4 Live關鍵時事新聞 9 Live讀門祕笈 10 動物趣聞 Quokkas: The Marsupial That's All Smiles 短尾矮袋鼠:帶著微笑的有袋動物 14 焦點人物 Anne-Marie: Speaking Her Mind 安瑪莉:有話直說的女「聲」 18 生活情境對話 Clothes 圖解各種服飾 Buying and Taking Care of Clothes 購買和照料衣物 • 英語聽力測驗 22 追本溯源 Handy Little Bands 小小橡皮筋用途多 26 生活訣竅 How to Give Feedback That People Will Listen To 如何給予建設性的回饋 31 唱歌學英語 To Be Young 安瑪莉:〈To Be Young〉 32 旅遊好去處 Rouen: France's Jewel on the Seine 盧昂:法國塞納河上的珍寶 36 克漏字 No Repairs Needed: Kuai Kuai Culture in Taiwan 電腦不乖怎麼辦? 38 健康知識 Red Light, Blue Light 認識紅光和藍光 42 焦點話題 43 翻譯練習 Translation Practice 翻譯練習 46 日常好用句 You're running around like a headless chicken. 你像隻無頭蒼蠅一樣瞎忙。 47 主題式會話 Having Some Christmas Fun 過個好玩的聖誕節 50 大師名作選 A Christmas Dream, and How It Came to Be True 〈聖誕夢成真〉 54 美食文化 Hot Pot—It's Not What You Thought 火鍋——跟你想的不一樣 58 科技與生活 Hired by a Machine Mind 求職新考驗:人工智慧面試官 62 電影快報 64 Movie Trailer English 看預告片學英文 65 General English Proficiency Test 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題 71 GEPT Answer Key 全民英檢中級模擬聽力試題解答 73 Chinese Translation 中文翻譯
〔新聞:時事、新知〕 〔適合對象:準備出國、生活中需要大量使用英語、TOEIC ,TOEFL考試準備者〕 CNN互動英語是全國唯一CNN官方授權,最道地的英語教材,大專院校老師一致推薦。內容豐富含財經政治、文化旅遊、體育娛樂等,每月給提供最新的全球大事,和您一起開啟英語世界的大門! ►購買完整紙本書請上:https://goo.gl/nvvopn The Sensational Seven 席捲全球超級韓流旋風──防彈少年團 The DNA of K-pop Superstars BTS BIANCA NOBILO, “THE BRIEF” This is the biggest boy band in the world: BTS. The group dominates the multibillion-dollar K-pop industry. It’s got seven members, all known for their colorful haircuts, slick dancing and record-breaking album sales. In 2019, they became the first group in history to spend five weeks at No. 1 on the Billboard Artist 100 Chart. Their most recent record sold more than three million copies in South Korea alone, making it the country’s best-selling album of all time. BTS also holds the world record for the most YouTube music video views in 24 hours—a massive 74.6 million. But great success breeds great expectations. The band’s new album comes out on Friday, so expect colossal scrutiny. BTS aren’t overnight stars. The group was manufactured in 2013, created as a hip-hop act by start-up label Big Hit Entertainment. Originally, the name was drawn from the Korean expression bangtan sonyeondan, which roughly translates to Bulletproof Boy Scouts, but then, they began attracting fans in the U.S. and around the world. This is them appearing on Saturday Night Live. In 2017, BTS announced their name would officially stand for Beyond The Scene. The K-pop industry is notoriously high-pressured. To break into it, BTS members assumed stage names and shared details about their work and lives on social media, bringing them ever closer to their legions of fans, and a legion it is—over 24 