Based on practice-oriented and practice-relevant research methods, Anna Quitt, designs an integrated process for measuring supply management’s budget effects and develops Return on Spend as an innovative financial effectiveness indicator.
This volume addresses advanced DEA methodology and techniques developed for modeling unique new performance evaluation issues. Many numerical examples, real management cases and verbal descriptions make it very valuable for researchers and practitioners.
Traditionally, economics training in public finances has focused more on tax than public expenditure issues, and within expenditure, more on policy considerations than the more mundane matters of public expenditure management. For many years, the IMF's Public Expenditure Management Division has answered specific questions raised by fiscal economists on such missions. Based on this experience, these guidelines arose from the need to provide a general overview of the principles and practices observed in three key aspects of public expenditure management: budget preparation, budget execution, and cash planning. For each aspect of public expenditure management, the guidelines identify separately the differing practices in four groups of countries - the francophone systems, the Commonwealth systems, Latin America, and those in the transition economies. Edited by Barry H. Potter and Jack Diamond, this publication is intended for a general fiscal, or a general budget, advisor interested in the macroeconomic dimension of public expenditure management.
This book comprehensively addresses the economic and social implications of the COVID-19 pandemic. In each chapter of the book, the effects of the pandemic on different economic and financial sectors are discussed. The book tackles many topics and issues that are of relevance in the post-pandemic world. Some of these issues are the effects of the pandemic on countries' budgets, tax systems, financial and economic policies, and management, in addition, the evaluation of the pandemic in terms of migration and refugees, the historic comparison of its effects with other pandemics, the social media reflections of the pandemic and the global governance discussions. The book also considers the effects of pandemic on the use of digital currencies and the effects of digitalization of employment and robot employment.
Cost Management: Measuring, Monitoring, and Motivating Performance, Third Canadian Edition was written to help students learn to appropriately apply cost accounting methods in a variety of organizational settings. To achieve this goal, students must also develop professional competencies, such as strategic/critical thinking, risk analysis, decision making, ethical reasoning and communication. This is in line with the CPA curriculum and the content of this edition and the problem materials is mapped to the CPA. Many students fail to recognize the assumptions, limitations, behavioural implications, and qualitative factors that influence managerial decision making. The textbook is written in an engaging step-by-step style that is accessible to students. The authors are proactive about addressing the challenges that instructors and students face in their teaching and learning endeavors. They utilize features such as realistic examples, real ethical dilemmas, self-study problems and unique problem material structured to encourage students to think about accounting problems and problem-solving more complexly.
CCH's Corporate Controller's Handbook of Financial Management is a comprehensive source of practical solutions, strategies, techniques, procedures, and formulas covering all key aspects of accounting and financial management. Its examples, checklists, step-by-step instructions, and other practical working tools simplify complex financial management issues and give CFOs, corporate financial managers, and controllers quick answers to day-to-day questions.