Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Intelligence Planning (Critical Combat Function 1): As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Intelligence Planning (Critical Combat Function 1): As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 44



The purpose of CCF 1 is to produce feasible and timely plans to collect battlefield intelligence information from TF elements and to acquire intelligence information from external headquarters and units; the development, coordination and integration of intelligence information relative to the enemy, terrain and weather prior to and during TF operations; provision to the TF commander and staff the necessary intelligence input to facilitate the development and dissemination of timely and accurate orders prior to and during TF operations. The outcomes include: (1) Intelligence products that are integrated and coordinated with other sources; the products are prepared and analyzed according to doctrine. (2) Intelligence input to the commander and staff that is timely and accurate, enabling the development of a doctrinally correct TF order. (3) Intelligence products are updated as required and prepared for dissemination. (4) Specific and prioritized physical objectives and information requirements; sufficient time for the tasked elements to plan, prepare and execute their missions.

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Intelligence Planning (Critical Combat Function 2): As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Intelligence Planning (Critical Combat Function 2): As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 39



The purpose of CCF 2 is the continuous and proactive use of all available resources to acquire and collect timely intelligence information. This intelligence information collection must be guided by the TF collection plan and the intelligence information collected must contribute to TF mission accomplishment. The outcomes include: (1) TF acquisition and collection of intelligence information is timely, accurate, and relevant. (2) Relevant intelligence information is passed immediately to TF elements in time for action (3) Intelligence information is passed from TF elements to the TF s2 or TF headquarters for subsequent processing and analysis. (4) TF acquisition of information from subordinate elements and external head quarters is timely, accurate, complete and relevant. (5) TF reconnaissance and surveillance assets survive and provide continuous reconnaissance and surveillance for the task force.

Peer Review. Coordinating Draft Task Analysis for Conduct Tactical Movement (Critical Combat Function 5) Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. Version 2

Peer Review. Coordinating Draft Task Analysis for Conduct Tactical Movement (Critical Combat Function 5) Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. Version 2



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 109



The purpose of CCF 5 is the positioning of direct fire weapons systems relative to the enemy to secure or retain positional advantage, making full use of terrain and formations to concentrate forces at the critical point and time. The outcomes include: (1) Task force movement starts on time, in designated formations, and is completed in accordance with the OPORD. (2) Mutual support is maintained, and the task force is in position to disorganize and disorient enemy forces with fire support assets while friendly force integrity and capabilities are retained, or to otherwise meet the TF commanders' intent. (3) Task force is not surprised by enemy contact.

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Supply Operations (Critical Combat Function 29); As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Conduct Supply Operations (Critical Combat Function 29); As Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 66



The purpose of CCF 29 is to provide the items necessary to equip, maintain and operate the force. This entails the tasks to request, receive, procure, store, protect, relocate and issue supplies to the specific elements of the force. The outcomes include: (1) Task force CSS is provided through echeloned trains, TF field trains are co-located with the brigade trains and FSB in the BSA; TF combat trains are located forward, between the BSA and the company resupply points. (2) TF CSS personnel and elements plan and conduct defense of the field and combat train locations. (3) All TF elements are supplied in preparation for battle. Critical supplies are stockpiled and prepositioned to support the tactical plan. (4) All TF elements are resupplied during the battle. Emergency resupply is provided from combat trains. (5) Following the battle the TF is resupplied with critical supplies.

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Enhance Physical Protection (Critical Combat Function 24) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Enhance Physical Protection (Critical Combat Function 24) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1993

Total Pages: 101



The purpose of CCF 24 is providing protection of friendly forces on the battlefield by enhancing the physical protection of personnel, equipment and weapons systems, and supplies. The outcomes include: (1) Task force constructs fighting position for personnel and weapons systems that provide protection from enemy fires without degrading systems capabilities. (2) Task force prepares positions for protection of personnel and material not in direct fire contact with enemy forces. (3) Task force employs equipment to protect personnel, systems, and material from environmental and NBC hazards. (4) Task force makes maximum use of enhancement of existing terrain to provide fighting and protective positions.

