotechnology, manufacturing, aerospace, information systems and many other fields. This book covers such nanotechnology business topics as micro-electro-mechanical systems, microengineering, microsystems, microsensors, and carbon tubes. It also includes statistical tables, an industry glossary and indexes.
A market research guide to the entertainment and media industry. It contains trends, statistical tables, and an industry glossary. It also includes one page profiles of entertainment and media industry firms, including addresses, phone numbers, executive names.
Covers things from major oil companies to electric and gas utilities, plus pipelines, refiners, retailers, oil field services and engineering. This title includes topics such as coal, natural gas and LNG. It includes statistical tables that cover topics ranging from energy consumption, production and reserves to imports, exports and prices.
Insurance and risk management make up an immense, complex global industry, one which is constantly changing. Competition continues to heat up, as mergers and acquisitions create financial services mega-firms. As the insurance industry grows more global, underwriters see huge potential in China, the world's fastest-growing business market. Meanwhile, technology is making back-office tasks easier and more efficient, while direct selling and e-commerce are changing the shape of the insurance industry. This carefully-researched book (which includes a database of leading companies on CD-ROM) is a complete insurance market research and business intelligence tool-- everything you need to know about the business of insurance and risk management. The book includes our analysis of insurance and risk management industry trends, dozens of statistical tables, an industry glossary, a database of industry associations and professional organizations, and our in-depth profiles of more than 300 of the world's leading insurance companies, both in the U.S. and abroad.