In her latest book, Life in Citiations: Biblical Narratives and Contemporary Hebrew Culture, Ruth Tsoffar studies several key biblical narratives that figure prominently in Israeli culture. Life in Citations provides a close reading of these narratives, along with works by contemporary Hebrew Israeli artists that respond to them. Together they read as a modern commentary on life with text, or even life under the rule of its verses, to answer questions like How can we explain the fascination and intense identification of Israelis with the Bible? What does it mean to live in such close proximity with the Bible, and What kind of story can such a life tell?
Life Span Motor Development, Seventh Edition With HKPropel Access, is a leading text for helping students examine and understand how interactions of the developing and maturing individual, the environment, and the task being performed bring about changes in a person’s movements. This model of constraints approach, combined with an unprecedented collection of video clips marking motor development milestones, facilitates an unmatched learning experience for the study of motor development across the life span. The seventh edition expands the tradition of making the student’s experience with motor development an interactive one. Related online learning tools delivered through HKPropel include more than 190 video clips marking motor development milestones to sharpen observation techniques, with interactive questions and 47 lab activities to facilitate critical thinking and hands-on application. The lab activities may be assigned and tracked by instructors through HKPropel, along with chapter quizzes (assessments) that are automatically graded to test comprehension of critical concepts. The text also contains several updates to keep pace with the changing field: Content related to physcial growth and development of the skeletal, muscle, and adipose systems is reorganized chronologically for a more logical progression. New material on developmental motor learning demonstrates the overlap between the disciplines of motor development and motor learning. New insights into motor competence help explain the relationship between skill development and physical fitness. The text helps students understand how maturational age and chronological age are distinct and how functional constraints affect motor skill development and learning. It shows how the four components of physical fitness—cardiorespiratory endurance, strength, flexibility, and body composition—interact to affect a person’s movements over the life span, and describes how relevant social, cultural, psychosocial, and cognitive influences can affect a person’s movements. This edition comes with 148 illustrations, 60 photos, and 25 tables—all in full color—to help explain concepts and to make the text more engaging for students. It also retains helpful learning aids including chapter objectives, a running glossary, key points, sidebars, and application questions throughout each chapter. Life Span Motor Development, Seventh Edition, embraces an interactive and practical approach to illustrate the most recent research in motor development. Students will come away with a firm understanding of the concepts and how they apply to real-world situations. Note: A code for accessing HKPropel is not included with this ebook but may be purchased separately.
Creating an exceptionally student-friendly textbook in psychology isn’t just about making the chapters shorter and pages more colorful. It’s about using that type of format to provide a clear portrait of psychological science, concise but not oversimplified, all while continually answering the recurring student question: “What does this have to do with me?” David Myers’ brief introduction to psychology, Psychology in Everyday Life, certainly does offer brief, easily manageable chapters and a colorful, image-rich design (both shaped by extensive research, class testing, and instructor/student feedback). But what makes it such an exceptional text is what flows through those chapters—rich presentations of psychology’s core concepts and field-defining research, examined in context of the everyday lives of all kinds of people around the world and communicated in the captivating storyteller’s voice that is instantly recognizable as Myers’. The new edition of Psychology in Everyday Life offers an extraordinary amount of new research, effective new inquiry-based study tools, and further design innovations, all while maintaining its trademark brevity and clean layout. And it is accompanied by an innovative media/supplements of the same scope as all of David Myers’ more comprehensive textbooks.
This new ASIST monograph is the first to comprehensively address the history, theory, and practical applications of citation analysis, a field which has grown from Garfield's seed of an idea, and to examine its impact on scholarly research forty years after its inception. In bringing together the analyses, insights, and reflections of more than thirty-five leading lights, editors Cronin and Atkins have produced both a comprehensive survey of citation indexing and its applications and a beautifully-realized tribute to Eugene Garfield and his vision, in honor of his seventy-fifth birthday.
Traducción parcial de la Introducción: "En la actualidad, la evaluación de la investigaciones es una cuestión que se está replanteando en todo el mundo. En algunos casos, los trabajos de investigación están generando resultados muy buenos, en la mayoría de los casos los resultados son mediocres, y en algunos casos negativos. Por todo esto, la evaluación de los resultados de la investigación se convierte en una condición sine qua non. Cuando el número de investigadores eran menos, eran los propios colegas de profesión quienes evaluaban la investigación. Con el paso del tiempo, el número de investigadores aumentó, las áreas de investigación proliferaron, los resultados de la investigación se multiplicaron. La tendencia continuó y después de la Segunda Guerra Mundial, la investigación comenzó a crecer exponencialmente. Hoy en día, incluso en una estimación moderada hay alrededor de más de un millón de investigadores y producen más de dos millón de trabajos de investigación y otros documentos por año. En este contexto, la evaluación de la investigación es una cuestión de primera importancia. Para cualquier promoción, acreditación, premio y beca puede haber decenas o cientos de nominados. De entre éstos, seleccionar el mejor candidato es una cuestión difícil de determinar. Las evaluaciones inter pares en muchos casos están demostrando ser subjetivas. En 1963 se crea Science Citation Index (SCI) que cubre la literatura científica desde 1961. Unos años después, Eugene Garfield, fundador del SCI, preparó una lista de los 50 autores científicos más citados basándose en las citas que recibía el trabajo de un autor por parte de los trabajos de otros colegas de investigación. El documento titulado "¿Pueden predecirse los ganadores del Premio Nobel? 'Fue publicado en 1968 (Garfield y Malin, 1968). En el siguiente año es decir, 1969, dos científicos que figuran en la lista, por ejemplo, Derek HR Barton y Murray Gell-Mann recibieron el codiciado premio. Esto reivindicó la utilidad del análisis de citas. Cada año, varios científicos pertenecientes al campo de la Física, Química, Fisiología y Medicina reciben el Premio Nobel. De esta manera el análisis de citas se convirtió en una herramienta útil. Sin embargo, el análisis de citas siempre tuvo críticas y múltiples fallas. Incluso Garfield comentó - "El Uso del análisis de citas de los trabajos de evaluación es una tarea difícil. Existen muchas posibilidades de error '(Garfiled, 1983). Para la evaluación de la investigación, se necesitaban algunos otros indicadores. El análisis de citas, junto con la revisión por pares garantiza el mejor juicio en innumerables casos. Pero se necesita algo que sea más exacto. La llegada de la World Wide Web (WWW) brindó la oportunidad; pues un buen número de indicadores se están generando a partir de los datos disponibles en la WWW". (Trad. Julio Alonso Arévalo. Univ. Salamanca).
Presents a unique and carefully researched introduction to the practical and theoretical concepts of information science and examines the impact of the Information Age on society and its institutions. Drawing on recent research into the field, as well as from scholarly and trade publications, the monograph provides a brief history of information science and coverage of key topics, including communications and cognition, information retrieval, bibliometrics, modeling, economics, information policies, and the impact of information technology on modern management. An essential volume for graduate students, practitioners, and any professional who needs a solid grounding in the field of information science.