Esta antología no pretende ser una recopilación científica o exhaustiva. Ha sido redactado con la aspiración de divulgar la riqueza de las esenciales leyendas, mitos, historias y cuentos de Chile. El libro recoge más de 125 de las más conocidas narraciones, mitos y leyendas que se han pasado oralmente de generación en generación y forman parte de la memoria popular chilena. Refleja así las creencias, costumbres y experiencias del pueblo chileno antes y después de la conquista española.
Después de un recorrido por gran parte del país, registrando relatos orales directos en lugares entre sí tan distantes y diversos como Matancilla, en el Norte Chico, y Castro, en la isla de Chiloé, pasando por La Serena, Buin, Curepto, Cauquenes, Chillán o Puerto Varas, entre muchas otras ciudades y pueblos, Vicuña Cifuentes ordena, contextualiza, relata y compara historias referidas a una cincuentena de mitos tan mundanos como fantásticos.
Este libro recoge muchos de los más entrañables mitos y leyendas chilenos, como “El Chonchón”, “El Trauco” y “El Caleuche”, entre otros mitos; y “La Tirana del Tamarugal”, “Juan Soldado” y “El roto que engañó al diablo”, entre otras leyendas. Los mitos abordan aspectos importantes de la existencia humana y son parte del patrimonio cultural de los pueblos. Las leyendas, a su vez, son ficciones, pero se basan en hechos posibles ocurridos en lugares geográficos conocidos y con participación de personas reales.
AI is now a global phenomenon. Yet Hollywood narratives dominate perceptions of AI in the English-speaking West and beyond, and much of the technology itself is shaped by a disproportionately white, male, US-based elite. However, different cultures have been imagining intelligent machines since long before we could build them, in visions that vary greatly across religious, philosophical, literary and cinematic traditions. This book aims to spotlight these alternative visions. Imagining AI draws attention to the range and variety of visions of a future with intelligent machines and their potential significance for the research, regulation, and implementation of AI. The book is structured geographically, with each chapter presenting insights into how a specific region or culture imagines intelligent machines. The contributors, leading experts from academia and the arts, explore how the encounters between local narratives, digital technologies, and mainstream Western narratives create new imaginaries and insights in different contexts across the globe. The narratives they analyse range from ancient philosophy to contemporary science fiction, and visual art to policy discourse. The book sheds new light on some of the most important themes in AI ethics, from the differences between Chinese and American visions of AI, to digital neo-colonialism. It is an essential work for anyone wishing to understand how different cultural contexts interplay with the most significant technology of our time.
The Cultural Politics of Food, Taste, and Identity examines the social, cultural, and political processes that shape the experience of taste. The book positions flavor as involving all the senses, and describes the multiple ways in which taste becomes tied to local, translocal, glocal, and cosmopolitan politics of identity. Global case studies are included from Japan, China, India, Belize, Chile, Guatemala, the United States, France, Italy, Poland and Spain. Chapters examine local responses to industrialized food and the heritage industry, and look at how professional culinary practice has become foundational for local identities. The book also discusses the unfolding construction of “local taste” in the context of sociocultural developments, and addresses how cultural political divides are created between meat consumption and vegetarianism, innovation and tradition, heritage and social class, popular food and authenticity, and street and restaurant food. In addition, contributors discuss how different food products-such as kimchi, quinoa, and Soylent-have entered the international market of industrial and heritage foods, connecting different places and shaping taste and political identities.
