Featuring a strong emphasis on the fundamentals underlying contemporary logic design using hardware description languages, synthesis and verification, this text focuses on the ever-evolving applications of basic computer design concepts.
Featuring a strong emphasis on the fundamentals underlying contemporary logic design using hardware description languages, synthesis, and verification, this book focuses on the ever-evolving applications of basic computer design concepts with strong connections to real-world technology.
Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design, haslong been hailed for its clear and simple presentation of theprinciples and basic tools required to design typical digitalsystems such as microcomputers. In this Fifth Edition, the authorfocuses on computer design at three levels: the device level, thelogic level, and the system level. Basic topics are covered, suchas number systems and Boolean algebra, combinational and sequentiallogic design, as well as more advanced subjects such as assemblylanguage programming and microprocessor-based system design.Numerous examples are provided throughout the text. Coverage includes: Digital circuits at the gate and flip-flop levels Analysis and design of combinational and sequentialcircuits Microcomputer organization, architecture, and programmingconcepts Design of computer instruction sets, CPU, memory, and I/O System design features associated with popular microprocessorsfrom Intel and Motorola Future plans in microprocessor development An instructor's manual, available upon request Additionally, the accompanying CD-ROM, contains step-by-stepprocedures for installing and using Altera Quartus II software,MASM 6.11 (8086), and 68asmsim (68000), provides valuablesimulation results via screen shots. Fundamentals of Digital Logic and Microcomputer Design is anessential reference that will provide you with the fundamentaltools you need to design typical digital systems.
This book presents the basic concepts used in the design and analysis of digital systems and introduces the principles of digital computer organization and design.
This complete introduction to computer engineering includes the use of the microprocessor as a building block for digital logic design. The authors offer a top-down approach to designing digital systems, with consideration of both hardware and software. They emphasize structured design throughout, and the design methods, techniques, and notations are consistent with this theme. The first part of the book lays the foundation for structured design techniques; the second part provides the fundamentals of microprocessor and up-based design. Topics covered include mixed logic notation, the algorithm state machine, and structured programming techniques with well-documented programs. Contains an abundance of examples and end-of-chapter problems.
This text is for first and second year undergraduates studying the fundamentals of computer engineering, digital logic and microprocessors. Assuming little background in computer systems, the book presents the basics then illustrates them with and examination of 8086 architecture and programming. The intention is to teach digital logic by using programmable logic devices (PLDs) and the CUPL language.
Updated with modern coverage, a streamlined presentation, and an excellent CD-ROM, this fifth edition achieves a balance between theory and application. Author Charles H. Roth, Jr. carefully presents the theory that is necessary for understanding the fundamental concepts of logic design while not overwhelming students with the mathematics of switching theory. Divided into 20 easy-to-grasp study units, the book covers such fundamental concepts as Boolean algebra, logic gates design, flip-flops, and state machines. By combining flip-flops with networks of logic gates, students will learn to design counters, adders, sequence detectors, and simple digital systems. After covering the basics, this text presents modern design techniques using programmable logic devices and the VHDL hardware description language.
Computer Organization and Design Fundamentals takes the reader from the basic design principles of the modern digital computer to a top-level examination of its architecture. This book can serve either as a textbook to an introductory course on computer hardware or as the basic text for the aspiring geek who wants to learn about digital design. The material is presented in four parts. The first part describes how computers represent and manipulate numbers. The second part presents the tools used at all levels of binary design. The third part introduces the reader to computer system theory with topics such as memory, caches, hard drives, pipelining, and interrupts. The last part applies these theories through an introduction to the Intel 80x86 architecture and assembly language. The material is presented using practical terms and examples with an aim toward providing anyone who works with computer systems the ability to use them more effectively through a better understanding of their design.