For the first time, this up-to-date text combines the main issues of the hardware description language VHDL-AMS aimed at model representation of mixed-signal circuits and systems, characterization methods and tools for the extraction of model parameters, and modelling methodologies for accurate high-level behavioural models.
This book, the Mixed-signal Methodology Guide: Advanced Methodology for AMS IP and SoC Design, Verification, and Implementation provides a broad overview of the design, verification and implementation methodologies required for today's mixed-signal designs. The book covers mixed-signal design trends and challenges, abstraction of analog using behavioral models, assertion-based metric-driven verification methodology applied on analog and mixed-signal and verification of low power intent in mixed-signal design. It also describes methodology for physical implementation in context of concurrent mixed-signal design and for handling advanced node physical effects. The book contains many practical examples of models and techniques. The authors believe it should serve as a reference to many analog, digital and mixed-signal designers, verification, physical implementation engineers and managers in their pursuit of information for a better methodology required to address the challenges of modern mixed-signal design.
In this fourth book in the CHDL Series, a selection of the best papers presented in FDL'02 is published. System Specification and Design Languages contains outstanding research contributions in the four areas mentioned above. So, The Analog and Mixed-Signal system design contributions cover the new methodological approaches like AMS behavioral specification, mixed-signal modeling and simulation, AMS reuse and MEMs design using the new modeling languages such as VHDL-AMS, Verilog-AMS, Modelica and analog-mixed signal extensions to SystemC. UML is the de-facto standard for SW development covering the early development stages of requirement analysis and system specification. The UML-based system specification and design contributions address latest results on hot-topic areas such as system profiling, performance analysis and UML application to complex, HW/SW embedded systems and SoC design.C/C++-for HW/SW systems design is entering standard industrial design flows. Selected papers cover system modeling, system verification and SW generation. The papers from the Specification Formalisms for Proven design workshop present formal methods for system modeling and design, semantic integrity and formal languages such as ALPHA, HANDLE and B.
The Verilog Hardware Description Language (Verilog-HDL) has long been the most popular language for describing complex digital hardware. It started life as a prop- etary language but was donated by Cadence Design Systems to the design community to serve as the basis of an open standard. That standard was formalized in 1995 by the IEEE in standard 1364-1995. About that same time a group named Analog Verilog International formed with the intent of proposing extensions to Verilog to support analog and mixed-signal simulation. The first fruits of the labor of that group became available in 1996 when the language definition of Verilog-A was released. Verilog-A was not intended to work directly with Verilog-HDL. Rather it was a language with Similar syntax and related semantics that was intended to model analog systems and be compatible with SPICE-class circuit simulation engines. The first implementation of Verilog-A soon followed: a version from Cadence that ran on their Spectre circuit simulator. As more implementations of Verilog-A became available, the group defining the a- log and mixed-signal extensions to Verilog continued their work, releasing the defi- tion of Verilog-AMS in 2000. Verilog-AMS combines both Verilog-HDL and Verilog-A, and adds additional mixed-signal constructs, providing a hardware description language suitable for analog, digital, and mixed-signal systems. Again, Cadence was first to release an implementation of this new language, in a product named AMS Designer that combines their Verilog and Spectre simulation engines.
A practical guide to the successful integration of digital and analog circuits Mixed-signal processing-the integration of digital and analog circuitry within computer systems-enables systems to take signals from the analog world and process them within a digital system. In fact, recent advances in VLSI technology performance now allow for the integration of digital and analog circuits on a single chip, a process that requires the use of analog pre- and post-processing systems such as converters, filters, sensors, drivers, buffers, and actuators. However, the lack of universal CAD tools for the synthesis, simulation, and layout of the analog part of the chip represents a design bottleneck of today's VLSI circuits. Mixed-Signal Systems: A Guide to CMOS Circuit Design presents a comprehensive general overview of the latest CMOS technology and covers the various computer systems that may be used for designing integrated circuits. Taking an original approach to one- and two-dimensional filter design, the author explores the many digital-oriented design systems, or silicon compilers, currently being used, and presents the basic methods, procedures, and tools used by each. In a thorough and systematic manner, the text: * Presents common features of digital-oriented design systems * Describes methods and tools that are not yet being applied in any compiler * Illustrates image processing systems that can be implemented on a single chip * Demonstrates the path from synthesis methods to the actual silicon assembly Essential reading for integrated circuit designers and developers of related computer programs, as well as advanced students of system design, this book represents an invaluable resource for anyone involved in the development of mixed-signal systems.
Special Features: · Written by the author of the best-seller, CMOS: Circuit Design, Layout, and Simulation· Fills a hole in the technical literature for an advanced-tutorial book on mixed-signal circuit design from a circuit designer's point of view· Presents more advance topics, and will be an excellent companion to the first volume About The Book: This book will fill a hole in the technical literature for an advanced-tutorial book on mixed-signal circuit design. There are no competitors in this area. Mixed-signal design is performed in industry by a select few gurus . The techniques can be found in hard-to-digest technical papers.
Provides practical knowledge of CMOS analog and mixed-signal circuit design. Includes recent research in CMOS color and image sensor technology. Discusses sub-blocks of typical analog and mixed-signal IC products. Illustrates several design examples of analog circuits together with layout. Describes integrating based CMOS color circuit.