million followers and counting on Twitter, many of whom are fiercely loyal. And it’s these fans, known as the A.R.M.Y, who’ve driven the band from [a] popular group to global superstars. Many of them stream BTS’ songs constantly to ensure the act keeps breaking records. A.R.M.Y members also run fan websites, pack concert venues and monitor media coverage. Elements of the fandom are notorious. Some of the band’s followers can be sensitive to any perceived slight. But BTS know the importance of that fan base, and they never forget to thank them. RM, BAND LEADER & RAPPER, BTS We’re living the dream. So, I just [have] to say thanks to all of the A.R.M.Ys. They made us. They gave us … they give us force. BIANCA NOBILO, “THE BRIEF” So, what can we expect from BTS’ latest album? Well, watch out for more streaming records to be broken and more stadiums to sell out. While some boy bands struggle with the pressures [of] early success, this group shows no signs of slowing down. 《簡報快訊》 碧安卡.諾比羅 這是全球最紅的男孩團體:防彈少年團。這個團體稱霸價值數十億美元的韓國流行音樂產業。該團體共有七名成員,以其色彩繽紛的髮型、流暢的舞步和破紀錄的專輯銷售量聞名。 二○一九年,他們成為史上第一個雄踞告示牌百大藝人榜首五週的團體。他們最近期的唱片光是在韓國就賣出了三百多萬張,成為該國史上最暢銷專輯。 防彈少年團還保有YouTube音樂影片二十四小時內獲得最多觀看次數的世界紀錄──多達七千四百六十萬次。不過,巨大的成功也帶來了高度的期待。該團的新專輯在本週五推出,可以想見會有很多人睜大眼睛瞧! 防彈少年團並非一夜成名的明星。這個團體於二○一三年成軍,是一家新創唱片公司Big Hit娛樂推出的嘻哈表演團體。起初團名是取自韓語「bangtan sonyeondan」,可粗略翻成防彈少年團,但是後來他們開始吸引美國及世界各地的歌迷。這是他們上《週六夜現場》的畫面。二○一七年,防彈少年團宣布他們的團名正式代表的意義為飛越現狀。 韓國流行音樂產業素以高壓聞名。為了打進這個市場,防彈少年團成員使用藝名,在社群媒體上分享自己工作與生活的點點滴滴,更加拉近他們與粉絲大軍的距離,是軍團無誤──推特上有超過兩千四百萬的追蹤者,而且持續增加中,其中不乏死忠支持者。而且推動這個團體從人氣團體搖身成為國際超級巨星的就是這群人稱A.R.M.Y的歌迷。當中有很多人不間斷地串流播放防彈少年團的歌,確保這個團體能持續創紀錄。A.R.M.Y的成員也經營粉絲網站、塞爆演唱會會場以及密切注意媒體報導。粉絲圈中有些人惡名在外。該團的部分追蹤者對一絲絲的冷落都會感到受傷。但防彈少年團知道那個粉絲群的重要性,而他們也從未忘記表達對他們的感謝。 防彈少年團團長兼饒舌歌手 RM 我們在實現著夢想。我要向所有A.R.M.Y說謝謝。他們成就了我們,他們給我們……他們給予我們力量。 《簡報快訊》 碧安卡.諾比羅 那麼防彈少年團最新的專輯我們可以期待什麼呢?這個嘛,留意一下會有更多的串流紀錄被打破,還有更多場館門票售罄的消息。雖然有些男孩團體因成名早而備感壓力,這個團體卻絲毫沒有走下坡的跡象。 政治 Bernie or Biden? 2020美國大選 民主黨雙雄鹿死誰手? Who Will Face Trump in the 2020 US Presidential Election? 2020年美國大選初選的「超級星期二」,被視為民主黨候選人喬.拜登和伯尼.桑德斯的雙強廝殺。拿下此役的候選人,極有可能代表民主黨,挑戰現任總統川普的大位。 經濟 Viral Impact 新冠病毒蔓延 重創全球經濟 Coronavirus Is Taking Tolls on the Economy around the World 新冠病毒除了對全民健康帶來危害,對全球經濟帶來的衝擊也迅速發酵。旅遊觀光業和運輸業首當其衝,製造業、科技業,甚至娛樂產業也幾乎停擺。 體育 The Games under Threat 新冠病毒疫情燒不停 2020東京奧運確定延期 The Coronavirus Casts a Shadow over the Tokyo Olympics 國際奧會宣布原定7月24日開幕的2020東京奧運最遲延至明年夏季舉行。本則報導回顧主辦單位及運動員因奧運延辦與否所面臨的糾結與掙扎。 娛樂 The Sensational Seven 席捲全球超級韓流旋風──防彈少年團 The DNA of K-pop Superstars BTS 韓流團體BTS不只紅遍亞洲,更擄獲歐美粉絲的心。成軍於2013的BTS,至今人氣絲毫沒有減弱的跡象,仍在不斷改寫各項紀錄。 科學 Not Just ArmStrong 想當太空人?你得克服這些挑戰 The Mental and Physical Skills Required to Be an Astronaut 想成為太空人需要符合哪些生理及心理層面的條件,又會面臨哪些令人意想不到的挑戰呢?美國太空總署的科學家來解答。 環境 The Melting Point 地球冰庫解凍中!