Modern electronic devices rely on ever-greater miniaturization of components, and semiconductor processing is approaching the domain of nanotechnology. Studies of devices in this regime can only be carried out with the most advanced forms of microscopy. Accordingly, Microscopy of Semiconducting Materials focuses on international developments in semiconductor studies carried out by all forms of microscopy. It provides an overview of the latest instrumentation, analysis techniques, and state-of-the-art advances in semiconducting materials science for solid state physicists, chemists, and material scientists.
The 14th conference in the series focused on the most recent advances in the study of the structural and electronic properties of semiconducting materials by the application of transmission and scanning electron microscopy. The latest developments in the use of other important microcharacterisation techniques were also covered and included the latest work using scanning probe microscopy and also X-ray topography and diffraction.
According to its tradition, the EUCAS Conference focused on the role of superconductivity in bridging various aspects of research with a variety of concrete advanced applications. The wide interactions among scientists operating worldwide in the field of superconductivity and the sharing of their knowledge and experience represented the main result of the event. The EUCAS Conference has been an ideal forum for presentation and discussion of recent developments in the field of applied superconductivity in the area of power and electronic applications. Great emphasis has been given to materials research directly connected to such applications. For this conference, 515 plenary, invited, and contributed papers were accepted, covering different areas of applications that strongly benefit from the use of superconductivity, such as energy transportation, large magnet systems, biomedical instrumentation, digital electronics, wireless communications, and quantum computing. Forty-two plenary and invited papers are included in Applied Superconductivity 2003, along with a CD-ROM that contains PDF files of all the contributed papers linked from contents lists (and, for completeness, plenary and invited papers). These proceedings are addressed to international physicists, electrotechnical and electronic engineers, material scientists, and chemists interested in the most recent and exciting advances in the field of applied superconductivity.
Compound Semiconductors 2004 was the 31st Symposium in this distinguished international series, held at Hoam Convention Center of Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea from September 12 to September 16, 2004. It attracted over 180 submissions from leading scientists in academic and industrial research institutions, and remains a major forum for t
This volume forms a solid presentation in several important areas of NGS research, including materials, growth and characterization, fundamental physical phenomena, and devices and applications. It examines the novel material of InAs and its related alloys, heterostructures, and nanostructures as well as more traditional NGS materials such as InSb, PbTe, and HgCdTe. Several chapters cover carbon nanotubes and spintronics, along with spin-orbit coupling, nonparabolicity, and large g-factors. The book also deals with the physics and applications of low-energy phenomena at the infrared and terahertz ranges.
Finishing is the final operation after a part is sized and shaped. Currently in high tech industries, there is a demand for nano level surface finishing of components. This process is done to improve the surface finish, to remove the recast layer, or to remove surface and sub-surface defects. The result is low friction, longer product life, and low power requirements. Equally important is the aesthetic aspect of the product. This subject is growing very fast from the technology as well as a science point of view. Books on this subject are very limited, particularly those ones that deal with both the science as well as the technology aspects.
This book discusses group theoretical methods and their applications in physics, chemistry, and biology. It covers traditional subjects including Lie group and representation theory, special functions, foundations of quantum mechanics, and elementary particle, nuclear, atomic, and molecular physics. More recent areas discussed are supersymmetry, superstrings and quantum gravity, integrability, nonlinear systems and quantum chaos, semigroups, time asymmetry and resonances, condensed matter, and statistical physics. Topics such as linear and nonlinear optics, quantum computing, discrete systems, and signal analysis have only in the last few years become part of the group theorists' turf.
Held every three years, The International Symposia on the Science and Technology of Light Sources (LS) provide a unique forum for the international community of engineers, scientists, research organizations, and academia from the lighting industry. In Light Sources 2004, leaders in their respective fields discuss the latest findings and exciting de
This volume provides an overview of the latest advances in the field of ionization by electron and photon impact. The book contains 18 contributions of recent experimental, theoretical, and computational work on correlated processes that involve a wide range of targets, including atoms, molecules, clusters, and surfaces. It covers a broad range of current topics, such as multi-particle coincidence studies, in particular, (e,2e) and (e,3e) processes, photoionization with or without excitation, and multiphoton single and double ionization. Three chapters contain the following topics: anisotropy and polarization in Auger-electron emission, multiple ionization of atoms in strong fields, and theoretical and practical aspects of photoionization with excitation.