Noble Cow

Noble Cow

Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das

Publisher: Golden Age Media

Published: 2018-01-01

Total Pages: 129

ISBN-13: 8190976087


This book (Noble Cow) deals with the ability of animals to feel, perceive, or be conscious, or to have subjective experiences. In Taiwan, a cow separated from its owner goes on a hunger strike. In rural Cambodia, a motherless child finds a mother in a cow as he suckles her. Down in Australia a flood heroine, after rescuing her owner, is leading a pampered existence. In Brazil’s Pantanal swamps, a cow was seen wandering among the crocodiles while in India, the land of holy cows, a bull hero is booked out for two years. Meanwhile, up in the Alps, the Swiss are combating stress by renting out the mountain cows while in Germany, the nation’s focus has been on Yvonne, the runaway cow. There are numerous such stories here. Cows rule and cow rock! The great blind spot of our modern Civilization is the mistreatment and disregard for non-human life in nearly every capacity.

Noble Cows and Hybrid Zebras

Noble Cows and Hybrid Zebras

Author: Harriet Ritvo


Published: 2010

Total Pages: 0

ISBN-13: 9780813930602


Over the past two decades, Harriet Ritvo has established herself as a leading scholar in animal studies and one of those most responsible for establishing this field of study as a crucial part of environmental and social history. Her two well-known books, The Platypus and the Mermaid and The Animal Estate, did much to introduce and illuminate the importance of nonhuman animals to the study of human culture. Hunting and husbandry, as well as petkeeping and zoo-going, forge powerful connections between animal lives and those of humans: in fact, animals have helped define what a human is. They have also been one of the most reliable measures of humans' disproportionate influence on the environment. From domestication to extinction, the human impact on animal populations has been profound. In the essays collected in Noble Cows and Hybrid Zebras, Ritvo explores our attitudes toward animals, from cruelty to sentimentality to the indifference of pure practicality, and touches on many social and scientific issues, including genetic engineering and an animal protection movement much older than most readers would think (animal advocacy was a cause embraced by many Victorians). While Ritvo's writing represents the cutting edge in animal history, it has always been characterized by its accessibility, and these essays originally appeared not only in scholarly journals but also in Grand Street, Daedalus, and American Scholar. Collected for the first time in a single volume, they reveal an important dimension of human history by looking to those other creatures that have surrounded us all along.

To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization

To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization

Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das

Publisher: Golden Age Media

Published: 2018-01-01

Total Pages: 133

ISBN-13: 8190976028


To Kill Cow Means To End Human Civilization – Today we are treating other life forms just like inert objects, as if they are devoid of any feelings whatsoever. We are showing unprecedented cruelty and callousness towards the dumb creation of God with whom we share this planet. Cruelty has been industrialized, barbarism has been institutionalized. Today the mistreatment of animals is phenomenal, unprecedented in human history. The unspeakable treatment meted out to poor animals before they become our dinner will never go unpunished by the stringent laws of nature.

Cow And Humanity – Made For Each Other

Cow And Humanity – Made For Each Other

Author: Dr. Sahadeva Das

Publisher: Golden Age Media

Published: 2018-01-01

Total Pages: 144

ISBN-13: 8190976036


Cow And Humanity – Made For Each Other – We have one planet to live on and all our needs have to be satisfied with whatever is in here. We can not import a thing from other planets for our survival, no matter how much we advertise our dubious moon missions by getting worthless rocks and blowing billions. This senseless exploitation of resources can not go on forever. This cradle-to-grave economics in which we turn every natural resource into toxic waste is inherently self-destructive because, in nature, there is no such thing as waste. So-called waste generated by one living being is effectively utilized by another and so on until nothing is left over. This is called the cycle of life. But today our linear system of living which is immensely destructive has replaced this natural cyclical system.