南極融冰速度創新高 Antarctica Sees Its Hottest Day on Record 南極在今年2月歷經破紀錄高溫,接連9天的熱浪導致大片覆雪融化,恐對全球環境造成不可逆的傷害。 社會 Swarm of the Worlds 東非蝗災肆虐 千萬人面臨糧食危機 Locusts Devastate Farmland and Crops in East Africa 沙漠蝗蟲大舉入侵東非。專家估計,光是小型蟲群,每天吃掉的作物量就可供3萬5千人食用,對本來就缺乏糧食的非洲國家而言無疑是雪上加霜。 藝文 The Highland Harmony 悠揚的高地之聲:蘇格蘭風笛 The Bagpipes: The Iconic Traditional Instrument of Scotland 風笛的樂聲高亢悠揚,是蘇格蘭高地民族的代表樂器,但要用它吹出聲音可不是一件容易的事! 生活 Age of No Touch 防疫社交禮儀 從「不握手」開始 Practicing Good Etiquette during the Coronavirus Crisis 接觸傳染是新冠病毒的傳染途徑之一,專家呼籲應避免握手等社交接觸,各種取而代之的創意問候法也應運而生。 旅遊 Treading around Tinseltown 轉角遇到大明星 五光十色洛杉磯 Discovering the Showbiz Magic of Downtown LA 洛杉磯是好萊塢的所在地,眾多影視景點讓影迷們趨之若騖,還有可能在路上見到大明星! CNN 全球瞭望 Bob Iger Steps Down from Disney 迪士尼執行長鮑伯.艾格辭職 AI Antibiotic Breakthrough 人工智慧找出強效抗生素 Maria Sharapova Retires 瑪麗亞.莎拉波娃宣布退休 全方位搞懂CNN Movie Mogul Harvey Weinstein Convicted Me Too 運動里程碑 電影大亨哈維.溫斯坦遭定罪 CNN主編教你唸 經典男孩團體
每日一句 Smartphones 手機相關用語 本月焦點 In a Park 公園 Spending Time in a Park 一起玩公園 品格英語 There's More to You Than Just Your Looks 比外表更重要的事 世界好望角 Extreme Fans on the Internet 網路鐵粉停看聽 活用ABC Travel English: Flying Abroad 旅遊英語:搭機出國一路通 畫中有話 Using a Laundromat 自助洗衣 文法補給站 Valentine's Day 情人節 Checking Plans 確認計畫 流行最前線 The NBA All-Star Game: A Game Full of Stars 眾星雲集的 NBA 全明星賽 短篇故事集 The Ruined Man Who Became Rich Again Through a Dream 〈破產商人因夢致富的故事〉 安妮信箱 Don't Judge a Book by Its Cover 勿以貌取人 克漏字測驗 No More His and Hers Towels at Wimbledon 溫布頓網球賽打破性別刻板印象 悠遊文化 Light Up the Night with the Lantern Festival 點亮夜空的元宵燈火 小地方大玩意 A Farm in the Clouds— Qingjing Farm 霧上桃源――清境農場 ABC 長知識 Do Fish Sleep? 會睡覺嗎? 聽說圖寫 Returning Goods 商品退貨 本月之星 蕭子墨
Based on three case studies from the Middle East, The Land beyond the Border advances an innovative theoretical framework for the study of state expansions and state contractions. Johannes Becke argues that state expansion can be theorized according to four basic ideal types—a form of patronage (patronization), the imposition of a satellite regime (satellization), the establishment of territorial exclaves (exclavization), or a full-fledged takeover (incorporation). Becke discusses how both irredentist ideologies and political realities have shaped the dynamics of state expansion and state contraction in the recent history of each state. By studying Israel comparatively with other Middle Eastern regimes, this book forms part of an emerging research agenda seeking to bring the research fields of Israel Studies and Middle East Studies closer together. Instead of treating Israel's rule over the occupied territories as an isolated case, Becke offers students the chance to understand Israel's settlement project within the broader framework of postcolonial state formation.
