
Publisher: Odile Jacob


Total Pages: 287

ISBN-13: 2738185487


Hearing, Speech, and Communication Disorders

Hearing, Speech, and Communication Disorders

Author: Information Center for Hearing Speech and Disorders

Publisher: Springer Science & Business Media

Published: 2012-12-06

Total Pages: 779

ISBN-13: 147570626X


Information analysis centers were developed to help the scientist and practitioner cope with the ever increasing mass of published and unpublished information in a specific field. Their establishment resulted from a further extension of those pressures that had brought about the formation of the specialized primary journal and the abstracting services at the turn of the century. The information analysis center concept was greatly advanced by the 1963 report of the President's Science Advisory Committee Panel on Science Information. This report stated: " . . . scientific interpreters who can collect relevant data, review a field, and distill information in a manner that goes to the heart of a technical situation are more help to the overburdened specialist than is a mere pile of relevant docu ments. " Such specialized information centers are operated in closest possible contact with working scientists in the field. These centers not only furnish information about ongoing research and dis seminate and retrieve information but also create new information and develop new methods of infor mation analysis, synthesis, and dissemination. The continually expanding biomedical literature produced by scientists from the world's laboratories, research centers, and medical centers led the National Institute of Neurological Diseases and Stroke in 1964 to initiate a National Neurological Information Network of specialized centers for neurological information. The Centers are designed to bring under control and to promote ready access to important segments of the literature.

Language and Emotion. Volume 2

Language and Emotion. Volume 2

Author: Gesine Lenore Schiewer

Publisher: Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co KG

Published: 2022-11-07

Total Pages: 932

ISBN-13: 3110670887


The series Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science is designed to illuminate a field which not only includes general linguistics and the study of linguistics as applied to specific languages, but also covers those more recent areas which have developed from the increasing body of research into the manifold forms of communicative action and interaction.

Troubles de l'apprentissage chez l'enfant

Troubles de l'apprentissage chez l'enfant

Author: LENOBLE Evelyne

Publisher: Lavoisier

Published: 2014-01-15

Total Pages: 206

ISBN-13: 225770584X


Les chemins qu’empruntent les enfants pour apprendre gardent toujours une part de mystère et réservent nombre de surprises, le plus souvent fort agréables. Lorsque des embûches se présentent, lorsque l’enfant peine pour apprendre, les parents, l’entourage familial ou éducatif au sens large ainsi que les enseignants, sont bien souvent pris au dépourvu. L’appel aux professionnels de santé est devenu un recours incontournable, dès que des « difficultés d’apprentissage » sont repérées chez un enfant. Écouter, observer... pour pouvoir aider au mieux, voici le défi auquel sont confrontés les soignants en collaboration avec la famille et l’équipe enseignante. Les auteurs de cet ouvrage – pédopsychiatres, psychologues, orthophonistes – s’appuient sur une longue expérience clinique de consultation hospitalière spécialisée dédiée aux troubles du langage et des apprentissages chez l’enfant (centre référent). L’enjeu d’un bilan pluridisciplinaire réalisé dans ce cadre est de proposer une analyse approfondie des difficultés, et de dégager, à partir des observations recueillies, des points d’appui et des leviers afin d’orienter les actions thérapeutiques et les remédiations dont pourra bénéficier l’enfant en difficulté. Les nombreuses vignettes cliniques décrivant le parcours des enfants au sein de ce centre référent ainsi que la description des outils de travail clinique utilisés, feront partager au lecteur l’expérience quotidienne de l’équipe d’auteurs cliniciens. Largement illustré par des cas cliniques évocateurs, ce livre intéressera tous les acteurs du soin – équipes de proximité (CMP, CMPP, SESSAD... ), équipes hospitalières spécialisées et praticiens libéraux (orthophonistes, psychologues, psychomotriciens, ergothérapeutes, psychopédagogues, pédiatres, pédopsychiatres, neuropédiatres...) – ainsi que les acteurs des champs pédagogique, éducatif et associatif, engagés auprès des enfants, sans oublier les familles.

Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning

Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning

Author: Michael Byram

Publisher: Routledge

Published: 2013-06-26

Total Pages: 856

ISBN-13: 113623554X


The Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning is an authoritative reference dealing with all aspects of this increasingly important field of study. Offering a comprehensive range of articles on contemporary language teaching and its history, it has been produced specifically for language teaching professionals and as a reference work for academic studies at postgraduate level. In this new edition, every single entry has been reviewed and updated with reference to new developments and publications. Coverage has been expanded to reflect new technological, global and academic developments, with particular attention to areas such as online and distance learning, teacher and learner cognition, testing, assessment and evaluation, global English and teacher education. Themes and disciplines covered include: Methods and materials, including new technologies and materials development Contexts and concepts, such as mediation, risk-taking in language learning and intercomprehension Influential figures from the early days of language teaching to the contemporary Related disciplines, such as psychology, anthropology and corpus linguistics It covers the teaching of specific languages, including Japanese, Chinese, Arabic and African languages, as well as English, French, German and Spanish. There are thirty five overview articles dealing with issues such as communicative language teaching, early language learning, teacher education and syllabus and curriculum design. A further 160 entries focus on topics such as bilingualism, language laboratories and study abroad. Numerous shorter items examine language and cultural institutions, professional associations and acronyms. Multiple cross-references enable the user to browse from one entry to another, and there are suggestions for further reading. Written by an international team of specialists, the Routledge Encyclopedia of Language Teaching and Learning is an invaluable resource and reference manual for anyone with a professional or academic interest in the subject.

Current Catalog

Current Catalog

Author: National Library of Medicine (U.S.)



Total Pages: 1712



First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.

Syndromes épileptiques de l'enfant et de l'adolescent - 5eme edition

Syndromes épileptiques de l'enfant et de l'adolescent - 5eme edition

Author: Bureau Michelle

Publisher: John Libbey Eurotext

Published: 2013-09-11

Total Pages: 667

ISBN-13: 2742011226


Un DVD inclus avec des séquences vidéos inédites pour chaque chapitre ! L’épileptologie change, et les approches syndromiques sont maintenant complétées par une approche étiologique fondée sur les progrès considérables en génétique. Une approche purement « électro-clinique » n’est plus adaptée aujourd’hui dans bien des cas. Cette 5e édition du « Guide bleu » fait le point sur les plus récents progrès. Ainsi, la structure du livre a un peu évolué, laissant plus de place aux approches : - physiologiques - épidémiologiques - génétiques - thérapeutique Néanmoins, la description des syndromes épileptiques reste au cœur de cet ouvrage. La diversité des contributeurs – coordinateurs et auteurs – confère à ce livre des qualités d’objectivité et de sérieux qui en font la réputation depuis maintenant près de 30 ans.

Speech and Language Impairments in Children

Speech and Language Impairments in Children

Author: Dorothy V.M Bishop

Publisher: Psychology Press

Published: 2014-04-23

Total Pages: 320

ISBN-13: 1317715829


Delayed development of speech and/or language is one of the commonest reasons for parents of preschool children to seek the advice of a paediatrician. Accessible to non-academic Speech and Language Impairments provides an overview of recent research developments in specific speech and language impairments, written by experts in the field. Topics include normal and disordered development of problems , crosslinguistic studies, pragmatic language impairments, early identification, educational and psychiatric outcomes, acquired epileptic aphasia and experimental studies of remediation. The book concludes with a chapter by Michael Rutter that gives guidelines for conducting and evaluating research in this field.