Más que un rabino

Más que un rabino

Author: César Vidal

Publisher: B&H Publishing Group

Published: 2020-02-01

Total Pages: 234

ISBN-13: 1535983612


Millones y millones de personas adoran, veneran y admiran a Jesús de Nazaret. Dios, para algunos, maestro, para otros. La verdad, sin embargo, es que Su historia y sus verdaderas enseñanzas son ignoradas por las masas. Siglos de interpretaciones y manipulaciones han ocultado el hecho de que Jesús no era un cristiano. El reconocido historiador César Vidal nos presenta en Más que un rabino a Jesús quien nació, vivió y murió como judío. No podemos entender a cabalidad sus enseñanzas y su impacto en la religión hasta que entendamos completamente este hecho. More than a Rabbi Jesus of Nazareth is adored, venerated, and admired by millions and millions of people. God, for some, teacher, for others. The truth, however, is that His history and true teachings are largely ignored by the masses. Centuries of interpretations and manipulations have hidden the fact that Jesus was not a Christian. Jesus was born, lived and died a Jew, and we cannot fully understand his teachings and impact on religion until we fully understand that fact.

Além da Alma

Além da Alma

Author: Gaston Levy

Publisher: iUniverse

Published: 2014-02-27

Total Pages: 411

ISBN-13: 1491725842


De maneira divertida e pitoresca, o autor narra suas memórias da infância no Egito, das reuniões de família e os aromas dos pratos preparados por sua mãe aos sons e imagens da vida egípcia daquela época. O autor, então, nos leva em seu amargo êxodo do Egito para o Brasil. Ele compartilha com o leitor seus primeiros desafios naquela terra desconhecida e fala sobre sua vida no Rio de Janeiro e, posteriormente, no Canadá. Finalmente, ele encerra sua jornada em Boston, nos Estados Unidos, após a oferta de uma transferência definitiva para a sede da companhia naquela cidade. Ele, então, discorre sobre sua árdua ascensão na empresa, de passo em passo, afiando suas habilidades de gerenciamento a cada etapa e culminando com sua chegada ao topo da carreira corporativa. Ali, ele aprendeu a lidar com seu Conselho de Administração, banqueiros de investimento e analistas de Wall Street. Este garoto de Alexandria nos convida a penetrar seus pensamentos mais profundos, mostrando-nos como conseguiu desenvolver um novo conceito de vida, seu significado e propósito, graças à Logosofia, a ciência do autoconhecimento. Por fim, ele nos oferece suas conclusões, após vinte anos de investigação, sobre “As Origens da Antiga Civilização Egípcia” e “Quem Foram os Judeus”.

El Nuevo Matrimonio es Adulterio a Menos que ...

El Nuevo Matrimonio es Adulterio a Menos que ...

Author: David Pawson

Publisher: Anchor

Published: 2015-08-14

Total Pages: 125



La poligamia consecutiva (tantos esposos o esposas como uno quiera, pero solo uno por vez) es ahora la norma aceptada en la sociedad contemporánea. No es algo que deba extrañarnos, ya que las restricciones sociales, legales, morales y económicas que mantenían a los matrimonios unidos durante toda la vida han sido erosionadas persistentemente en una era relativista donde todo vale. Lo que sorprende es que el divorcio y el nuevo matrimonio se están volviendo tan frecuentes dentro como fuera de la iglesia, aun entre líderes cristianos y especialmente en la corriente evangélica. Los creyentes han sido elocuentes acerca del aborto y la homosexualidad, aunque su Señor Jesús no dijo nada acerca de ninguno de estos temas. Sí dijo bastante acerca del tema de este libro, pero existe ya sea una renuencia a tomar su enseñanza al pie de la letra o una avidez por agrandar su “excepción” hasta convertirla en la regla. Este libro apela principalmente a aquellas personas para las cuales la Biblia es la autoridad final en todos los asuntos de creencia y conducta, en especial las que predican, enseñan o aconsejan a otras. El autor cree que la iglesia debería estar liderando al mundo cuesta arriba en vez de seguirlo cuesta abajo.

