This book, first published in 1962, is based on a series of lectures first given at Cambridge University in 1959 and 1960, dealing with 'psychical research' - i.e. the scientific investigation of ostensibly paranormal phenomena. Split into three sections, Professor Broad's study examines numerous issues relating to psychical theory, including guessing, hallucinatory quasi-perception and trance-mediumship.
En principio la narrativa se produce con la sencillez del cotidiano vivir. Sin asperezas, lisa y llanamente, como el ro de mansas aguas que se preparan para cambiar el curso, convirtiendo el suave deslizar en violenta torrentera. Los pueblos de Espaa, desquiciados se lanzan y envuelven en una guerra fratricida, las ciudades, campos y aldeas se desbordan, la sangre salpica las familias sin distincin de bando o creencia. Como hongos brotan los CAMPOS DE CONCENTRACIN, LOS BATALLONES DE TRABAJO FORZADO, el peregrinar por las CRCELES de reclusos para finalmente, llegar al pi del PAREDN, calificado con la expresiva palabra ?SACA?. Este es el contenido de gran parte del libro que te dispones a leer. Es el relato verdico del protagonista principal de la obra, con el deseo, amigo lector, de que evites la repeticin del drama, que arras nuestra Patria.
The current publication, entitled Folksonomies, sets out the contents of a selection of works I have done lately and it recounts its exhibit walkthrough, organized on the basis of two individual projects which run parallel throughout 2016. One of them relates to the works arising from my interest in Big Data and which is composed of different accounts with works in painting, mural installation and drawing. It is the project I have called Sombras_Big_Dat@. The second Project is about my activity around engraving, silk screen printing and digital printing which I have named 32 bits_memoria_grafica. The book is thus structured in two parts, starting with the Sombras_Big_Dat@ project and specifically, its showing at the Salamanca Museum, as I have shown here the set of works which comprise the project in the best conditions of space and illumination, which afforded us to collect some interesting photographic scenes on site and views of works which render quite an accurate idea of the jobs I have done. The second part of this publication documents the exhibition called 32_bits_memoria_grafica, with works in engraving and printed work. Throughout my career, creating projects with these means has been and still is crucial: not only does it complement the creative activity I do with other disciplines, but it also provides me with other channels for my thoughts and presentation of ideas. The council of the Arts Engraving Museum chose my project and I was offered a chance to show a walkthrough of several years of activity which I structured on the basis of eight thematic axes: Energies, Presences, Dialogs, Silences, Places and territories, Echos and appearances, Human schemes and Dream landscapes, around which 32 works spin, executed with chalcographic engraving, digital printing and silk screen printing. The set of works grouped in such fashion composed a remarkable atmosphere which contributed to the understanding and tuning in with the works and their crossed meanings.
Este libro es una relación de ideas, escritas en el día a día, que van desde la cordura autosugestionada, a la locura rechazada, por medio de justificaciones, concatenación de ideas, bien conexas, en una trama ideada para justificar la propia paranoia. Un libro que se compone de un diario de ideas filosóficas, Un diario en el que se vive en primera persona el deterioro mental que sufre un enfermo mental. La ficción no existe en este libro. La única ficción es la realidad paralela a la que me veo sometido, que me aleja cada vez más y más de la común realidad en la que vive el resto del mundo. Juan Montoya López
The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language brings together contributions from leading linguists, educators and Latino Studies scholars involved in teaching and working with Spanish heritage language speakers. This state-of-the-art overview covers a range of topics within five broad areas: Spanish in U.S. public life, Spanish heritage language use and systems, educational contexts, Latino studies perspectives and Spanish outside the U.S. The Routledge Handbook of Spanish as a Heritage Language addresses for the first time the linguistic, educational and social aspects of heritage Spanish speakers in one volume making it an indispensable reference for anyone working with Spanish as a heritage language.
Studying the life situations of trans persons reveals preceding and ongoing political, societal and cultural transformations. This ethnographic study concerns individuals in Andalusia, Southern Spain, who do not fit the sex and gender assigned to them at birth. Christoph Imhof thus investigates issues leading back to the repressive situation during the dictatorship of Franco and to contemporary endeavours and achievements regarding acceptance, citizenship and self-determination. He highlights the pioneering role that Andalusia has played within Spain regarding trans issues since the late 1990s and shows how trans persons in Southern Spain have experienced the growing social, medical and legal acceptance of their gender non-conformity.
The Romance languages offer a particularly fertile ground for the exploration of the relationship between language and society in different social contexts and communities. Focusing on a wide range of Romance languages – from national languages to minoritised varieties – this volume explores questions concerning linguistic diversity and multilingualism, language contact, medium and genre, variation and change. It will interest researchers and policy-makers alike.