Provides guidance on controlling asbestos-containing materials (ACM) found in buildings. Provides a current summary of data on exposure to airborne asbestos; gives survey procedures for determining if ACM is present in buildings; explains how to establish a special operations and maintenance program in a building found to contain asbestos; reviews technical issues confronted when assessing the potential for exposure to airborne asbestos, in particular indoor settings; suggests a structured process for selecting a particular course of action, and much more. Commonly referred to as the Blue Book.
This is aimed at people who have a duty to manage the risks from asbestos-containing materials in premises, ie. building owners, tenants and anyone else who has any legal responsibilities for workplaces. The guidance expands on that given in the free leaflet Managing asbestos in premises, INDG223 (rev2) - it should be useful to those in more complex organizations. The new duty to manage asbestos in non-domestic premises, regulation 4 of the Control of Asbestos at Work Regulations 2002 (CAW), comes into force in October 2002.
Contains the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012, with the various sections of the Health and Safety Executive's Approved code of practice (ACOP) and associated guidance notes inserted at the relevant points.
This book replaces most earlier HSE guidance on liscensed asbestos removal work. It is aimed at businesses holding a alicence to work with asbestos, either repairing or removing asbestos-containing materials (ACMs), supervising such work, holding an ancillary license or providing training on asbestos. Employers who carry out work with asbestos insulation, aasbestos insulating board using their own employees on their premises, who are exempted from the requirement to hold a licence, also need this guidance. The guidance is split into eight chapters, covering different aspects of licensed work with ACM's. It provides an overview of asbestos and its health effects, the law and how to work safely with asbestos.
This heavily illustrated publication is aimed at people carrying out asbestos surveys and people with specific responsibilities for managing asbestos in non-domestic premises under the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012. The book covers competence and quality assurance and surveys, including: survey planning, carrying out surveys, the survey report and the dutyholder's use of the survey information. It includes extensive appendices and references.