Nectar #31

Nectar #31

Author: Lex Hixon

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2016-01-08

Total Pages: 58



It remains somewhat of a mystery, even after all the advantages of contemporary times have been lavishly bestowed upon present day humanity, that the ills of pervasive suffering still persist on the world scene. Of course, we know from the Buddha’s declaration of His Four Noble Truths, that suffering here on Earth will never go away entirely. Still, unnecessary suffering, a type of misery that has viable solutions, also remains constant — despite the fact that humanity has had plenty of time to apply these readily available stopgaps. When looking at this perplexing situation, the conscious observer cannot but notice, often painfully so, that narrowness of mind lies at the root of both the problem of suffering itself, and its tardy removal. In view of all this, when one considers ultimate solutions, there is nothing that compares with that of Universality. Universal religious outlook, universal philosophical perspective, universal compassion, universal service of mankind, a more universal mindset — even a more universally-based business and politics — all would be welcome alternatives to the ponderous and ineffective arsenal of methodical weapons that nations and peoples are presently utilizing to try to stem the tide of pervasive human suffering. True, religion nowadays has become an obvious caricature of itself, and philosophy has turned into a job and a career instead of a means for the revelation of truth. Even altruistic service, after the many attempts it has made towards drying up the ocean of human misery, has shown us its limitations and its downside.

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #31

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #31

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler


Published: 2016-02-05

Total Pages: 60

ISBN-13: 9781891893223


Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings is an annual publication that contains articles on the philosophy and spirituality of Vedanta and other religious traditions by authentic practitioners. This issue contains articles on Advaita Vedanta, Nondual Christianity, Zen Buddhism, Physics & Vedanta, and selected spiritual practices of Vedanta, Jainism, and Judaism. Nectar #31 features articles by: Babaji Bob Kindler, Rabbi Rami Shapiro, John Dobson, Swami Aseshananda, Swami Brahmeshananda, and Annapurna Sarada.

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #30

Nectar of Non-Dual Truth #30

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler

Publisher: SRV Associations

Published: 2015-02-02

Total Pages: 60

ISBN-13: 9781891893193


Nectar of Non-Dual Truth, A Journal of Universal Religious and Philosophical Teachings is an annual publication that contains articles on the philosophy and spirituality of Vedanta and other religious traditions by authentic practitioners. Writers focus on the essential teachings and practices, with special emphasis on the nondual (advaitic) aspects. The articles gathered for each issue are designed to lift the mind up to spiritual heights where body, world, nature, and dual mind are seen as they truly are - vehicles for indwelling Consciousness - rather than as the only reality.

Nectar #30: The Desire for Freedom

Nectar #30: The Desire for Freedom

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2015-04-03

Total Pages: 61



Judaism, Jainism, Tibetan Buddhism, Zen Buddhism, Vedanta, and Advaita Vedanta, are all represented in full in this issue of Nectar of Nondual Truth, and if we had the available pages and writers we would certainly include all the rest of the world’s religious traditions herein as well. For, The Religion of the coming age, and of all ages — recognized as such or not — is Universality, and its underlying essence is Nonduality (advaita). Different liquids may be pleasing to the palate, but only water really slakes our thirst. Similarly, religion brings solace to embodied souls, but only nonduality slakes the inner thirst of the soul yearning to be free. Odors of cooked food wafting on the air bring children running for their meal, but only eating it truly satisfies their hunger. Like this, the inward fragrance of religion attracts the soul to perform worship and meditate, but only merging with Divine Reality fulfills all their aims and ends. The holy water and sacred food of the soul, then, is Universality based in Nonduality. Universality is beyond interreligious harmony and outstrips eclecticism. It breathes free, grows, and expands in the rare and exalted atmosphere of the open mind of the sincere and dedicated aspirant. Like the headiness of breathless heights one feels on pilgrimage in the Himalayan mountains, or the inspiration felt by taking pilgrimage to Jerusalem, or the power present when going on Hajj to Mecca, just so Universality verily transports the human mind to lofty experiences of Consciousness felt nowhere else — not even in the life heavens or the causal realms!

