Photon and Neutron Active Interrogation of Highly Enriched Uranium

Photon and Neutron Active Interrogation of Highly Enriched Uranium



Published: 2004

Total Pages: 6



The physics of photon and neutron active interrogation of highly enriched uranium (HEU) using the delayed neutron reinterrogation method is described in this paper. Two sets of active interrogation experiments were performed using a set of subcritical configurations of cocentric HEU metal hemishells. One set of measurements utilized a pulsed 14-MeV neutron generator as the active source. The second set of measurements utilized a linear accelerator-based bremsstrahlung photon source as an active interrogation source. The neutron responses were measured for both sets of experiments. The operational details and results for both measurement sets are described.

Active Interrogation of Highly Enriched Uranium

Active Interrogation of Highly Enriched Uranium



Published: 2004

Total Pages:



Active interrogation techniques provide reliable detection of highly enriched uranium (HEU) even when passive detection is difficult. We use 50-Hz pulsed beams of bremsstrahlung photons from a 10-MeV linac or 14-MeV neutrons from a neutron generator for interrogation, thus activating the HEU. Detection of neutrons between pulses is a positive indicator of the presence of fissionable material. We detect the neutrons with three neutron detector designs based on 3He tubes. This report shows examples of the responses in these three detectors, for unshielded and shielded kilogram quantities of HEU, in containers as large as cargo containers.

Parametric Evaluation of Active Neutron Interrogation for the Detection of Shielded Highly-Enriched Uranium in the Field

Parametric Evaluation of Active Neutron Interrogation for the Detection of Shielded Highly-Enriched Uranium in the Field



Published: 2011

Total Pages:



Parametric studies using numerical simulations are being performed to assess the performance capabilities and limits of active neutron interrogation for detecting shielded highly enriched uranium (HEU). Varying the shield material, HEU mass, HEU depth inside the shield, and interrogating neutron source energy, the simulations account for both neutron and photon emission signatures from the HEU with resolution in both energy and time. The results are processed to represent different irradiation timing schemes and several different classes of radiation detectors, and evaluated using a statistical approach considering signal intensity over background. This paper describes the details of the modeling campaign and some preliminary results, weighing the strengths of alternative measurement approaches for the different irradiation scenarios.

Incorporation of Photon Analysis Into an Active Interrogation System for Shielded Uranium Characterization

Incorporation of Photon Analysis Into an Active Interrogation System for Shielded Uranium Characterization

Author: Bonnie Elise Canion


Published: 2016

Total Pages: 384



In this project I explored the ability of induced photon and neutron signatures from an associated particle imaging deuterium tritium (API-DT) neutron generator detection system to assess the enrichment of shielded uranium. Fast electronics and the associated particle technique, which provide the timing and directional information of the source 14 MeV neutron, allow for a correlated time window of tens of nanoseconds, thus enabling extraction of clear prompt fission signatures from the inspected object. This project contains three distinct investigations that involve relating API-DT neutron generator induced signatures to uranium enrichment. (1) Explore the correlated neutron and photon detection rates, separated by time-of-flight, and investigate the use of a 3-D radiation transport Monte Carlo code to predict enrichment, based on these signatures, (2) Examine the same correlated detection rates, but use a simple point kinetics technique to relate signatures to enrichment, and (3) Exploit the prompt photon energy spectrum to determine if fission neutrons activate shielding material to provide a signature that can be related to uranium enrichment. Throughout these three studies, I investigated the time, number, and energy distribution of these prompt photon signatures, which enabled me to draw conclusions about the strengths and weaknesses of these signatures for shielded uranium characterization.

INL Active Interrogation Testing In Support of the GNEP Safeguards Campaign

INL Active Interrogation Testing In Support of the GNEP Safeguards Campaign



Published: 2008

Total Pages:



Active interrogation, a measurement technique which uses a radiation source to probe materials and generate unique signatures useful for characterizing those materials, is a powerful tool for assaying special nuclear material. Work at Idaho National Laboratory (INL) in the area of active interrogation, using neutron and photon sources, has been under way for many years to develop methods for detecting and quantifying nuclear material for national and homeland security research areas. This research knowledge base is now being extended to address nuclear safeguards and process monitoring issues related to the Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP). As a first step in this area preliminary scoping studies have been performed to investigate the usefulness of using active neutron interrogation, with a low-power electronic neutron generator, to assay Department of Transportation 6M shipping drums containing uranium oxide fuel rodlets from INL's zero power physics reactor. Using the paired-counting technique during the die-away time period of interrogation, a lower detection limit of approximately 4.2 grams of enriched uranium (40% 235U) was calculated for a 40 minute measurement using a field portable 2.5 MeV neutron source and an array of 16 moderated helium-3 neutron tubes. Future work in this area, including the use of a more powerful neutron source and a better tailored detector array, would likely improve this limit to a much lower level. Further development work at INL will explore the applicability of active interrogation in association with the nuclear safeguards and process monitoring needs of the advanced GNEP facilities under consideration. This work, which will include both analyses and field demonstrations, will be performed in collaboration with colleagues at INL and elsewhere that have expertise in nuclear fuel reprocessing as well as active interrogation and its use for nuclear material analyses.

