1. Business Communication 2. Written Business Communication 3. International Communication 4. Business Letter Writing 5. Electronic Communication 6. Office Memorandum and Circular 7. Non-Verbal Aspects of Communication 8. Report Writing 9. Barriers and Breakdowns in Communication 10. Importance of Listening 11. Leading And Leadership 12. Work Conflict Management 13. Negotiation 14. Selling Skills
1. Training And Development 2. Management (Executive) Development 3. Resistance To Change 4. Designing of Training Programme and Training Process 5. Methods of Training 6. Evaluation of Training and Development Programme 7. Career Planning and Development 8. Employee Counselling
1. Human Development 2. Determinants of Development : Heredity and Environment 3. Heredity and Environment in Child Development : Meaning, Principles and Comparative Importance 4. Prenatal Development : Stages, Factors Affecting and Diagnostics Techniques 5. Birth Process and Types of Delivery 6. Care of Neonate 7. Development During Infancy (0-1 Year) 8. Development in Early Childhood (3-6 Year) 9. Social Development in Early Childhood 10. Emotional Development in Childhood 11. Cognitive Development in Early Childhood Period 12. Language Development in Early Childhood 13. Late Childhood 14. Motor Development in Late Childhood Period 15. Social Development in Late Childhood Period 16. Emotional Development in Late Childhood 17. Cognitive Development in Late Childhood 18. Language Development in Late Childhood Period Practical
1. Social Psychology : Definition, Nature and Scope, Method of Social Psychology (Behaviour) 2. Socialization : Meaning, Process, Principles, Determinants (Mechanism) and Agents 3. Social Perception Knowledge and Impression Formation and Management 4. Social Influence Processes : Social Theory, Confirmity, Compliance, Obedience and Intergroup Conflict 5. Interpersonal Attraction 6. Social Behaviour—Nature, Classification and Functions, Social Dynamics, Decision Making, Social Loafing and Facilitation 7. Group Influence Processes : Structure, Group Power, Determinants and Factors Influencing Group Cohesiveness 8. Intergroup Relations : Prejudice, Stereo Types, Conflict and Sources, Dynamics and Reduction Techniques 9. Nature, Formation and Components of Attitude 10. Helping Behaviour (Pro-Social Behaviour) : Personal, Situational and Socio-Cultural Determinants By Stander Effect and Theoretical Perspective 11. Aggression : Nature, Causes and Control Practical Psychology 1. Experiment Related Attitude Measurement 2. Social Behaviour 3. Social Competence
1. Process of Communication 2. Advertising : Meaning, Definitions, Nature, Functions, Objectives and Importance 3. Advertising Budget 4. Advertising Appeals 5. Preparation of Advertising Copy (Element of Print and Broadcaste Advertising) 6. Advertising Process 7. Evaluation of Advertising Effectiveness 8. Advertising Agency 9. Ethical and Legal Aspects of Advertising in India 10. Advertising Standards Council of India (ASCI).
European Classical Literature (MJC-2) 1. Homer : The Illiad 2. Sophocles “Oedipus the King” (The Three Theban Plays) 3. Plato : The Republic Book-X 4. Aristotle : Poetics European Classical Literature (MIC-2) 1. The Book of Job 2. The Holy Bible, The New International Version (Zondervan 2011) 3. Plautus : Pot of Gold
1. Introduction to Business Communication 2. Language of Business Communication 3. Mis-Communication 4. Effective Communication 5. Listening Skills 6. Speaking Skills 7. Group Discussion and Interview 8. Negotiation and Meeting 9. Writing Skills 10. Letter Writing : Applications and Business Letters