"Metal Spinning" by C. Tuells is a book about different metalworking processes. The contents include: Principles of Metal Spinning Tools and Methods Used in Metal Spinning Excerpt: "Metal spinning, that process of sheet metal goods manufacturing which deals with the forming of sheet metal into circular shapes of great variety by means of the lathe, forms and hand-tools, is full of kinks and schemes peculiar to itself. It is the purpose of this treatise to give a description of spinning in general, and to outline some of the methods and tools used in spinning for rapid production."
Reflecting hands-on experience of materials, equipment, tooling and processes used in the industry, this work provides up-to-date information on flat-rolled sheet metal products. It addresses the processing and forming of light-to-medium-gauge flat-rolled sheet metal, illustrating the versatility and myriad uses of this material.
Reviews all the latest developments and refinements, including their design details, materials, practical tolerances, and working finishes. Features over 1,200 charts and illustrations in 69 chapters. Allows the reader to objectively evaluate and compare different processes and equipment with their inherent advantages for any particular application.
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This book is a comprehensive presentation of the fundamental concepts and applications of metal fabrication technology. Designed primarily for undergraduate and postgraduate students of mechanical engineering and production engineering, the book will also be useful for students of engineering diploma programmes in the above fields and certificate courses in metal fabrication and erection, as well as for practising engineers and consultants involved in welding, fabrication, erection, production planning, testing and design. The initial chapters of the book provide an overview of the metal fabrication industry, as well as an exhaustive discussion of the properties of the various engineering materials, heat treatment processes, and frame analysis. The focus then shifts to production planning and control, production line design, as well as drawing, marking and layout. The ensuing chapters explain elaborately the various metal cutting processes, metal forming methods, and manufacturing processes. Assembly and erection, joining and welding, fault analysis and inspection, and metal finishing are covered subsequently. The various systematic guidelines for erection as well as the different prohibited welding methods and welding defects are elucidated. The final chapter of the book is devoted to health and safety issues relevant to fabrication and erection. The book contains numerous illustrations that enable the students to gain a thorough understanding of the subject matter. The review questions at the end of each chapter help to test their comprehension of the underlying concepts.