Maintenance Training Equipment: Design Specification Based on Instructional System Development. Revision

Maintenance Training Equipment: Design Specification Based on Instructional System Development. Revision

Author: R. J. Hritz


Published: 1984

Total Pages: 87



This paper presents a model for documenting training equipment designs derived from an Instructional System Development (ISD) analysis. The model, presented in handbook format, contains blanks to be completed by the ISD analyst(s). Since the model is appropriate for documenting various kinds of possible designs, it is accompanied by an appendix which provides instructions for applying it. The model provides a method for communicating a specific training equipment design to the procurement office after ISD analysis has established a need for a maintenance trainer. The model has been specifically organized and formatted so that it can be easily used by procurement office personnel to prepare the procurement specification that eventually goes to contractors for bids. The model provides the ISD analysts an opportunity to specify such design information as (a) characteristics of the target population who will use the trainer; (b) a list of training objectives to be achieved using the training devices; (c) a list of tasks to be practiced and/or acquired on the trainer and a list of malfunctions to be presented by the simulator for isolation and/or correction; (d) a scenario discussing how the trainer will be used to achieve the specified training objectives; (e) a list of physical and functional characteristics of the components to be represented on the trainer; and (f) a description of instructional features required on the trainer to facilitate training objective achievement. When utilized, the model will improve, standardize, and facilitate the communication between ISD and procurement personnel.

Maintenance Training Simulator Design and Acquisition

Maintenance Training Simulator Design and Acquisition

Author: Rohn J. Hritz


Published: 1980

Total Pages: 234



The project explored the problems of maintenance training simulation design and acquisition. The report describes the procedures developed for designing and documenting maintenance trainers; i.e., the procedures for determining when to use a simulator, the procedures for determining the degree of fidelity of the trainer components, and the procedures for selecting and defining the instructional features of the maintenance trainer. In addition, the report describes the project-generated ISD (Instructional System Development) Derived Training Equipment Design model specification and the Prime Development Specification for Maintenance Training Simulators. Both are model or generic specifications. The ISD-derived model specification is used to communicate to the System Program Office (SPO) the results of the ISD analysis (with respect to training equipment requirements). The Prime Development Model Specification is used by the SPO to construct a procurement specification which contains both training-oriented and engineering requirements. The report also discusses nine problem areas: e.g., the increasing emphasis for an accelerated acquisition schedule, the lack of continual communications between ISD analysts and SPO personnel, the reassignment of ISD analysts and the lack of documentation of corporate knowledge. For each prolem, recommendations/alternative-solutions are offered.

Maintenance Training Simulator Design and Acquisition: ISD-Derived Training Equipment Design

Maintenance Training Simulator Design and Acquisition: ISD-Derived Training Equipment Design

Author: Rohn J. Hritz


Published: 1982

Total Pages: 80



This technical paper presents a model for documenting training equipment designs derived from an Instructional System Development (ISD) analysis. The model contains blanks to be completed by the ISD analyst(s). Since the model is appropriate for documenting various kinds of possible designs, the model is accompanied by an appendix, which provides instructions for applying the model. The model provides a method for communicating a specific training equipment design to the Simulator System Program Office (SimSPO) after the ISD analysis has established a need for a maintenance trainer. The model has been specifically organized and formatted so that it can be easily used by SimSPO personnel to prepare the procurement specification that eventually goes to contractors for bids. The model provides the ISD analysts an opportunity to specify such design information as (a) characteristics of the target population who will use the trainer, (b) a list of the training objectives to be achieved using the trainer, (c) a list of the tasks to be practiced and/or acquired on the trainer and a list of the malfunctions to be presented by the trainer for isolation and/or correction, (d) a scenario discussing how the trainer will be used to achieve the specified training objectives, (e) a list of the physical and functional characteristics of the components to be represented on the trainer, and (f) a description of the instructional features required on the trainer to facilitate training objective achievement. When utilized, the model will standardize the communication between ISD and SimSPO personnel. (Author).

Maintenance Training Simulators Prime Item Development Specification

Maintenance Training Simulators Prime Item Development Specification

Author: Ronald J. Hritz


Published: 1985

Total Pages: 418



This document contains a model specification for maintenance training equipment, An accompanying handbook gives instructions on tailoring the specification for a particular application, The specification allows both training and engineering functional requirements to be stated and is designed to facilitate the inclusion of information related to instructional systems development, The specification provides a standard format while avoiding over-specification of requirements or restriction of contractor engineering decisions. The handbook assists the specification preparer in determining appropriate requirements and gives reasons for these requirements. The value appropriate for particular parameters, source documents, and lessons learned in previous acquisition. Keywords: maintenance simulators, model specification, prime item development specification, simulator design, and training devices.

Maintenance Training Simulators Design and Acquisition: Summary of Current Procedures

Maintenance Training Simulators Design and Acquisition: Summary of Current Procedures



Published: 1979

Total Pages: 88



This technical report is the first in a series that will explore the problems of maintenance training simulation design and acquisition. It is focused on the existing procedures followed by Air Force personnel in performing Instructional Systems Development (ISD) analyses to define maintenance training equipment requirements, and by System Program Office (SPO) Training Equipment Acquisition Managers in accomplishing training equipment procurement. Later reports in this series will structure appropriate functional specifications for the acquisition of maintenance training simulators, will present handbooks to guide ISD analysts in selecting appropriate types of maintenance training equipment and in designing and documenting required maintenance training simulator characteristics and features, and to guide SPO Acquisition Managers in preparing Prime Item Specifications. In this report both the ISD and SPO procedures are described as they are currently accomplished. Relevant documentation is cited and a comprehensive bibliography is included. For each of the two sets of procedures, a general decision model is presented as a reference, and general problem areas which appear to be degrading the ultimate cost-effectiveness of maintenance simulators are discussed. (Author).