A comprehensive, self-contained mathematics reference, The Mathematics Manual for Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operators will be useful to operators of all levels of expertise and experience. The text is divided into three parts. Part 1 covers basic math, Part 2 covers applied math concepts, and Part 3 presents a comprehensive workbook with
Most wastewater operators cite mathematics as the subject giving them the most difficulty on their operator certification exams, as well as on the job. This math study text is designed to help wastewater operators improve their math skills, pass certification exams, perform their jobs better, and advance their careers. The guide provides examples of a variety of different problems that will be encounted both on Grades 3 and 4 certification exams and on the job. Each problem is presented with easily followed steps and comments to facilitate understanding. Tests with answers are included after each grade level to help you determine where your strengths and weaknesses are. Appendices provide common conversion factors, a summary of the equations used in the book, chemistry tables, maximum contaminant level charts, and abbreviations to which you can refer when working out the problems.
Lumpy Water Math was written to help wastewater treatment plant operators and collection system operators with the basic problem solving ability needed to evaluate and control these systems. This understanding will help the operator use math in day-to day operation as well as help prepare for certification exams. The math will be helpful to water supply and distribution system operators as the math used is basically the same.The instruction begins with basic instruction in solving for areas and volumes, detention time, flow calculations, hydraulic and organic loading and progresses to specialty areas such as activated sludge and laboratory calculations. The book includes tips for making problem solving and use of calculators easier. Typical state design standards are listed so that problem answers can be compared to accepted values. The book includes many practice problems with answers given in the appendix to help operators become proficient in basic problem solving.
The Handbook of Water and Wastewater Treatment Plant Operations is the first thorough resource manual developed exclusively for water and wastewater plant operators. Now regarded as an industry standard, this fourth edition has been updated throughout, and explains the material in easy-to-understand language. It also provides real-world case studies and operating scenarios, as well as problem-solving practice sets for each scenario. Features: Updates the material to reflect the developments in the field Includes new math operations with solutions, as well as over 250 new sample questions Adds updated coverage of energy conservation measures with applicable case studies Enables users to properly operate water and wastewater plants and suggests troubleshooting procedures for returning a plant to optimum operation levels Prepares operators for licensure exams A complete compilation of water science, treatment information, process control procedures, problem-solving techniques, safety and health information, and administrative and technological trends, this text serves as a resource for professionals working in water and wastewater operations and operators preparing for wastewater licensure exams. It can also be used as a supplemental textbook for undergraduate and graduate students studying environmental science, water science, and environmental engineering.
AWWA's most popular training handbook for water treatment operators, this handy guide provides a complete introduction to water treatment operations and equipment. It is excellent for certification exam study
This book is for newer wastewater treatment operators who are studying for the Grade 2 exam (second certification level from the bottom). It contains 360 questions that help operators prepare for the wastewater treatment operator certification exam. There are 4 full-length practice exams in this book. Each test consists of 90 questions that cover wastewater treatment concepts and relevant math problems. The first two exams are all multiple choice, while the last two exams contain both true/false and multiple choice questions. Topics covered: Preliminary Treatment, Screening, Grit Channel, Primary Treatment, Primary Sedimentation, Secondary Treatment, Trickling Filters, Activated Sludge, RBC, Secondary Sedimentation, Waste Stabilization Ponds, Disinfection, Sludge Handling, Anaerobic Digestion, Safety, Sampling, Pumps, Laboratory Work, Analysis of Wastewater Constituents, and Basic Supervision Responsibilities. Math Section: Hydraulic Loading, Organic Loading, SVI, Removal Efficiency, F/M Ratio, MCRT, Pumping Rate, Percent Volatile Solids Reduction, Flowrate of Primary Sludge, Detention Time, Chlorine Residual and Demand, Weir Overflow Rate, Sludge Age, Surface Loading Rate, Solids Loading Rate, and Population Loading.
Pass your wastewater certification exam the first time! This study guide is specially developed to give wastewater operators practice answering questions that are similar in format and content to the questions that appear on certification exams. Sample questions are provided for grades 1, 2, 3, and 4 wastewater operator certification exams, so you can study the questions that are specific to your grade level. Answers and references are included for questions. Math questions include the method to solve. AWWA's most popular operator training aid, this study guide is specially designed to give water operators and students practice in answering questions that are similar in format and content to the questions that appear on state certification exams. Sample questions and answers for both wastewater treatment and collections systems are included.