This volume puts together several important lectures on the Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics to form a comprehensive and authoritative collection of works on the subject. Their relationship to several aspects of topology, mechanics and dynamical systems in general are also emphasized. The papers presented are an outgrowth of the lectures that took place during the “International Symposium on Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics ”, which was held at Cocoyoc (Morelos, México) from September 13 to 17, 1994.
This volume is an outgrowth of the Third International Symposium on Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics. The main topics are Arnold diffusion, central configurations, singularities in few-body problems, billiards, area-preserving maps, and geometrical mechanics. All papers in the volume went through the refereeing process typical of a mathematical research journal.
This volume is an outgrowth of the Third International Symposium on Hamiltonian Systems and Celestial Mechanics. The main topics are Arnold diffusion, central configurations, singularities in few-body problems, billiards, area-preserving maps, and geometrical mechanics. All papers in the volume went through the refereeing process typical of a mathematical research journal.
The symbiotic of these two topics creates a natural combination for a conference on dynamics. Topics covered include twist maps, the Aubrey-Mather theory, Arnold diffusion, qualitative and topological studies of systems, and variational methods, as well as specific topics such as Melnikov's procedure and the singularity properties of particular systems.
The book provides the most recent advances of Celestial Mechanics, as provided by high-level scientists working in this field. It covers theoretical investigations as well as applications to concrete problems. Outstanding review papers are included in the book and they introduce the reader to leading subjects, like the variational approaches to find periodic orbits and the space debris polluting the circumterrestrial space.
IAU Transactions are published as a volume corresponding to each General Assembly. Volume A is produced prior to the Assembly and contains Reports on Astronomy, prepared by each Commission President. The intention is to summarize the astronomical results that have affected the work of the Commission since the production of the previous Reports up to a time which is about one year prior to the General Assembly. Volume B is produced after the Assembly and contains accounts of Commission Meetings which were held, together with other material. The reports included in the present volume range from outline summaries to lengthy compilations and references. Most reports are in English.
A survey of current knowledge about Hamiltonian systems with three or more degrees of freedom and related topics. The Hamiltonian systems appearing in most of the applications are non-integrable. Hence methods to prove non-integrability results are presented and the different meaning attributed to non-integrability are discussed. For systems near an integrable one, it can be shown that, under suitable conditions, some parts of the integrable structure, most of the invariant tori, survive. Many of the papers discuss near-integrable systems. From a topological point of view, some singularities must appear in different problems, either caustics, geodesics, moving wavefronts, etc. This is also related to singularities in the projections of invariant objects, and can be used as a signature of these objects. Hyperbolic dynamics appear as a source on unpredictable behaviour and several mechanisms of hyperbolicity are presented. The destruction of tori leads to Aubrey-Mather objects, and this is touched on for a related class of systems. Examples without periodic orbits are constructed, against a classical conjecture. Other topics concern higher dimensional systems, either finite (networks and localised vibrations on them) or infinite, like the quasiperiodic Schrödinger operator or nonlinear hyperbolic PDE displaying quasiperiodic solutions. Most of the applications presented concern celestial mechanics problems, like the asteroid problem, the design of spacecraft orbits, and methods to compute periodic solutions.
This volume presents new research in classical Hamiltonian and quantum systems from the Workshop on Conservative Systems and Quantum Chaos held during The Fields Institute Program Year on Dynamical Systems and Bifurcation Theory in October 1992 (Waterloo, Canada). The workshop was organized so that there were presentations that formed a bridge between classical and quantum mechanical systems. Four of these papers appear in this collection, with the remaining six papers concentrating on classical Hamiltonian dynamics.