In this book Susan Grove Eastman presents a fresh and innovative exploration of Paul's participatory theology in conversation with both ancient and contemporary conceptions of the self. Juxtaposing Paul, ancient philosophers, and modern theorists of the person, Eastman opens up a conversation that illuminates Paul's thought in new ways and brings his voice into current debates about personhood.
A fascinating look at the cutting-edge science and technologies that are on the cusp of changing everything from where we’ll live, how we’ll look, and who we’ll be, by the popular science broadcaster and bestselling author Jay Ingram. Where will we live? How will we get around? What will we look like? These are just some of the questions bestselling author and popular science broadcaster Jay Ingram answers in this exciting examination of the science and technologies that will affect every aspect of human life. In these pages, Ingram explores the future of our technological civilization. He reports on cutting-edge research in organ and limb regeneration, advances in prosthetics, the merging of the human and the synthetic, and gene editing. Vertical farming and lab-grown food might help feed millions and alleviate pressure on the planet. Cities could accommodate green space and the long-awaited flying car. Finally, he speculates on the future of artificial general intelligence, even artificial superintelligence, as well as our place on Earth and in the universe. The potential impact of these developments in science and technology will be powerful and wide-ranging, complicated by ethics and social equity. And they will inevitably revolutionize every aspect of life and even who we are. This is The Future of Us.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) has the potential to address some of the biggest challenges in education today, innovate teaching and learning practices, and ultimately accelerate the progress towards SDG 4. However, these rapid technological developments inevitably bring multiple risks and challenges, which have so far outpaced policy debates and regulatory frameworks. This publication offers guidance for policy-makers on how best to leverage the opportunities and address the risks, presented by the growing connection between AI and education. It starts with the essentials of AI: definitions, techniques and technologies. It continues with a detailed analysis of the emerging trends and implications of AI for teaching and learning, including how we can ensure the ethical, inclusive and equitable use of AI in education, how education can prepare humans to live and work with AI, and how AI can be applied to enhance education. It finally introduces the challenges of harnessing AI to achieve SDG 4 and offers concrete actionable recommendations for policy-makers to plan policies and programmes for local contexts. [Publisher summary, ed]
The perfect gift! A specially priced, beautifully designed hardcover edition of The Joy of the Gospel with a foreword by Robert Barron and an afterword by James Martin, SJ. “The joy of the gospel fills the hearts and lives of all who encounter Jesus… In this Exhortation I wish to encourage the Christian faithful to embark upon a new chapter of evangelization marked by this joy, while pointing out new paths for the Church’s journey in years to come.” – Pope Francis This special edition of Pope Francis's popular message of hope explores themes that are important for believers in the 21st century. Examining the many obstacles to faith and what can be done to overcome those hurdles, he emphasizes the importance of service to God and all his creation. Advocating for “the homeless, the addicted, refugees, indigenous peoples, the elderly who are increasingly isolated and abandoned,” the Holy Father shows us how to respond to poverty and current economic challenges that affect us locally and globally. Ultimately, Pope Francis demonstrates how to develop a more personal relationship with Jesus Christ, “to recognize the traces of God’s Spirit in events great and small.” Profound in its insight, yet warm and accessible in its tone, The Joy of the Gospel is a call to action to live a life motivated by divine love and, in turn, to experience heaven on earth. Includes a foreword by Robert Barron, author of Catholicism: A Journey to the Heart of the Faith and James Martin, SJ, author of Jesus: A Pilgrimage