LTE (long-term evolution) mobile communication system is offering high bitrates in IP communications. Fourth Generation Mobile Communications/LTE describes various aspects of LTE as well as the change of paradigm, which it is bringing to mobile communications. The book is a vital resource for the entire mobile communication community. Coverage includes: LTE standards and architecture, Radio access sub-system, Signaling on the radio path, Macrocells, microcells, femtocells, SIM card and security, SIM card description, GPS driven applications, The Apple model, and much more more.
This book focuses on LTE with full updates including LTE-Advanced (Release-11) to provide a complete picture of the LTE system. Detailed explanations are given for the latest LTE standards for radio interface architecture, the physical layer, access procedures, broadcast, relaying, spectrum and RF characteristics, and system performance. Key technologies presented include multi-carrier transmission, advanced single-carrier transmission, advanced receivers, OFDM, MIMO and adaptive antenna solutions, radio resource management and protocols, and different radio network architectures. Their role and use in the context of mobile broadband access in general is explained, giving both a high-level overview and more detailed step-by-step explanations. This book is a must-have resource for engineers and other professionals in the telecommunications industry, working with cellular or wireless broadband technologies, giving an understanding of how to utilize the new technology in order to stay ahead of the competition. New to this edition: - In-depth description of CoMP and enhanced multi-antenna transmission including new reference-signal structures and feedback mechanisms - Detailed description of the support for heterogeneous deployments provided by the latest 3GPP release - Detailed description of new enhanced downlink control-channel structure (EPDDCH) - New RF configurations including operation in non-contiguous spectrum, multi-bands base stations and new frequency bands - Overview of 5G as a set of well-integrated radio-access technologies, including support for higher frequency bands and flexible spectrum management, massive antenna configurations, and ultra-dense deployments - Covers a complete update to the latest 3GPP Release-11 - Two new chapters on HetNet, covering small cells/heterogeneous deployments, and CoMP, including Inter-site coordination - Overview of current status of LTE release 12 including further enhancements of local-area, CoMP and multi-antenna transmission, Machine-type-communication, Device-to-device communication
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A practical guide to LTE design, test and measurement, this new edition has been updated to include the latest developments This book presents the latest details on LTE from a practical and technical perspective. Written by Agilent’s measurement experts, it offers a valuable insight into LTE technology and its design and test challenges. Chapters cover the upper layer signaling and system architecture evolution (SAE). Basic concepts such as MIMO and SC-FDMA, the new uplink modulation scheme, are introduced and explained, and the authors look into the challenges of verifying the designs of the receivers, transmitters and protocols of LTE systems. The latest information on RF and signaling conformance testing is delivered by authors participating in the LTE 3GPP standards committees. This second edition has been considerably revised to reflect the most recent developments of the technologies and standards. Particularly important updates include an increased focus on LTE-Advanced as well as the latest testing specifications. Fully updated to include the latest information on LTE 3GPP standards Chapters on conformance testing have been majorly revised and there is an increased focus on LTE-Advanced Includes new sections on testing challenges as well as over the air MIMO testing, protocol testing and the most up-to-date test capabilities of instruments Written from both a technical and practical point of view by leading experts in the field
A fully comprehensive introduction to smart grid standardsand their applications for developers, consumers and serviceproviders The critical role of standards for smart grid has already beenrealized by world-wide governments and industrial organizations.There are hundreds of standards for Smart Grid which have beendeveloped in parallel by different organizations. It istherefore necessary to arrange those standards in such a way thatit is easier for readers to easily understand and select aparticular standard according to their requirements without goinginto the depth of each standard, which often spans from hundreds tothousands of pages. The book will allow people in the smart grid areas and in therelated industries to easily understand the fundamental standardsof smart grid, and quickly find the building-block standards theyneed from hundreds of standards for implementing a smart gridsystem. The authors highlight the most advanced works and effortsnow under way to realize an integrated and interoperable smartgrid, such as the “NIST Framework and Roadmap for Smart GridInteroperability Standards Release 2.0”, the” IEC SmartGrid Standardization Roadmap”, the ISO/IEC’s“Smart Grid Standards for Residential Customers”, theZigBee/HomePlug’s “Smart Energy Profile Specification2.0”, IEEE’s P2030 “Draft Guide for Smart GridInteroperability of Energy Technology and Information TechnologyOperation with the Electric Power System (EPS), and End-UseApplications and Loads”, and the latest joint researchproject results between the world’s two largest economies, USand China. The book enables readers to fully understand the latestachievements and ongoing technical works of smart grid standards,and assist industry utilities, vendors, academia, regulators, andother smart grid stakeholders in future decision making. The book begins with an overview of the smart grid, andintroduces the opportunities in both developed and developingcountries. It then examines the standards for power griddomain of the smart grid, including standards for blackoutprevention and energy management, smart transmission, advanceddistribution management and automation, smart substationautomation, and condition monitoring. Communication and securitystandards as a whole are the backbone of smart grid and theirstandards, including those for wired and wireless communications,are then assessed. Finally the authors consider the standards andon-going work and efforts for interoperability and integrationbetween different standards and networks, including the latestjoint research effort between the world’s two largesteconomies, US and China. A fully comprehensive introduction to smart grid standards andtheir applications for developers, consumers and serviceproviders Covers all up-to-date standards of smart grid, including thekey standards from NIST, IEC, ISO ZigBee, IEEE, HomePlug, SAE, andother international and regional standardization organizations. TheAppendix summarizes all of the standards mentioned in the book Presents standards for renewable energy and smart generation,covering wind energy, solar voltaic, fuel cells, pumped storage,distributed generation, and nuclear generation standards. Standardsfor other alternative sources of energy such as geothermal energy,and bioenergy are briefly introduced Introduces the standards for smart storage and plug-in electricvehicles, including standards for distributed energy resources(DER), electric storage, and E-mobility/plug-in vehicles The book is written in an accessible style, ideal as anintroduction to the topic, yet contains sufficient detail andresearch to appeal to the more advanced and specialist reader.