Active-passive Spent Fuel Interrogation Using Neutrons and Photons

Active-passive Spent Fuel Interrogation Using Neutrons and Photons

Author: Tayfun Akyurek


Published: 2015

Total Pages: 167



"This dissertation consists of three main parts. The first part is devoted to the comprehensive dead-time calculations with different detectors and conditions using different dead-time models as well as computer simulations. The minimum time that must separate two detectable events is called the counting system's dead-time. If events take place during the system's dead-time, they will not be recorded and will be lost. Such lost information is very important in many applications including high-intensity spectroscopy and nuclear spent fuel interrogations. The second part, a multitude of fission products identified as candidates have been scrutinized for their suitability of burnup analysis and spent fuel analysis for irradiated Mixed Oxide (MOX) fuels. Best isotopes obtained for analysis by investigating half-life, photon energy, fission yield, branching ratios, production modes, thermal neutron absorption cross section and fuel matrix diffusivity. 132I and 97Nb are identified as good isotope candidates for MOX fuel on-line burnup analysis. The third and most important part, in terms of time spent and effort, deals with spent fuel analysis using non-destructive (NDA) delayed fast neutron measurement technique for safeguard purposes. The spent fuel investigation experiment was held in Missouri University of Science and Technology Research Reactor (MSTR) which is a swimming pool type reactor and licensed to operate at 200 kilowatts power. The core of the reactor consists of 15 fuel elements with low-enriched Uranium-235. Using the NDA technique, the reactor fuel burnup and 235U - 239Pu conversion values calculated. The fast neutron measurements were taken with a liquid scintillator detector which its dead-time value calculated to be 101.2 [mu]s for paralyzing dead-time model and 254.8 [mu]s for non-paralyzing model"--Abstract, page iv.

A Dual Neutron/gamma Source for the Fissmat Inspection for Nuclear Detection (FIND) System

A Dual Neutron/gamma Source for the Fissmat Inspection for Nuclear Detection (FIND) System



Published: 2008

Total Pages: 60



Shielded special nuclear material (SNM) is very difficult to detect and new technologies are needed to clear alarms and verify the presence of SNM. High-energy photons and neutrons can be used to actively interrogate for heavily shielded SNM, such as highly enriched uranium (HEU), since neutrons can penetrate gamma-ray shielding and gamma-rays can penetrate neutron shielding. Both source particles then induce unique detectable signals from fission. In this LDRD, we explored a new type of interrogation source that uses low-energy proton- or deuteron-induced nuclear reactions to generate high fluxes of mono-energetic gammas or neutrons. Accelerator-based experiments, computational studies, and prototype source tests were performed to obtain a better understanding of (1) the flux requirements, (2) fission-induced signals, background, and interferences, and (3) operational performance of the source. The results of this research led to the development and testing of an axial-type gamma tube source and the design/construction of a high power coaxial-type gamma generator based on the 11B(p, [gamma])12C nuclear reaction.

Active Interrogation in Nuclear Security

Active Interrogation in Nuclear Security

Author: Igor Jovanovic

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2018-06-07

Total Pages: 366

ISBN-13: 3319744674


This volume constitutes the state-of-the-art in active interrogation, widely recognized as indispensable methods for addressing current and future nuclear security needs. Written by a leading group of science and technology experts, this comprehensive reference presents technologies and systems in the context of the fundamental physics challenges and practical requirements. It compares the features, limitations, technologies, and impact of passive and active measurement techniques; describes radiation sources for active interrogation including electron and ion accelerators, intense lasers, and radioisotope-based sources; and it describes radiation detectors used for active interrogation. Entire chapters are devoted to data acquisition and processing systems, modeling and simulation, data interpretation and algorithms, and a survey of working active measurement systems. Active Interrogation in Nuclear Security is structured to appeal to a range of audiences, including graduate students, active researchers in the field, and policy analysts. The first book devoted entirely to active interrogation Presents a focused review of the relevant physics Surveys available technology Analyzes scientific and technology trends Provides historical and policy context Igor Jovanovic is a Professor of Nuclear Engineering and Radiological Sciences at the University of Michigan and has previously also taught at Penn State University and Purdue University. He received his Ph.D. from University of California, Berkeley and worked as physicist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Dr. Jovanovic has made numerous contributions to the science and technology of radiation detection, as well as the radiation sources for use in active interrogation in nuclear security. He has taught numerous undergraduate and graduate courses in areas that include radiation detection, nuclear physics, and nuclear security. At University of Michigan Dr. Jovanovic is the director of Neutron Science Laboratory and is also associated with the Center for Ultrafast Optical Science. Anna Erickson is an Assistant Professor in the Nuclear and Radiological Engineering Program of the G.W. Woodruff School of Mechanical Engineering at Georgia Institute of Technology. Previously, she was a postdoctoral researcher in the Advanced Detectors Group at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. Dr. Erickson received her PhD from Massachusetts Institute of Technology with a focus on radiation detection for active interrogation applications. Her research interests focus on nuclear non-proliferation including antineutrino analysis and non-traditional detector design and characterization. She teaches courses in advanced experimental detection for reactor and nuclear nonproliferation applications, radiation dosimetry and fast reactor analysis.