Después de diez años de su publicación, llega esta versión actualizada y aumentada de Mitos de Chile. Esta vez convertido en una enciclopedia de “seres, apariciones y encantos”. Esta edición se ha realizado con aportes del Consejo Nacional del Libro y la Lectura y está destinada a un público transversal y masivo a un precio muy asequible para la calidad de su edición y cantidad de páginas que requiere una enciclopedia. La densidad cultural que habita en los relatos míticos mestizos e indígenas ha sido escasamente valorada, muchas veces desconocida y no pocas negada. Esta nueva edición de Mitos de Chile. Enciclopedia de seres, apariciones y encantos es un intento por poner en cuestión nuestra supuesta carencia de tramas simbólicas y traer a escena los infinitos y profundos recodos de los imaginarios sociales hoy vigentes. La reedición que hoy presentamos contiene más de cien nuevas definiciones y un sinnúmero de precisiones y versiones a los relatos de nuestro primer libro. Volver a rozar estas materias, en medio de la proliferación de representaciones mundializadas, ha sido un gesto por recuperar y traer otra vez a escena la riqueza de los mundos contados. Como en su primera impresión, Mitos de Chile nos da la posibilidad de acceder a un “otro” país, el inventado en multitud de gestos luminosos y sombríos por una tradición que nos interpela en nuestras más profundas experiencias culturales. El patrimonio intangible, oral y transmitido porfiadamente, es el testimonio indudable de una memoria que nos constituye a pesar de que hayamos querido desalojarla en el prurito ilustrado de nuestra modernidad y en la soberbia individualista del neoliberalismo. ACERCA DE LA AUTORA: Sonia Montecino Aguirre (1954) Antropóloga y escritora, doctora en Antropología por la Universidad de Leiden, Holanda. Desde 2013 es Premio Nacional de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. Profesora titular del Departamento de Antropología, coordinadora del Magíster en Estudios de Género y titular de la Cátedra Género de la UNESCO, todos cargos ejercidos en la Universidad de Chile. Sus investigaciones vertidas en ensayos, artículos y obras de creación, abordan los las identidades culturales desde las relaciones de género, etnicidades y narrativas orales como campo de análisis de las estructuras sociales. Es autora de numerosos libros que han recibido importantes premios nacionales y extranjeros, entre estos: Madres y Huachos; La olla deleitosa; Mitos de Chile, editados bajo el sello Catalonia.
This collection of consistently interesting articles contributes to the very boom in studies of memory towards which the editors ambiguously claim some skepticism. JRAI [This volume] is an important anthropological contribution to this expanding field [of memories of past violence]...The ethnographic diversity of the chapters allows for cross-cultural comparison and, as the editors themselves underscore, for different methodological and analytical approaches. Social Anthropology/Anthropologie sociale This collection of essays marks out fertile ground for anthropological investigations of memories of violence and trauma...the fine-grained analyses [ the wide ranging case studies contain] give the lie to any simplistic, ethnocentric and yet unversalising, throws a stunning critical spotlight upon many contemporary 'Western' therapeutic approaches that insist upon the 'talking cure'...It makes a valuable contribution to the anthropology of time, memory and violence and is suitable for advanced undergraduate and postgraduate courses. Anthroplogical Notebooks This is a rich and stimulating collection...Taken together [these chapters] provide an excellent antidote to simplistic medical or psychological approaches to the long-term effects of violence on victims and their families. Paul Antze, York University, Toronto [A] timely and important collection that brings together a number of current literatures in anthropology and memory studies...The volume enriches and complicates the study of memory, while making at the same time a strong case for the distinctiveness of anthropology's potential to contribute to such an enterprise. Stuart McLean, University of Minnesota Psychologists have done a great deal of research on the effects of trauma on the individual, revealing the paradox that violent experiences are often secreted away beyond easy accessibility, becoming impossible to verbalize explicitly. However, comparatively little research has been done on the transgenerational effects of trauma and the means by which experiences are transmitted from person to person across time to become intrinsic parts of the social fabric. With eight contributions covering Africa, Central and South America, China, Europe, and the Middle East, this volume sheds new light on the role of memory in constructing popular histories - or historiographies - of violence in the absence of, or in contradistinction to, authoritative written histories. It brings new ethnographic data to light and presents a truly cross-cultural range of case studies that will greatly enhance the discussion of memory and violence across disciplines. Nicolas Argenti is a senior lecturer in social anthropology at Brunel University. He has conducted research in North West Cameroon and Southern Sri Lanka on youth, political violence, and embodied memory. His monograph, The Intestines of the State: Youth, Violence and Belated Histories in the Cameroon Grassfields, was published in 2007. Katharina Schramm is a senior lecturer in social anthropology at the Martin-Luther-University of Halle-Wittenberg. She has previously worked on the commemoration of the slave trade and cultural politics in Ghana. Her published works include African Homecoming: Panafricanism and the Politics of Heritage (2010) and Identity Politics and the New Genetics: Re/creating Categories of Difference and Belonging (201