This is the Spanish translation of Father Keating's Open Mind, Open Heart, the best-selling book of the Centering Prayer movement, with sales of over 100,000 copies. It joins Continuum's two other books in Spanish by Father Keating, El Misterio del Cristo and Invitacin a Amar, and Sister Margaret Mary Funk's El Coraz n en Paz (Thoughts Matter).Keating gives an overview of the history of contemplative prayer in the Christian tradition, and step-by-step guidance in the method of centering prayer. This book is designed to initiate the reader into a deep, living relationship with God.
The last decade has witnessed a striking upsurge of interest in Iberian hagiography. In painting and the fine arts through to poetic and narrative treatments composed in Castilian and Catalan, the legacies of Christ, Mary, and the saints have been approached from a range of perspectives and subjected to detailed critical scrutiny. This book, which focuses specifically on the application of theoretical and methodological approaches to analysis, asks what scholars of early Iberian hagiography can bring to the analysis of the sacred past and how the study of the discipline can be taken forward innovatively in the future. Its fourteen essays, each focusing on a different aspect of composition, seek in particular to explore interdisciplinary methodologies and the ways in which they intersect with broader discourses in other branches of research. Contributors are Carme Arronis Llopis, Fernando Baños Vallejo, Andrew M. Beresford, Sarah Jane Boss, Sarah V. Buxton, Marinela Garcia Sempere, Ryan D. Giles, Ariel Guiance, Lluís Ramon i Ferrer, Rebeca Sanmartín Bastida, Connie L. Scarborough, and Lesley K. Twomey.
Tantra Iluminado gu&ía al lector a lo largo de un viaje fascinante hacia el coraz&ón mismo del Tantra: sus ense&ñanzas principales, los linajes que le dan fundamento y sus pr&ácticas transformativas. Desde que Occidente descubri&ó el Tantra hace 100 a&ños, este movimiento espiritual ha sido objeto de gran fascinaci&ón, especulaci&ón, y una buena dosis de desinformaci&ón. Ahora, por primera vez en nuestra lengua, Tantra Iluminado nos brinda una introducci&ón accesible a esta sagrada tradici&ón que naci&ó hace 1,500 a&ños en el norte de la India. Esta obra se sustenta en fuentes originales en s&ánscrito, ofrece una mirada profunda a la pr&áctica espiritual, y revela la rica historia del Tantra junto con sus poderosas ense&ñanzas.Entrar en el mundo del Tantra original es adentrarse en un reino de magia y misterio, en una filosof&ía que expande nuestra mente; llena de ritos arcanos; panteones de diosas feroces encarnadas en s&ílabas m&ísticas; diagramas energéticos que dibujan un mapa de las dimensiones de la realidad; visualizaciones de los centros de poder del cuerpo; posturas que expresan las formas m&ás puras de la conciencia; experiencias nect&áreas del éxtasis m&ás absoluto, portadoras un poder sobrenatural, y conceptos que desaf&ían las normas fundamentales de la sociedad tradicional. En pocas palabras, un mundo que abarca todo el rango de la actividad religiosa y espiritual del ser humano, desde las contemplaciones m&ás sublimes y elevadas de nuestra naturaleza interna, hasta las m&ás extra&ñas supersticiones. Hoy en d&ía, algunos est&án interesados en la elevada filosof&ía del Tantra, otros s&ólo quieren conocer las técnicas netamente pr&ácticas, mientras que a otros m&ás los mueve la curiosidad de conocer el contexto hist&órico. No importa quién seas, para sumergirte por completo en este mundo, deber&ás no nada m&ás renunciar a cualquier noci&ón de aquello que t&ú creas que es Tantra, sino también despojarte de algunas de tus creencias m&ás arraigadas sobre la realidad en s&í misma.
British biologist Sheldrake and American priest Fox share an interest in going beyond the current limitations of institutional science and mechanistic religion. These dialogues emerged as the authors spoke together at meetings.
