Writing in Math Class presents a clear and persuasive case for making writing a part of math instruction. Author and master teacher Marilyn Burns explains why students should write in math class, describes five different types of writing assignments for math, and offer tips and suggestions for teachers. In her usual engaging style, Marilyn Burns tells what happened in actual classrooms when writing was incorporated into math lessons. Illustrated throughout with student work. With a foreword by Susan Ohanian.
Sponsored by the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics and written by leading experts in the field of mathematics education, the Handbook is specifically designed to make important, vital scholarship accessible to mathematics education professors, graduate students, educational researchers, staff development directors, curriculum supervisors, and teachers. The Handbook provides a framework for understanding the evolution of the mathematics education research field against the backdrop of well-established conceptual, historical, theoretical, and methodological perspectives. It is an indispensable working tool for everyone interested in pursuing research in mathematics education as the references for each of the Handbook's twenty-nine chapters are complete resources for both current and past work in that particular area.
The present edition of this book is a revision and expansion of the first two editions which appeared in 1980 and 1985, and in German translation in 1991. More than half of the present volume includes new material, and what has been retained from the former editions has been largely rewritten and updated with new research findings. A completely new chapter has been added on "Attention Deficit Disorder. " The author of the earlier editions (W.H.G.) has been joined by a coauthor (D.E.), and their combined elementary, high school, and university teaching and clinical experience totals approximately seventy-five years. Both of us have directed our professional en ergies to understanding the puzzle of human learning, especially academic learning, of those students who, despite apparently nor mal intelligence and opportunity, have varying degrees of difficulty in acquiring ideas and skills that are easily mastered by others. Until about fifty years ago there was a common tendency to equate academic success with intelligence, and those students who could not meet the demands of the prescribed program were usually required to repeat the same grade with a repetition of the same discouraging treatment that had been unsuccessful the first time.