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Maintain Weapons Systems and Equipment (Critical Combat Function 31) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review Coordinating Draft. Task Analysis for Maintain Weapons Systems and Equipment (Critical Combat Function 31) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 58



The purpose of CCF 31 is to preserve and repair task force weapons systems and equipment; providing the commander with the maximum possible combat power. The outcomes include: (1) Equipment is maintained and battle damage repaired to achieve and maintain an Operational Ready (OR) rate that supports the TE commander's intent. (2) Inoperable equipment is recovered and evacuated in to the level of maintenance facilities needed for repair. (3) Repair parts system controlled substitution and cannibalization are managed to maximize combat systems repaired and returned to operation. (4) Required organizational level work is performed; GS and DS level work is coordinated, processed, and monitored. (5) Maintenance and Operationally Ready (OR) status is constantly monitored and accurately reported during all phases of the TF mission (Plan, Prepare, Execute).

Peer Review. Coordinating Draft Task Analysis for Coordinate, Synchronize, and Integrate Fire Support (Critical Combat Function 15) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force

Peer Review. Coordinating Draft Task Analysis for Coordinate, Synchronize, and Integrate Fire Support (Critical Combat Function 15) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 121



The purpose of CCF 15 is synchronization and integration of indirect fire support with TF maneuver and direct fires on enemy and terrain in accordance with TF commanders' concept and intent. Employment of indirect fire support assets under TF control to support the TF in mission execution. The outcomes include: (1) Fire support plan includes positioning, allocation and employment of FOs, COLTs, FIST-Vs and ground TACPs, as well as integration of all indirect fires. (2) FOs, COLTs, FIST-Vs, and TACP are positioned to observe, process, and control indirect fire support missions and NAIs, TAIs and preplanned targets. (3) Coordination with supporting field artillery firing HQ, brigade HQ and FSE, and Mr Force elements controlling CAS is continuous to ensure synchronization and integration with TF plan and commanders intent. (4) Planned artillery, mortar fires and CAS are timely and accurate; fire support plan is flexible to allow TF Commander and his subordinates to process and control fires on unplanned targets. (5) TF FSO, mortar platoon leader, and TACP provide timely recommendations to Command Group.

Task Analysis for Provide Operations Security (Critical Combat Function 25) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).

Task Analysis for Provide Operations Security (Critical Combat Function 25) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 79



The purpose of CCF 25 is to deny enemy information about friendly dispositions, plans, intentions, and operations by identifying, controlling, and protecting indicators associated with planning and conducting military operations. The outcomes include: (1) TF identifies all threats to its freedom of action. (2) TF reduces its vulnerability to significant hostile acts, influence, and surprise during TF preparations for and execution of a mission using at least five tasks: (a) TF takes advantage of cover, concealment, camouflage, noise and light discipline. (b) TF counter-reconnaissance operations deny enemy direct observation of TF, activities, through use of smoke and obscurants, until it is too late for the enemy to effectively react. (c) Enemy is unable to intercept and exploit TF communications. (d) Enemy is unable to locate TF C2 nodes and identify TF intentions through intercept and analysis of TF electronic emissions. (e) TF physical security measures detect the enemy in time to be effective.

Task Analysis for Provide Countermobility (Critical Combat Function 23) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).

Task Analysis for Provide Countermobility (Critical Combat Function 23) as Accomplished by a Battalion Task Force. (Peer Review, Coordinating Draft).



Published: 1996

Total Pages: 44



The purpose of CCF 23 is to delay, channel or stop offensive movement by the enemy in order to destroy his forces directly or indirectly by enhancing the effectiveness of friendly direct and indirect weapons systems. The outcomes include: (1) Obstacles sited to support maneuver concept. (2) Obstacles constructed on time to standard with no bypass available. (3) Responsibility for obstacles with Maneuver Commander. (4) Obstacles secured, with gaps closed, covered by fire. (5) FASCAM ready for employment; its use supports the maneuver plan and the employment criteria are understood by key personnel.