The volume presents seventeen papers by different scholars that examine, from an interdisciplinary perspective, questions concerning meditation and yogic perception. The contributions focus on various aspects, such as the nature of consciousness, the relation of body and mind, and health, and bind together the perspectives and approaches of disciplines such as South Asian, Buddhist and Tibetan studies, religious studies, philosophy and the history of philosophy, medieval European history, anthropology and psychology. In contrast to recent interdisciplinary studies on meditation that take the natural sciences as their focal point (notably, quantum mechanics and neurophysiology), this volume uses methods established in the social sciences and humanities as tools for understanding meditative traditions, especially those found in Buddhism and Hinduism.
El Aire que respiro entrega una visión global sobre esta importante temática, mostrando perspectivas que permiten comprender más profunda y globalmente la enseñanza teórica y vital sobre la fe práctica en la divina Providencia según el pensamiento del P. Kentenich. Editorial Patris nació en 1982, hace 25 años. A lo largo de este tiempo ha publicado más de dos centenares de libros. Su línea editorial contempla todo lo relacionado con el desarrollo integral de la persona y la plasmación de una cultura marcada por la dignidad del hombre y los valores del Evangelio. Gran parte de sus publicaciones proceden del P. José Kentenich, fundador del Movimiento de Schoenstatt o de autores inspirados en su pensamiento. Por cierto, también cuenta con publicaciones de otros autores que han encontrado acogida en esta Editorial. De esta forma Editorial Patris no sólo ha querido poner a disposición de los miembros de la Obra de Schoenstatt un valioso aporte, sino que, al mismo tiempo, ha querido entregar a la Iglesia y a todos aquellos que buscan la verdad, una orientación válida en medio del cambio de época que vive la sociedad actual.
The career of Arthur L-F. Askins is celebreated in a panorama of current scholarship on the Iberian peninsula during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. This volume is dedicated to Professor Arthur L-F. Askins, whose scholarship on Spanish and Portuguese literatures of the Medieval and Renaissance periods is esteemed by colleagues around the world. Many North American and European scholars have contributed with essays of an exceptionally high scholarly quality, in English, Spanish and Portuguese, to this wide-ranging tribute, dealing with Spanish and Portuguese literary culture from the end of the fourteenth to the late sixteenth century. Some tackle problems concerning manuscripts, texts, and books; other essays are literary, theoretical, and interpretive in nature; topics range from medieval and Renaissance epic and love poetry to spiritual, travel and chivalric literature, as well as balladry and pliegos sueltos. CONTRIBUTORS: Gemma Avenoza, Nieves Baranda, Vicenç Beltran, Alberto Blecua, Pedro M. Cátedra, Manuel da Costa Fontes, Alan Deyermond, Aida Fernanda Dias, Dru Dougherty, Thomas F. Earle, Charles B. Faulhaber, María del Mar Fernández Vega, Helder Godinho, Angel Gómez Moreno, Thomas R. Hart, Ana Hatherly, David Hook, Victor Infantes, Paul Lewis-Smith, Beatriz Mariscal Hay, Aires A. Nascimento, Joao David Pinto-Correia, Dorothy Sherman Severin, Harvey L. Sharrer. Martha E. Schaffer is Associate Professor of Spanish at the University of San Francisco; Antonio CortijoOcaña is Professor of Spanish at the University of California.
SHADES OF GRAY-INTO THE LIGHT is a journey. A collection of stories told in poetic verse and prose of the layers of the human spirit. Stories of life and love and joys and sorrows chronicled by dates in random order taken from events in life. Stories of fact and fiction beginning in DARKSHADES before migrating through the MEDIUMSHADES of life into the eventuality of LIGHTSHADES where hope alwayssprings eternalwhen willing souls refuse to give into anything less than they deserve. SHADES of GRAY-INTO THE LIGHT is a story of change! A story of facing challenges head on that we sometimescreate ourselves as life hands them to usallowing us to make the choices that dictate where our lives willgo. We stand on the threshfold of change where hopes rewards are but a few steps away as long as we dare to dream!