This volume presents a selection of papers presented at a series of three workshops organized by the Network "Written Language and Literacy" as launched by the European Science Foundation. The main topics making up "Writing Development" are: (1) "Writing and literacy acquisition: Links between speech and writing," with contributions by David R. Olson, Claire Blanche-Benveniste, Emilia Ferreiro, Ruth Berman, Liliana Tolchinsky & Ana Teberosky; (2) "Writing and reading in time and culture," with contributions by Collette Sirat, Francoise Desbordes, Harmut Gunther, Peter Koch, & Jean Hebrard: (3) "Written language competence in monolingual and bilingual contexts," with contributions by Michel Fayol & Serge Mouchon, Georges Ludi, & Ludo Verhoeven; (4) "Writing systems, brain structures and languages: A neurolinguistic view," with contributions by Giuseppe Cossu, Heinz Wimmer & Uta Frith, & Brian Butterworth. The volume heads off with an extensive introduction "Studying writing and writing acquisition today: A multidisciplinary view."
This book brings together multiple theoretical perspectives and disciplinary approaches to study the acquisition and development of written language by children as well as the implications for teaching and learning of writing practices in a variety of languages and cultural contexts. Chapters in this contributed volume present both theoretical contributions and results of research carried out with students and teachers from 11 countries (Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Israel, Italy, Mexico, the Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, UK and USA) who speak seven different languages: Portuguese, Spanish, English, Italian, French, Dutch and Hebrew. By bringing together research developed in diverse cultural contexts it enriches the debates in the interdisciplinary field of writing studies by analyzing a wide range of topics at the interface between research and educational implications for the teaching and learning of writing by children. The book consists of five parts, each one addressing a specific set of topics. Part I presents studies on topics related to written language representation systems (phonological and morphological awareness) and on the relationship between grammar and the quality of texts of different genres. Part II includes studies related to compositional processes of writing texts, and the factors involved in these processes. Part III focuses on the difficulties faced by students during the acquisition and development of writing. Part IV is dedicated to chapters that discuss and compare writing practices in different social environments. Finally, chapters in part V deal with teaching and learning of writing in the school setting. Development of Writing Skills in Children in Diverse Cultural Contexts: Contributions to Teaching and Learning will be of interest to researchers and students in the fields of psychology, education and linguistics, as well as to other social scientists in the broader interdisciplinary field of writing studies.
This international handbook gives a comprehensive overview of findings from longstanding and contemporary research, theory, and practices in early childhood education in the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The first volume of the handbook addresses theory, methodology, and the research activities and research needs of particular regions. The second volume examines in detail innovations and longstanding programs, curriculum and assessment, and conceptions and research into child, family and communities. The two volumes of this handbook address the current theory, methodologies and research needs of specific countries and provide insight into existing global similarities in early childhood practices. By paying special attention to what is happening in the larger world contexts, the volumes provide a representative overview of early childhood education practices and research, and redress the current North-South imbalance of published work on the subject.
Now in its second edition, this Handbook offers a comprehensive review of rigorous, innovative, and critical scholarship profiling the scope and terrain of academic inquiry on Latinos and education. Presenting the most significant and potentially influential work in the field in terms of its contributions to research, to professional practice, and to the emergence of related interdisciplinary studies and theory, the volume is now organized around four tighter key themes of history, theory, and methodology; policies and politics; language and culture; teaching and learning. New chapters broaden the scope of theoretical lenses to include intersectionality, as well as coverage of dual language education, discussion around the Latinx, and other recent updates to the field. The Handbook of Latinos and Education is a must-have resource for educational researchers; graduate students; teacher educators; and the broad spectrum of individuals, groups, agencies, organizations, and institutions that share a common interest in and commitment to the educational issues that impact Latinos.