A practical guide to LTE design, test and measurement, this new edition has been updated to include the latest developments This book presents the latest details on LTE from a practical and technical perspective. Written by Agilent’s measurement experts, it offers a valuable insight into LTE technology and its design and test challenges. Chapters cover the upper layer signaling and system architecture evolution (SAE). Basic concepts such as MIMO and SC-FDMA, the new uplink modulation scheme, are introduced and explained, and the authors look into the challenges of verifying the designs of the receivers, transmitters and protocols of LTE systems. The latest information on RF and signaling conformance testing is delivered by authors participating in the LTE 3GPP standards committees. This second edition has been considerably revised to reflect the most recent developments of the technologies and standards. Particularly important updates include an increased focus on LTE-Advanced as well as the latest testing specifications. Fully updated to include the latest information on LTE 3GPP standards Chapters on conformance testing have been majorly revised and there is an increased focus on LTE-Advanced Includes new sections on testing challenges as well as over the air MIMO testing, protocol testing and the most up-to-date test capabilities of instruments Written from both a technical and practical point of view by leading experts in the field
Written by experts actively involved in the 3GPP standards and product development, LTE for UMTS, Second Edition gives a complete and up-to-date overview of Long Term Evolution (LTE) in a systematic and clear manner. Building upon on the success of the first edition, LTE for UMTS, Second Edition has been revised to now contain improved coverage of the Release 8 LTE details, including field performance results, transport network, self optimized networks and also covering the enhancements done in 3GPP Release 9. This new edition also provides an outlook to Release 10, including the overview of Release 10 LTE-Advanced technology components which enable reaching data rates beyond 1 Gbps. Key updates for the second edition of LTE for UMTS are focused on the new topics from Release 9 & 10, and include: LTE-Advanced; Self optimized networks (SON); Transport network dimensioning; Measurement results.
An introduction to technical details related to the Physical Layer of the LTE standard with MATLAB® The LTE (Long Term Evolution) and LTE-Advanced are among the latest mobile communications standards, designed to realize the dream of a truly global, fast, all-IP-based, secure broadband mobile access technology. This book examines the Physical Layer (PHY) of the LTE standards by incorporating three conceptual elements: an overview of the theory behind key enabling technologies; a concise discussion regarding standard specifications; and the MATLAB® algorithms needed to simulate the standard. The use of MATLAB®, a widely used technical computing language, is one of the distinguishing features of this book. Through a series of MATLAB® programs, the author explores each of the enabling technologies, pedagogically synthesizes an LTE PHY system model, and evaluates system performance at each stage. Following this step-by-step process, readers will achieve deeper understanding of LTE concepts and specifications through simulations. Key Features: • Accessible, intuitive, and progressive; one of the few books to focus primarily on the modeling, simulation, and implementation of the LTE PHY standard • Includes case studies and testbenches in MATLAB®, which build knowledge gradually and incrementally until a functional specification for the LTE PHY is attained • Accompanying Web site includes all MATLAB® programs, together with PowerPoint slides and other illustrative examples Dr Houman Zarrinkoub has served as a development manager and now as a senior product manager with MathWorks, based in Massachusetts, USA. Within his 12 years at MathWorks, he has been responsible for multiple signal processing and communications software tools. Prior to MathWorks, he was a research scientist in the Wireless Group at Nortel Networks, where he contributed to multiple standardization projects for 3G mobile technologies. He has been awarded multiple patents on topics related to computer simulations. He holds a BSc degree in Electrical Engineering from McGill University and MSc and PhD degrees in Telecommunications from the Institut Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique, in Canada.