Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice is designed to direct your study of medical terminology by guiding you through an organized approach to step-by-step learning. Author Paula Bostwick has invested her time, research, and talents to help you succeed in learning medical terminology.
"In this edition, Medical Terminology book the text is designed to direct your study of medical terminology by guiding you through an organized approach to step-by-step learning. Author Paula Bostwick has invested her time, research, and talents to help you succeed in learning medical terminology. The format of each chapter is designed to guide you through steps that lead to a full understanding of medical terminology"--
Medical Terminology: Learning Through Practice is designed to direct your study of medical terminology by guiding you through an organized approach to step-by-step learning. Author Paula Bostwick has invested her time, research, and talents to help you succeed in learning medical terminology.
Each chapter in the volume features outlines, objectives, line drawings, pronunciation keys and worksheets for immediate feedback. The book uses word-building and the body-systems approach to teach terminology. Medical records sections relate the content to real-life situations.
The book may be used as a text to support lectures or as an independent student workbook. Today’s visual, learn-at-your-own-pace guide to medical terminology Concise and conversational, Medical Terminology Complete! teaches the most current language of healthcare, using a self-guided, programmed learning approach that has helped thousands of students prepare for health careers. It emphasizes the key medical terms used in hospitals and clinics, while providing only the most essential A&P information. With its interactive format and its wealth of clear definitions, vivid images, practical examples, and challenging exercises, it provides everything students need to become proficient in speaking and understanding the language of medicine. Also available with MyMedicalTerminologyLab This title is also available with MyMedicalTerminologyLab—an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to work with this text to engage students and improve results. Within its structured environment, students practice what they learn, test their understanding, and pursue a personalized study plan that helps them better absorb course material and understand difficult concepts. No matter their learning style, students will build a solid foundation of medical language through MyMedicalTerminologyLab’s interactive games, Dynamic Study Modules, and narrated lectures. NOTE: You are purchasing a standalone product; MyMedicalTerminologyLab does not come packaged with this content. If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MedicalTerminologyLab search for ISBN-10: 0134045645/ISBN-13: 9780134045641. That package includes ISBN-10: 0134042387/ISBN-13: 9780134042381 and ISBN-10: 0134088069/ISBN-13: 9780134088068. MyMedicalTerminologyLab should only be purchased when required by an instructor.
"Acquiring Medical Language, 3e, approaches medical terminology not as words to be memorized but as a language to be learned. If you treat medical terminology as a language and learn how to read terms like sentences, you will be able to communicate clearly as a health care professional and will be a full participant in the culture of medicine. Memorizing definitions is equal to a traveler memorizing a few phrases in another language to help during a brief vacation: it will help a traveler survive for a few days. But if one is going to live in another culture for an extended period of time, learning to speak and understand the language becomes essential"--
New edition of one of the most used texts in medical terminology. Key features are up-to-date content, clearly stated definitions, the generous of illustrations and tables help to clarify content, and learning exercises that provide students with valuable learning reinforcement.
For all courses in medical. This is a true introductory-level “essentials” text focusing solely on medical terminology, and on teaching students how to build and translate medical terms with confidence. Designed to be fun, accessible, and eye-catching, its powerful approach guides students step-by-step through mastering relevant word parts, understanding word roots, and word assembly. To help students learn meanings, correct spelling, pronunciation, and other components of each term, the book contains numerous exercises, tips, and colorful figures for learning and practice. It is flexible enough to be used either in support of lectures, or as an independent student workbook. MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY: GET CONNECTED!, 1/e encourages students to “get connected” to an engaging multimedia experience on, We have done all the work for you! Students log onto Medical Terminology Interative, create their avatar and they are ready to begin! Students will learn in a dynamic, virtual online environment that includes exercises, videos, animations, activities and more! Learning Modules provide core content for learning medical terminology. Users can access Medical Terminology Interactive, anytime, day or night, where they can study on their own and practice their word-building skills.
Medical Language for Modern Health Care, Second Edition, uses Contextual Learning Theory to introduce medical terminology within a healthcare environment. Chapters are broken into lessons that introduce and define terminology through the context of A & P, pathology, and clinical and diagnostic procedures/tests. Each 2-page spread covers one topic at a time, offering contextual content, a Word Analysis and Definition Table, and exercises all in one place. Word Analysis and Definition Tables provide a color-coded guide to word parts and combining forms, as well as definitions and pronunciations. With unfolding patient case studies and documentation, students are introduced to various roles in the healthcare environment, illustrating the real-life application of medical terminology in modern health care while facilitating active learning. Now available with LearnSmart: Medical Terminology and Connect, students and instructors can access all their course materials in one place. Connect provides market-leading content, a proven course architecture, and unmatched flexibility to help students apply the principles in the textbook. LearnSmart is the only individualized, diagnostic study tool that creates a specific learning plan for each student, adapting as they progress through content.
Medical Language Accelerated approaches medical terminology not as words to be memorized but as a language to be learned. If you treat medical terminology as a language and learn how to read terms like sentences, you will be able to communicate clearly as a health care professional and will be a full participant in the culture of medicine. Memorizing definitions is equal to a traveler memorizing a few phrases in another language to help during a brief vacation: It will help a traveler survive for a few days. But if one is going to live in another culture for an extended period of time, learning to speak and understand the language becomes essential.