NSA is a comprehensive collection of international nuclear science and technology literature for the period 1948 through 1976, pre-dating the prestigious INIS database, which began in 1970. NSA existed as a printed product (Volumes 1-33) initially, created by DOE's predecessor, the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC). NSA includes citations to scientific and technical reports from the AEC, the U.S. Energy Research and Development Administration and its contractors, plus other agencies and international organizations, universities, and industrial and research organizations. References to books, conference proceedings, papers, patents, dissertations, engineering drawings, and journal articles from worldwide sources are also included. Abstracts and full text are provided if available.
Origin of Nuclear Science; Nuclei, Isotopes and Isotope Separation; Nuclear Mass and Stability; Unstable Nuclei and Radioactive Decay; Radionuclides in Nature; Absorption of Nuclear Radiation; Radiation Effects on Matter; Detection and Measurement Techniques; Uses of Radioactive Tracers; Cosmic Radiation and Elementary Particles; Nuclear Structure; Energetics of Nuclear Reactions; Particle Accelerators; Mechanics and Models of Nuclear Reactions; Production of Radionuclides; The Transuranium Elements; Thermonuclear Reactions: the Beginning and the Future; Radiation Biology and Radiation Protection; Principles of Nuclear Power; Nuclear Power Reactors; Nuclear Fuel Cycle; Behavior of Radionuclides in the Environment; Appendices; Solvent Extraction Separations; Answers to Exercises; Isotope Chart; Periodic Table of the Elements; Quantities and Units; Fundamental Constants; Energy Conversion Factors; Element and Nuclide Index; Subject Index.
The principal goals of the study were to articulate the scientific rationale and objectives of the field and then to take a long-term strategic view of U.S. nuclear science in the global context for setting future directions for the field. Nuclear Physics: Exploring the Heart of Matter provides a long-term assessment of an outlook for nuclear physics. The first phase of the report articulates the scientific rationale and objectives of the field, while the second phase provides a global context for the field and its long-term priorities and proposes a framework for progress through 2020 and beyond. In the second phase of the study, also developing a framework for progress through 2020 and beyond, the committee carefully considered the balance between universities and government facilities in terms of research and workforce development and the role of international collaborations in leveraging future investments. Nuclear physics today is a diverse field, encompassing research that spans dimensions from a tiny fraction of the volume of the individual particles (neutrons and protons) in the atomic nucleus to the enormous scales of astrophysical objects in the cosmos. Nuclear Physics: Exploring the Heart of Matter explains the research objectives, which include the desire not only to better understand the nature of matter interacting at the nuclear level, but also to describe the state of the universe that existed at the big bang. This report explains how the universe can now be studied in the most advanced colliding-beam accelerators, where strong forces are the dominant interactions, as well as the nature of neutrinos.
This book will hopefully shed light on some of the advances taking place within nuclear science research in recent times. It describes the interesting results of some modern nuclear science research carried out by bright scientists and researchers in different parts of the world. The book is divided into five chapters. The first one is an introductory chapter to explain the nature and purpose of the book and the logic and significance of its contents. The second chapter is a concise introduction to the core subject of nuclear science, which is the nuclear reactions. This chapter also touches on the fundamental and basic physics underlining major nuclear reactions. Chapter three addresses some recent advances related to the famous nuclear detector material namely CdTe. The authors suggest that the modern detector based on CdTe materials can be developed as a multi-element detection platform that allows for the direct conversion of information generated by passing X/y-radiations through an examined object into an array of digital electrical signals without using an intermediate visible image on a fluorescent screen. In chapter four, a new study on the effect of unintended and accidental nuclear impact on the environment is discussed. In the last chapter, Thomas W. Grimshaw; from The University of Texas at Austin, USA; has composed an interesting study on the so-called cold nuclear fusion or the more widely known low energy nuclear reaction (LENR). He, among others, argues that nuclear cold fusion, if realized and understood, could be a significant source of cheap and clean energy. This book will hopefully encourage readers, researchers, and scientists to look further into the frontier topics of modern nuclear science and make the needed efforts to develop its cause and uses.
Annotation 'Nuclear Materials Science' takes students from understanding standard materials science and engineering and uses it as a base to work from in teaching the additional requirements of nuclear engineering science.