Nectar #2

Nectar #2

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2001-11-05

Total Pages: 32



Our second issue of Nectar focuses on a natural synthesis of universal and nondual themes, a stance inherent in our publication which brought comments and questions from scholarly circles. How can a journal call itself universal yet profess the nondual way? Philosophies that adhere to both dualistic forms of worship and qualified nondualistic pathways can claim to be universal in nature too. This of course is true, needing little mention, but two things of import emerged from this question and the dialogue that ensued. First, the SRV view particularly emphasizes the nondual approach over concentration upon or fascination with the many and does so while insisting that the essence of oneness pervades all approaches. Second, by the term nondual or advaita, we mean the principle of inherent oneness that permeates all of existence by way of direct experience, neither limited to the path of monism or even restricted to the way of Advaita as a philosophy of dialectics alone.

Nectar #10

Nectar #10

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2003-01-31

Total Pages: 36



Islam, Vedanta, Yoga, Zen, Tibetan Buddhism, Christianity, Judaism — one finds all these and more represented in Nectar of Nondual Truth. And never mind that there are points of difference with regard to practice and approach. You will find a nearly unanimous agreement around the Essence. On the cover, in the scriptural quote for this issue, we find the rishis of ancient India referring to this nondual Reality in terms of “something hidden.” It is indicated by religious traditions as the Pearl of Great Price, the White Dove Ascending, the Bourne of Freedom from Fear, the Ultimate Quest and other expressions which indicate both the beauty of and the difficulty involved in finding this Treasure, and infer the huge amount of self-effort that will have to be undertaken to succeed in this most excellent endeavor. But purity, practice, patience and perseverance — what can stymie the aspiring soul who approaches Divine Reality with such resolve? If one wants to see patina exude from a copper penny, one places it in a damp atmosphere and watches for days, weeks, even months, until that green substance finally issues forth. What a huge amount of work and effort is involved in gaining a few drops sesame oil from hundreds of seeds! Reality is “hidden,” then. Nature is Its sporting-ground, the universe Its Cosmic Mind, thought-force is Its power to create, revealed scripture is Its revelation, and forms and objects are solid reminders of both Its power to create and Its transcendent and unlimited nature. Yet, all of these are reflections, are insentient material principles. The one Spirit, though It pervades them, is independent of them, and they all get their existence and their ability to shine with reflected light from That. It is Svarupa, to quote the ancients, Essential Being, and everything, everyone else, is Svarupavishranti — always resting in this one essential Being.

Nectar #25

Nectar #25

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2010-01-17

Total Pages: 68



Nectar of Non-Dual Truth (and its dedicated staff) are both delighted and privileged to bring our revered readership a further offering of Nonduality and Universalism in the noble spirit of interreligious unity and harmony. This gift, a blessing from the Divine Mother of the Universe, presents ingenuous and inestimable installments of dharmic teachings from the sacred traditions of Buddhism, Jainism, Sufism, Taoism, and Vedanta, with additional articles, clips, and key quotes about other paths and ways of inner contemplation in accompaniment. Of the many and remarkable subjects, tenets, and axioms that grace the pages of this issue of Nectar, perhaps ahimsa, nonviolence, takes precedence, and vies for the lion’s share of our attentions and consideration. Another important philosophical facet, that of time, corresponds subsequentially, for humanity needs more of this graceful quality in order to work out its tendencies towards harmfulness and realize the utter and ultimate futility of all acts of aggression.

Nectar #29

Nectar #29

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2014-02-05

Total Pages: 62



With a reverence for the universality of all religions, SRV Associations, under the auspice of its Chosen Ideals, Sri Ramakrishna, Sri Sarada Devi, and Swami Vivekananda, offers its 29th issue of Nectar of Nondual Truth into the world-wide community of truth seekers everywhere. The purpose is twofold: first, that religion aligned with philosophy get disseminated and become available to humanity in this trouble-prone day and age; second, that through this divine dispensation, the principle of Universality — the truth of all religions — gets propagated as well. For, as we often say in SRV Loka, “There is no such thing as a foreign religion; all religions are indigenous to your soul.” To this fine end, then, we are to laud and applaud all Nectar contributors towards this singular principle, writers and spiritual leaders from both different walks of life, and from various traditions as well. They are fine examples of the potential of a people united in a world of beings and societies who only grant lip-service to such high-minded causes, but seldom follow through in action and in realization. As Swami Vivekananda has pleaded, “When will man finally be friend to man?”

