Wildly-popular artist Ai Yazawa’s beloved fashion-centric manga, Paradise Kiss, is back in a glamorous omnibus edition to celebrate 20 years since the manga began serialization. Follow Yukari’s through-the-looking-glass journey as she is drawn into the world of fashion by a group of passionate, young aesthetes who are determined to make their couture label a success, with Yukari as their muse...
A story of self-doubting youth from award-winning manga creator Minoru Furuya, in his English debut series, Ciguatera. This coming-of-age tale from contemporary master Minoru Furuya centers on seventeen-year-old Yusuke Ogino, a self-described loser whose only refuge from the bullying hell he experiences at school is his dream of freedom on a motorcycle. But the unexpected entrance of a beautiful young woman into his life threatens to upend his whole world, forcing him to re-evaluate his relationships and even his sense of self. Instantly relatable and painfully honest, Furuya’s manga blends pitch-black humor with pathos and the awkward realities of everyday life to produce a quintessential tale of youth. The meticulous yet uninhibited art swings from stark realism to laugh-out-loud caricature, while nuanced characters and complex emotions help Ciguatera transcend the bounds of genre to take its rightful place as one of the great masterpieces of graphic storytelling.
What nerd wouldn't enjoy exploring an RPG-style world? Not Mika Kamiya! She was just about to enjoy her post-Comic Market haul when fate whisked her away to a fantasy land. All Mika wants is to find a way home, so she's hunting for spells-but rather than search all over, they'll be coming to her to attend her magical-book-selling event, Magic Market! With a very "animated" catalog of guests, eccentric attendees, and out-of-control lines, what could possibly go wrong?!
Ever since she got engaged to Takumi and moved out of apartment 707, Hachi has felt like she's slipping out of Nana's life. When the tabloids start digging up Nana's troubled family history, Hachi tries to step in and take care of things. But the price for bringing down Blast keeps going up. Will Hachi's good intentions just make things worse?! -- VIZ Media
Nana Komatsu is a young woman who's endured an unending string of boyfriend problems. Moving to Tokyo, she's hoping to take control of her life and put all those messy misadventures behind her. She's looking for love and she's hoping to find it in the big city. Nana Osaki, on the other hand, is cool, confident and focused. She swaggers into town and proceeds to kick down the doors to Tokyo's underground punk scene. She's got a dream and won't give up until she becomes Japan's No. 1 rock'n'roll superstar. This is the story of two 20-year-old women who share the same name. Even though they come from completely different backgrounds, they somehow meet and become best friends. The world of Nana is a world exploding with sex, music, fashion, gossip and all-night parties. -- VIZ Media
When two twenty-year-old women with the same first name meet and become best friends despite their different personalities, they experience a world of music, fashion, sex, gossip, and all-night parties.
Anxious to get into a Tokyo groove, both women are on the prowl for a funky and cheap place to live. But inexpensive apartments in Japan's capital city are hard to find. Thank goodness each Nana has a clique of cool friends willing to help out. Too bad these friends are a little wiggy! -- VIZ Media
One of the most popular comic artists in the world, Ai Yazawa, returns with a 20th anniversay edition of the fashion-inspired comic that made her an international sensation, Paradise Kiss. This new edtion celebrates 20 years since Paradise Kiss began serialization in Japan and combines the original 3 volume release into 1 beautiful package. High fashion and hot drama come together in Paradise Kiss. One of the manga to launch the manga boom globally Paradise Kiss combined stunning design work and YA themed naratives that made it a multimillion unit seller worldwide.