This work examines spoken language as a field of study, looking at the various ways in which we can both theorize the place of talk in education, and examine the way talk is actually done in educational settings. It brings quite different and important perspectives to the study of education. It is relevant to teachers at primary, secondary and tertiary levels and for researchers interested in spoken language in educational contexts.
Although a number of books have appeared on learning disabili ties, we feel that the present book has two distinct features which are not found in most others. It is multidisciplinary and it com bines theory with practice. A group of researchers from the disciplines of Psychology in cluding medical psychology and information processing, Reading, Special Education and Physical Education interacted with each other before and after their presentations in a conference (November 1980, at the University of Alberta, Edmonton, Canada), and then wrote their chapters for this book. We hope that their chapters were enriched by the discussions and arguments which happened in formal and informal settings during the authors' stay in Edmonton. Dr. Leong could not attend the conference, but was asked to write the introductory chapter for the book. The contributors to this volume have been involved with basic research as well as with clinical and educational research in learning disabilities. Some of them have a theoretical rather than a practical interest. However, a serious interest in a handicapping condition perhaps compels one to consider its amelioration no matter how 'pure' is the researcher. It is because of such a feeling.that those who do basic research have sug gested procedures for applying their findings. The result is a balanced product, entailing theory and practice.
A 2023 SPE Outstanding Book Honorable Mention Those who are younger continue to be objects of injustice and inequity; those who are younger, people of color, females, and human beings living in poverty have never been included in equitable performances of justice, care, respect, and fairness. The authors in this international volume use existing social values and institutions--and the strengths of these varied perspectives--to address justice in ways that have not previously been considered. The aim is to create more just worlds for those who are young--as well as for the rest of us. The first set of chapters, Bodies, Beings, and Relations in More Just Worlds, place at the forefront the lives of those who are younger who are commonly situated in positions of invisibility, disqualification, and even erasure. In the second section, Performances of Care and Education for More Just Worlds, the authors acknowledge that needed (re)conceptualizations of those who are younger, along with appreciation for human diversity and entanglements between the so-called human and nonhuman worlds, are the foundations for more just care and education environments. From the critique of neoliberal reform discourses to reconceptualizing human relations with nonhuman animal and material worlds, care and learning environments are rethought. The set of chapters in the final section, Stir of Echoes: 20th Century Childhoods in the 21st, take-up the 20th century critical concerns with constructions of “child” that have dominated and continue to govern perspectives imposed on those who are younger. Suggestions for becoming-with those who are younger through resources like reconceptualist scholarship, Black and Indigenous Studies, and various posthuman perspectives are provided throughout. Whatever the emphasis or focus of a section or chapter, throughout the volume is the recognition that dominant discourses (e.g. neoliberal capitalism, conservativism, progressivism, human exceptionalism) and the policies they create (and that facilitate them), influence possibilities for, and limitations to, more just childhood worlds. Therefore, each section includes chapters that address these complex discourses and policy issues. The reader is invited to engage with these complexities, to become-with the various texts, and to generate unthought possibilities for childhoods in more just worlds. Perfect for courses such as: Curriculum Theory │ Multicultural Education │ Cultural Knowledge of Teachers and Teaching │ Sociocultural Foundations │ Anthropology of Education │ Identity, Agency, and Education │ Race and Ethnic Relations in Schools │ Philosophical Foundations of Education │ Educational Epistemologies │ Theorizing and Researching Teaching and Learning │ Qualitative Research in Education: Paradigms, Theories, and Exemplars │ Epistemologies and Theories in Multicultural and Equity Studies │ Curricular Approaches to Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education │ Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (3) │ Multicultural and Global Perspectives in Teaching and Learning │ Teaching for Social Justice │ Diversity and Equity in Education │ 21st Century Childhood Curriculum │ Childhood and Globalization
Writing and Cognition describes new and diverse work, both by field leaders and by newer researchers, exploring the complex relationships between language, the mind and the environments in which writers work. Chapters range in focus from a detailed analysis of single-word production to the writing of whole texts.