Nectar #12

Nectar #12

Author: Babaji Bob Kindler

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2003-07-25

Total Pages: 36



There are innumerable ways of cultivating life’s many abundant harvests, but none more fruitful, fulfilling and freeing than a regimen of sedulous striving in the realm of spiritual practice. Why is this so? Assuredly, nothing other than purification of mind can facilitate the most subtle and sought after freedom that the human being longs for, either consciously, secretly or unconsciously. And this purification is achieved via sadhana, spiritual disciplines prescribed by an adept and esteemed religious preceptor according to revealed scripture, which cuts every man and woman in the image of abiding perfection inherent in each individual. Every man, Shiva incarnate, desires to break free of all the binding fetters of life and mind, but life itself is predicated upon a duality-fraught existence created by the manifold mind. Each woman, Shakti in manifest form, dreams of a life shorn of its weights and limitations, but the restrictive modes of nature and the constricting conventions of church, family and society unwittingly fashion the very chains that bind existence into painfully predictable scenarios and boring rounds of sleepy and sterile routine. Given this conundrum, it is no wonder that the key of innate spirituality and its superlative aim is held out again and again, from age to age and lifetime to lifetime, by truly compassionate beings who have tasted freedom and spare no efforts in order to share it with suffering humanity. And they often initiate the process of its discovery in seeking and suffering beings by pointing out the need for an intense yearning to be free. “Cry, oh mind, with a real cry,” sings Ramprasad Sen, “and the Mother of the Universe will not be able to withhold Her sweet Presence from you any longer.” “Beings cry jugs of tears for mates, money and materials,” states Sri Ramakrishna Paramahamsa, “but shed not one tear for God.” Furthermore, our intense yearning to be free must lead us straightaway to the path, the teacher and the specific formula for the attainment of divine life which best suits each individual’s karmas, abilities, and capacities. The thorough breakdown of all that impedes — doubt, fear, misconception, inordinate desire — is brought to bear in life by the cultivation of spirituality via hands-on practice. Without it, there adheres in the mental body a whole host of various forms of attachment, call them what you will, many of them masquerading meekly as freedom. As Sri Shankaracharya poignantly puts it: “When I was a baby I was attached to my mother’s breast; when I was a young man I was attached to a young woman; when I was old I was attached to anxiety; but to the Supreme Brahman, alas, I was never attached."

Nectar #34

Nectar #34

Author: Lam FuHo

Publisher: Sarada Ramakrishna Vivekananda Associations

Published: 2019-01-02

Total Pages: 58



In order to dwell within and enjoy the bliss of Nonduality, Peace of Mind is required. This abiding Peace is predicated upon the attainment of equanimity and contentment, and both of those are dependant upon fulfilling one’s desires in the dharma. But there is one onerous presence that can, almost effortlessly, undo the practitioner’s crucial spiritual practice and spoil a sincere aspirant’s bid for Peace leading to Enlightenment, and that is the insinuation of work, or action. According to Swami Vivekananda, “Work is the midday sun that is burning the very vitals of humanity. It is necessary for a time, but in the end is a morbid dream.” This is even more true in today’s humming multiple marketplaces and office buildings, whose teeming masses rush, like a raging springtime river in spate, to gain everything that the world can offer — all of it empty and unfulfilling in the end. Activity can never bring about liberation either, but is more often the cause for bondage of the soul to matter and nature. As Shankara has reminded us, “Moksha can never be gained by thousands of asanas, or by hundreds and thousands of breathing exercises, nor by millions of acts; nor does wealth and progeny bring it.”