#PE Anth

#PE Anth

Author: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich

Publisher: Ingram

Published: 1997-06-30

Total Pages: 368

ISBN-13: 9780153044458


To Be a Jew

To Be a Jew

Author: Hayim H. Donin

Publisher: Basic Books

Published: 2019-08-13

Total Pages: 238

ISBN-13: 1541618149


The inimitable, classic guide to the ageless heritage of Judaism, from Rabbi Hayim H. Donin, an incomparable teacher and interpreter of Jewish laws and practice. Embraced over many decades by hundreds of thousands of readers, To Be a Jew offers a clear and comprehensive introduction to traditional Jewish laws and customs as they apply to daily life in the contemporary world. In simple and powerful language, Rabbi Hayim Halevy Donin presents the fundamentals of Judaism, including the laws and observances for the Sabbath, the dietary laws, family life, prayer at home and in the synagogue, the major and minor holidays, and the guiding principles and observances of life, such as birth, naming, circumcision, adoption and conversion, Bar-mitzvah, marriage, divorce, death, and mourning. Ideal for reference, reflection, and inspiration, To Be a Jew will by greatly valued by anyone who feels that knowing, understanding, and observing the laws and traditions of Judaism in daily life is the essence of what it means to be a Jew.

Dios Tiene Sentido

Dios Tiene Sentido

Author: Pete Sui? 1/2 rez

Publisher: Christian Faith Publishing, Inc.

Published: 2022-11-03

Total Pages: 245

ISBN-13: 1641919981


Los temas de los capAtulos no evaden los diferentes momentos por los que el lector debe pasar a dar razA3n de su fe, como son: el sentido de vida, el pecado, los valores, el matrimonio, el sufrimiento, la esperanza, el celibato, la felicidad. Todo dentro del plan de Dios, su Reino, su presencia, la oraciA3n, la comunidad y en general la espiritualidad cristiana, para llegar hasta el SeA+-or de la vida y de la muerte. Todo esto para terminar como mismo bien lo dice que "Dios es el Ser Creador del Universo, de ti y de mi, de todos nosotros que, al ser puro amor decidiA3 verter lo mejor de su poder creativo en un universo y entregA!rnoslo para que mediante esta vida podamos llegar a realizar todas nuestras esperanzas y finalmente reunirnos todos por siempre en su presencia". Available also in English



Author: Obshtestvena kulturno-prosvetna organizat͡sii͡a na evreite v Narodna republika Bŭlgarii͡a. T͡Sentralno rŭkovodstvo


Published: 1979

Total Pages: 722



A Changing World

A Changing World

Author: Cesar Vidal

Publisher: Agustin Agency

Published: 2020-07

Total Pages: 384

ISBN-13: 9781950604067


On December 26, 1991, an event of extraordinary importance in universal history took place. It involved the dissolution of the Soviet Union, an event of enormous repercussions that almost no one had anticipated. In fact, only the historian Andrei Amalrík1 and Nobel laureate and writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn,2 two Russian dissidents, had enough courage and vision to forecast that such a seismic event would take place. Although it is indisputable that the Cold War had come to an end, there are more than a few who intend to continue analyzing the current global situation from the perspective of a historical period that ended four decades ago. Claiming to understand the present with the paradigms of the Cold War-even to a large extent with those espoused by the Left and Right-is a very serious mistake with consequences that are extremely harmful. History has continued to move forward, and just as it would have been foolish to claim to understand Europe of the end of the nineteenth century on the basis of what life was like for Napoleon, who was finally dethroned in 1815; it is absurd, and even ridiculous, to try to understand our world on the basis of what the Cold War entailed. In the first part of the present work, we will take into account the analysis of democracy as a recent and often failed regime, as well as consider the dangers that now threaten its very survival. The second part is devoted to the globalist agenda, which constitutes a real threat that seeks to destroy national sovereignty, the power of the Sates, and the democratic system itself. Finally, the third paints a global picture of how reactions are already perceived in light of this globalist agenda, although not all of them lead to a future of freedom, and, certainly, the human race runs a true and real risk of being subjected to totalitarian systems of various kinds. We invite you on this journey with The World is Changing.