Master Monk-Key
Author: Arun Singh KRANTI
Published: 2020-04-23
Total Pages: 115
DOWNLOAD EBOOKMASTER MONK-KEY : The Master Key to tame your MonKeyBASED ON SOME ENLIGHTENING, WAKING-STATE COMMUNICATIONS IN TRANSACTIONAL REALITYBECAUSE, YOU CANNOT NOT COMMUNICATE.CAUT'ION' ! Wierdness Alert! It's 'all' in mind! And 'mind' is a verb. Mind it!Now the weird explanation starts :'Follow'ing words ('dial'ogues or di-a-logues) can 'lead' to leave the 'follow'ing forever... and ever. Pre-senting to you, a bookish 'thing' that leads to no-thing. It is a jour'neyy' of a CONfused 'mine'd (mind) which is (in 'real'm of) 'nowhere' (ness), transforming into a PROfused mind in the middle of the journey, getting fused with self at the cyclic-end and reaching (the realm of) 'now here' (ness). Full of punctuational 'errors', due to grammatical 'ignorance' (and vice-versa), and lacking correct structure of 'sent'ences, the bookish thing does not have 'meters' or measurements like page number, table of content, borders, 'pre'face, 'post'face etc. and the 'punct'uation is also altered to 'con'vey some deep 'mean'ings, (but) and it does have some 'matter'.To the read'errs', OPEN the Bookish thing RANDOMLY(comma) looking into the mirror that Nothing 'is' random & No-thing is not(random)(exclamation mark)Enough with 'that' wierdness!Note: Some inferences might seem to be a bit tricky. You are advised to read the dialogues two to three times to understand the revelations they are going to do.