Tolstoy's Major Fiction

Tolstoy's Major Fiction

Author: Edward Wasiolek

Publisher: University of Chicago Press

Published: 1978

Total Pages: 264

ISBN-13: 0226873986


"Edward Wasiolek, after much valuable work on Dostoevsky, has now written one of the best books on Tolstoy in recent decades. This may be in part because of his preoccupation with Tolstoy's most challenging contemporary, and the resulting sense of their unlikeness in a common pursuit. But there are other, unspeculative reasons. Few studies of Tolstoy have been so carefully pondered and so firmly organized to convince; and not so many show the flexibility and variety of its approach. Wasiolek proposes an essentially simple and consistent reading, but he advances it with subtlety and discretion."—Henry Gifford, Times Literary Supplement



Author: Rosamund Bartlett

Publisher: Houghton Mifflin Harcourt

Published: 2011

Total Pages: 581

ISBN-13: 0151014388


Born into an aristocratic family, Tolstoy had spent his life rebelling not only against conventional ideas about literature and art but also against traditional education, family life, organized religion, and the state. In this exceptional biography, Bartlett delivers an eloquent portrait of the brilliant, maddening, and contrary man who has been discovered by a new generation of readers.

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi: 1895-1899

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi: 1895-1899

Author: graf Leo Tolstoy


Published: 1917

Total Pages: 456



The ultimate meaning of the Russian Revolution which took place in March, 1917, can be best understood through the pages of the Journal of Leo Tolstoi which is here printed. The spiritual qualities which make up the mind and personality of Tolstoi are the spiritual qualities which make up the new era among men which is being waged so painfully and so uncompromisingly at the present moment on the soil of Russia. One holds the key to the other, for no land but Russia could have produced a Tolstoi, and in no land but Russia could Tolstoi have been so embraced and so absorbed.They are both flesh of each other's flesh, and I place them equally in greatness against each other. Great and wonderful as is the Russian people, so Tolstoi was as great and wonderful as the Russian people. I say this knowing well the pain and impatience both felt for each other in the long eighty-two years of Tolstoi's life here, but it was the pain and the impatience of great love and infinite understanding, of feeling and knowing each other's pulse-beats, and not the misunderstanding of strangers.

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi 1895~1899 (Abridged)

The Journal of Leo Tolstoi 1895~1899 (Abridged)

Author: Leo Tolstoy


Published: 2021-06-07

Total Pages: 237



Originally published immediately after the Russian revolution, this translation of Tolstoy's 1895-1899 journals is remarkable for what it captures of both the time and the man. In it, he wrestles with God, the nature of consciousness, love, marriage, religion, socialism, writing, and the nature of reality. "Now I am an ordinary man, L. N. (Tolstoi), and animal, and now I am the messenger of God. I am all the time the same man." "There is no greater prop for a selfish, peaceful life, than the occupation of art for art’s sake." Nearing 70, he was also struggling with his health and frequent bouts of depression. Yet the power of his intellect and his forceful persistence in trying to understand his life come through in nearly every page. Increasingly radical in his thinking, he never fails to fascinate, even while indulging in the very weaknesses he deplores. A remarkable document of a remarkable life, this book includes a lengthy introduction, biographical material on Tolstoy, and notes about the writing he was working on in this period. For less than you'd spend on gas going to the library, this long out-of-print volume is available as an affordable, well-formatted book for e-readers and smartphones. Be sure to LOOK INSIDE by clicking the cover above or download a sample.

Tolstoy on the Couch

Tolstoy on the Couch

Author: Daniel Rancour-Laferriere

Publisher: Springer

Published: 1998-07-08

Total Pages: 279

ISBN-13: 1349147796


In his 1889 novella The Kreutzer Sonata Lev Tolstoy declared war on human sexuality. Having fathered thirteen children by his wife and at least two children by peasant women, the great Russian writer now has the arrogance to suggest that people should stop having children. Psychoanalysis of Tolstoy's diaries and other private materials reveals that Tolstoy's anti-sex position was grounded in a sadistic attitude towards women (including his wife Sonia) and a punishing, masochistic attitude towards himself. These feelings, in turn, were related to the trauma of maternal loss in Tolstoy's early childhood.



Author: graf Leo Tolstoy


Published: 2017-07-30

Total Pages: 548

ISBN-13: 9781521974339


L�on Tolsto� est un �crivain c�l�bre surtout pour ses romans et nouvelles qui d�peignent la vie du peuple russe � l'�poque des tsars, mais aussi pour ses essais, dans lesquels il prenait position par rapport aux pouvoirs civils et eccl�siastiques et voulait mettre en lumi�re les grands enjeux de la civilisation.Apr�s ses deux grands romans, Guerre et Paix, oeuvre mythique et incontournable de la litt�rature russe et Anna Kar�nine, roman qui l'a rendu c�l�bre, RESURRECTION se veut �tre son dernier grand roman mais aussi malheureusement, l'un des moins connu : un vrai chef d'oeuvre philosophique qui contient tout. Sup�rieur � Anna Kar�nine ; il n'a rien � envier � Guerre et Paix dont il est profond�ment diff�rent.Ce roman, en effet, m�ne une profonde r�flexion sur la justice, le sens de la vie mais sans aborder la religion. En effet, Tolsto� s'interroge sur les fondements de nos soci�t�s, leur fonctionnement, leur justice. Il remet tout � plat, et il fonde tout son raisonnement sur l'enseignement du Nouveau Testament. C'est en cela que la morale jaillit, mais celle-ci n'amoindrit en rien ce roman et m�me le renforce.C'est certainement le roman de Tolsto� le plus facile � lire contrairement � "Anna Kar�nine" ou "Guerre et paix". L'histoire suit, en g�n�ral, un seul personnage et sa qu�te pour r�tablir une erreur de son pass�. C'est donc un roman sur la r�demption, co�te que co�te et sur les cons�quences que peuvent avoir nos gestes aussi bien nos actions conscientes qu'inconscientes avec un style impeccable et des descriptions pr�cises et justes. Grand roman de fin de si�cle (1899), "R�surrection" a longtemps �t� jug� comme le plus faible des romans de Tolsto� mais il est de plus en plus r�habilit�. Et pour cause! C'est une histoire beaucoup plus puissante qu'elle ne para�t au premier abord et l'�criture est tout simplement parfaite.R�sum� : Nekhlioudov est un aristocrate russe du dix-neuvi�me si�cle. Trentenaire, il a men� jusqu'� pr�sent une vie de jeune homme libre et d�cid� � jouir de la vie, mais, se retournant sur son pass�, il y voit une existence de d�bauch� qu'il regrette am�rement. Jeune militaire respect�, le prince Dimitri Ivanovitch Nekhlioudov retourne go�ter � la vie civile quelque temps dans une riche ville de province pr�s de Nijni Novgorod. Il m�ne une vie agr�able entre les r�ceptions mondaines, ses nombreux amis, un mariage arrang� avec une fille de famille noble et l'esprit serein dans l'attente d'un brillant avenir dans l'arm�e. Durant son s�jour en ville, il est convoqu� au tribunal afin d'y exercer son devoir de jur�. Parmi les accus�s figure son premier amour, la belle Maslova qu'il a abandonn�. Maslova a d� fuir la maison des tantes de Nekhlioudov chez qui elle travaillait en tant que domestique afin de pouvoir subvenir aux besoins de leur enfant. Celui-ci mort-n�, Maslova se prostitue pour survivre............................Vous retrouverez tous nos livres en tapant � ebouquin � dans le moteur de recherche.