Beam Test Calorimeter Prototypes for the CMS Calorimeter Endcap Upgrade

Beam Test Calorimeter Prototypes for the CMS Calorimeter Endcap Upgrade

Author: Thorben Quast

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2022-01-24

Total Pages: 290

ISBN-13: 3030902021


​In order to cope with the increased radiation level and the challenging pile-up conditions at High Luminosity-LHC, the CMS collaboration will replace its current calorimeter endcaps with the High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL) in the mid 2020s. This dissertation addresses two important topics related to the preparation of the HGCAL upgrade: experimental validation of its silicon- based design and fast simulation of its data. Beam tests at the DESY (Hamburg) and the CERN SPS beam test facilities in 2018 have been the basis for the design validation. The associated experimental infrastructure, the algorithms deployed in the reconstruction of the recorded data, as well as the respective analyses are reported in this thesis: First, core components of the silicon-based prototype modules are characterised and it is demonstrated that the assembled modules are functional. In particular, their efficiency to detect minimum ionising particles (MIPs) traversing the silicon sensors is found to be more than 98% for most of the modules. No indication of charge sharing between the silicon pads is observed. Subsequently, the energy response is calibrated in situ using the beam test data. Equalisation of the different responses among the readout channels is achieved with MIPs hereby deploying the HGCAL prototype as a MIP-tracking device. The relative variation of the inferred calibration constants amounts to 3% for channels on the same readout chip. The calibration of the time-of-arrival information is performed with an external time reference detector. With it, timing resolutions of single cells including the full prototype readout chain around 60ps in the asymptotic high energy limit are obtained. The calorimetric performance of the HGCAL prototype is validated with particle showers induced by incident positrons and charged pions. For electromagnetic showers, the constant term in the relative energy resolution is measured to be (0.52± 0.08) %, whereas the stochastic term amounts to (22.2 ± 0.3)% √GeV. This result is in good agreement with the calorimeter simulation with GEANT4. The prototype’s positioning resolution of the shower axis, after subtracting the contribution from the delay wire chambers in the beam line used as reference, is found to be below 0.4 mm at 300 GeV. At the same energy, the angular resolution in the reconstruction of the electromagnetic shower axis in this prototype is measured to be less than 5mrad. The analysis of the hadronic showers in this thesis makes use state-of-the- art machine-learning methods that exploit the calorimeter’s granularity. It is indicated that the energy resolution may be improved using software compensation and also that the separation of electromagnetic and charged pion-induced showers in the calorimeter may benefit from such methods. The measurements of the hadronic showers are adequately reproduced by GEANT4 simulation. Altogether, the obtained results from the analysis of the beam test data in this thesis are in agreement with the full functionality of the silicon-based HGCAL design. The final part of this thesis provides a proof of principle that generative modelling based on deep neural networks in conjunction with the Wasserstein distance is a suitable approach for the fast simulation of HGCAL data: Instead of sequential simulation, a deep neural network-based generative model generates all calorimeter energy depositions simultaneously. This genera t or network is optimised throu gh an adversarial training process using a critic network guided by the Wasserstein distance. The developed framework in this thesis is applied to both GEANT4- simulated electromagnetic showers and to positron data from the beam tests. Ultimately, this fast simulation approach is up to four orders of magnitude faster than sequential simulation with GEANT4. It is able to produce realistic calorimeter energy depositions from electromagnetic showers, incorporating their fluctuations and correlations when converted into typical calorimeter observables.

Response of the High Granularity Calorimeter HGCAL and Characterisation of the Higgs Boson

Response of the High Granularity Calorimeter HGCAL and Characterisation of the Higgs Boson

Author: Matteo Bonanomi

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2023-05-23

Total Pages: 281

ISBN-13: 3031268334


This book highlights the most complete characterization of the Higgs boson properties performed to date in the "golden channel," i.e., decay into a pair of Z bosons which subsequently decay into four leptons. The data collected by the CMS experiment in the so-called Run-II data-taking period of the LHC are used to produce an extensive set of results that test in detail the predictions of the Standard Model. Given the remarkable predictive power of the SM when including the Higgs boson, possible new physics will require even more extensive studies at higher statistics. A massive upgrade of the detectors is necessary to maintain the current physics performance in the harsh environment of the High-Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) project, expected to start by the end of 2027. The CMS Collaboration will replace the current endcap calorimeters with a High Granularity Calorimeter (HGCAL). The HGCAL will be the very first large-scale silicon-based imaging calorimeter ever employed in a high-energy physics experiment. This book presents the results of the analysis of the test beam data collected with the first large-scale prototype of the HGCAL. The results of this analysis are used to corroborate the final design of the HGCAL and its nominal physics performance expected for the HL-LHC operations.

A Hardware Track-Trigger for CMS

A Hardware Track-Trigger for CMS

Author: Thomas Owen James

Publisher: Springer Nature

Published: 2019-10-28

Total Pages: 121

ISBN-13: 3030319342


The work described in this PhD thesis is a study of a real implementation of a track-finder system which could provide reconstructed high transverse momentum tracks to the first-level trigger of the High Luminosity LHC upgrade of the CMS experiment. This is vital for the future success of CMS, since otherwise it will be impossible to achieve the trigger selectivity needed to contain the very high event rates. The unique and extremely challenging requirement of the system is to utilise the enormous volume of tracker data within a few microseconds to arrive at a trigger decision. The track-finder demonstrator described proved unequivocally, using existing hardware, that a real-time track-finder could be built using present-generation FPGA-based technology which would meet the latency and performance requirements of the future tracker. This means that more advanced hardware customised for the new CMS tracker should be even more capable, and will deliver very significant gains for the future physics returns from the LHC.

Study of the Inclusive Beauty Production at CMS and Construction and Commissioning of the CMS Pixel Barrel Detector

Study of the Inclusive Beauty Production at CMS and Construction and Commissioning of the CMS Pixel Barrel Detector

Author: Lea Caminada

Publisher: Springer

Published: 2012-03-14

Total Pages: 158

ISBN-13: 9783642245633


This thesis describes one of the first measurements made at CERN’s Large Hadron Collider, the world's largest and highest-energy particle collider. The method of analysis described in the first part is applied to the first CMS collision data collected after the LHC startup in 2010 and leads to the first experimental result for the inclusive b cross section using semileptonic decays at a center of mass energy of 7 TeV. The second part of the thesis describes the building and testing of the barrel pixel detector; the author herself played an important role in its construction, commissioning and first exploitation. The CMS collaboration Thesis Award Committee selected this work as the best thesis of the year 2010

CMS Validation Experience

CMS Validation Experience



Published: 2007

Total Pages: 10



A comparison between the Geant4 Monte-Carlo simulation of CMS Detector's Calorimetric System and data from the 2004 Test-Beam at CERN's SPS H2 beam-line is presented. The overall simulated response agrees quite well with the measured response. Slight differences in the longitudinal shower profiles between the MC predictions made with different Physics Lists are observed.