Facility for Parity and Time Reversal Experiments with Intense Epithermal (eV) Neutron Beams

Facility for Parity and Time Reversal Experiments with Intense Epithermal (eV) Neutron Beams



Published: 1988

Total Pages:



A facility for polarized epithermal neutrons of high intensity is set up at the Los Alamos National Laboratory for parity-violation and time reversal experiments at neutron resonances over a wide range of neutron energies. The beam is polarized with the aid of a polarized proton target used as a neutron-spin filter. Total cross section measurements as well as capture gamma-ray experiments will be carried out. The main features of this system will be discussed. 20 refs., 5 figs.

Study of Parity and Time Reversal Violation in Neutron-nucleus Interactions

Study of Parity and Time Reversal Violation in Neutron-nucleus Interactions



Published: 1994

Total Pages: 17



The parity and time-reversal symmetries can be studies in neutron-nucleus interactions. Parity non-conserving asymmetries have been observed for many p-wave resonances in a compound nucleus and measurements were performed on several nuclei in the mass region of A∼100 and A∼230. The statistical model of the compound nucleus provides a theoretical basis for extracting mean-squared matrix elements from the experimental asymmetry data, and for interpreting the mean-squared matrix elements. The constraints on the weak meson-exchange couplings calculated from the compound-nucleus asymmetry data agree qualitatively with the results from few-body and light-nuclei experiments. The tests of time-reversal invariance in various experiments using thermal, epithermal and MeV neutrons are being developed.

Tests of Parity and Time Reversal Invariance in Neutron-nucleus Scattering

Tests of Parity and Time Reversal Invariance in Neutron-nucleus Scattering



Published: 1989

Total Pages: 16



I'll discuss the experiments in which parity violation has been measured in low energy neutron-nucleus scattering. The interest is two-fold: to understand how parity violation in the nucleon-nucleon (NN) interaction manifests itself in a complicated many-body system and to show that the large enhancements observed make this a good laboratory to search for violations of TRI. Further, the procedure of relating the measured parity violating asymmetries to the under-lying NN interaction will be important in order to make the same connection in violation of TRI (or in limits). First, I'll make brief comments on some relevant features of low energy neutron scattering and then review the existing measurements of parity violation. I'll try to explain, at least qualitatively, the origin of the large enhancements observed. Finally, I'll describe the TRIPLE collaboration program to study parity violation and discuss planned experiments to search for violations of TRI. 23 refs.

Parity and Time-reversal Violation in the Compound Nucleus

Parity and Time-reversal Violation in the Compound Nucleus

Author: Jonathan Curole


Published: 2023

Total Pages: 0



The search for new sources of time reversal violation (TRV) is one of the highest intellectual priorities in nuclear/particle/astrophysics. New sources of CP/T violation beyond the Standard Model are needed to explain the observed matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe. Theoretical progress to identify the large number of possible sources for TRV has made it very clear that any single type of TRV search cannot be equally sensitive to all possible mechanisms. It is therefore essential to pursue any experiments in different systems which can be realized with sufficient sensitivity to discover something new. Since TRV in the nucleon sector has not yet been observed, a nonzero observation in any nuclear system is of fundamental importance. TRV experiments involving p-wave neutron resonances in heavy nuclei are a sensitive system for such a search. The international collaboration NOPTREX proposes a TRV search through an asymmetry in polarized neutron transmission on epithermal p-wave resonances of polarized nuclei. Multiple papers have suggested that TRV in complex nuclei has the potential to be about 2 orders of magnitude more sensitive than the current limit from neutron electric dipole moment (EDM) experiments. A sensitive search for TRV in this process expands the variety of nuclear systems available to search for TRV parameters in various theories. This helps provide assurance that possible "accidental" cancellation of TRV effects due to unknown structural factors related to the strong interactions in particular systems can be avoided.

Test of Time Reversal Symmetry with Resonance Neutron Scattering

Test of Time Reversal Symmetry with Resonance Neutron Scattering



Published: 1986

Total Pages:



The possibility of searching for time-reversal symmetry violation in the scattering of epithermal neutrons from nuclei is discussed. Sources of both statistical and systematic errors are reviewed. A qualitative assessment of the size of the time reversal is made and a schematic design of an experiment to test time reversal symmetry is presented. (DWL) 10 refs., 1 fig.