This text provides a balanced survey of major sub-fields within discrete mathematics. It demonstrates the utility of discrete mathematics in the solutions of real-world problems in diverse areas such as zoology, linguistics and business. Over 200 new problems have been added to this third edition.
The companion Web site -- To the student -- The foundations : logic, sets, and functions -- The fundamentals : algorithms, the integers, and matrices -- Mathematical reasoning -- Counting -- Advanced counting techniques -- Relations -- Graphs -- Trees -- Boolean algebra -- Modeling computation
This text is designed for the sophomore/junior level introduction to discrete mathematics taken by students preparing for future coursework in areas such as math, computer science and engineering. Rosen has become a bestseller largely due to how effectively it addresses the main portion of the discrete market, which is typically characterized as the mid to upper level in rigor. The strength of Rosen's approach has been the effective balance of theory with relevant applications, as well as the overall comprehensive nature of the topic coverage.
A TRANSITION TO ADVANCED MATHEMATICS helps students make the transition from calculus to more proofs-oriented mathematical study. The most successful text of its kind, the 7th edition continues to provide a firm foundation in major concepts needed for continued study and guides students to think and express themselves mathematically to analyze a situation, extract pertinent facts, and draw appropriate conclusions. The authors place continuous emphasis throughout on improving students' ability to read and write proofs, and on developing their critical awareness for spotting common errors in proofs. Concepts are clearly explained and supported with detailed examples, while abundant and diverse exercises provide thorough practice on both routine and more challenging problems. Students will come away with a solid intuition for the types of mathematical reasoning they'll need to apply in later courses and a better understanding of how mathematicians of all kinds approach and solve problems. Important Notice: Media content referenced within the product description or the product text may not be available in the ebook version.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. John E. Freund's Mathematical Statistics with Applications , Eighth Edition, provides a calculus-based introduction to the theory and application of statistics, based on comprehensive coverage that reflects the latest in statistical thinking, the teaching of statistics, and current practices.