The Student Solutions Manual contains detailed solutions to approximately 50 percent of the odd-numbered problems whose answers appear in the back of the book. This valuable resource provides students with over 1,000 additional worked examples.
Designed for the introductory calculus-based physics course, Physics for Engineers and Scientists is distinguished by its lucid exposition and accessible coverage of fundamental physical concepts.
The Sixth Edition offers a completely integrated text and media solution that will enable students to learn more effectively and professors to teach more efficiently. The text includes a new strategic problem-solving approach, an integrated Maths Tutorial, and new tools to improve conceptual understanding.
Orbital Mechanics for Engineering Students, Second Edition, provides an introduction to the basic concepts of space mechanics. These include vector kinematics in three dimensions; Newton's laws of motion and gravitation; relative motion; the vector-based solution of the classical two-body problem; derivation of Kepler's equations; orbits in three dimensions; preliminary orbit determination; and orbital maneuvers. The book also covers relative motion and the two-impulse rendezvous problem; interplanetary mission design using patched conics; rigid-body dynamics used to characterize the attitude of a space vehicle; satellite attitude dynamics; and the characteristics and design of multi-stage launch vehicles. Each chapter begins with an outline of key concepts and concludes with problems that are based on the material covered. This text is written for undergraduates who are studying orbital mechanics for the first time and have completed courses in physics, dynamics, and mathematics, including differential equations and applied linear algebra. Graduate students, researchers, and experienced practitioners will also find useful review materials in the book. - NEW: Reorganized and improved discusions of coordinate systems, new discussion on perturbations and quarternions - NEW: Increased coverage of attitude dynamics, including new Matlab algorithms and examples in chapter 10 - New examples and homework problems
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Richard Wolfson’s Essential University Physics, Second Edition is a concise and progressive calculus-based physics textbook that offers clear writing, great problems, and relevant real-life applications. This text is a compelling and affordable alternative for professors who want to focus on the fundamentals and bring physics to life for their students. Essential University Physics focuses on the fundamentals of physics, teaches sound problem-solving skills, emphasizes conceptual understanding, and makes connections to the real world. The presentation is concise without sacrificing a solid introduction to calculus-based physics. New pedagogical elements have been introduced that incorporate proven results from physics education research. Features such as annotated figures and step-by-step problem-solving strategies help students master concepts and solve problems with confidence. The Second Edition features dramatically revised and updated end-of-chapter problem sets, significant content updates, new Conceptual Examples, and additional Applications, all of which serve to foster student understanding and interest.
This solutions manual for students provides answers to approximately 25 per cent of the text's end-of-chapter physics problems, in the same format and with the same level of detail as the worked examples in the textbook.
This volume covers Chapters 1--20 of the main text. The Student's Solutions Manual provides detailed, step-by-step solutions to more than half of the odd-numbered end-of-chapter problems from the text. All solutions follow the same four-step problem-solving framework used in the textbook.